広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 62
published_at 2013-12-20

21世紀初頭における学校教員の供給構造の変化 : 国立と私立の需要変化への対応

Changing Supply Structure of School Teachers in the 2010's : Different response between national and private education colleges
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the changing structure of education of school teachers for sixty years in Japan.

After the WW II, teacher education system was changed to "open system", where any graduates of any kind of colleges and schools can get teacher licenses. However, national colleges of education supplied many new teachers in compulsory schools.

During several waves of teacher shortage and surplus, national colleges of education experienced restructuring. However, teacher demands are growing, they are in process of expanding capacities. Also, private colleges of education are newly established and expanding their programs and student capacities. In near future, they will recruit more than half of the new teachers. We will see new structure of teacher education system; national colleges of education,private colleges of education and liberal arts colleges with teacher education programs.
teacher education
college of education
teacher supply
national and private