広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 55 号
2007-03-28 発行

沖縄津堅島方言における「に」格助詞相当助詞の記述的研究 : 動作・作用成立に関与する対象・結果・目的表示機能を中心に

A Descriptive Study of the Tsuken Dialect Case Particles [ni], [Nka], and [ʃi] which are Equivalent to the Japanese Case Particle [ni] : The Function of Marking Entities, Results, and Purpose which are Concerned with Formation, Operation, and Action
又吉 里美
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This paper surveys the Tsuken island dialect of Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. This paper researches the case particles [ni], [Nka], and [ʃi] which are equivalent to the Japanese case particle [ni]. The following five points are elucidated: 1) The three case particles [ni], [Nka], and [ʃi] are distinguished in usage. 2) When used with a verb with the character of "movement", all three particles are used. [ni] is used when the entity is a person. [Nka] is used when the entity is non-human. [ʃi] is used when emphasising directionality. [Nka] and [ʃi] both have ties to the locative case. 3) Tsuken dialect [ni], [Nka], and [ʃi] stand in the same relationship with [tu] as Standard Japanese [ni] does with [to]. 4) In the function of marking an entity, [ni], [Nka], and [ʃi] have the function of marking the aim of or partner in an action, and form a one-sided relationship with the target. On the other hand, [tu] has the function of marking the partner in joint work and those who operate together. 5) In the function of expressing result, a null-particle, [Nka], and [ʃi] have the function of marking the result of a unidirectional change or an essential change. On the other hand, [tu] has the function of marking the result of bidirectional or mechanical change.
The Tsuken dialect
Case particle
Function of marking entities
Function of marking result
Function of marking purpose