幼年教育研究年報 Volume 44
published_at 2022-10-25

子どもの行動に対する親の認知が養育態度に及ぼす影響 : 母親の感情状態を媒介要因として

The effect of parental cognition of child behavior on parenting styles: considering the mediation of mothers’ emotional state
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In recent years, child abuse has become a social problem in Japan, and it has become urgent to adopt measures to prevent it. In this study, we focused on parenting styles in order to examine the factors related to parents. We classified parenting attitudes into three categories, and investigated how the mother’s cognition of the child’s behavior mediates emotions, and affects parenting attitude. Results showed that the more mothers recognize that the child is responsible for his/her own troubled behavior, the more it affects the authoritarian and permissive parenting attitudes, through hostility, depression, and anxiety. The findings also suggested that the mother’s cognition mediates emotions, and influences parenting attitude. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the scale of parenting attitude, and clarify the mechanism that influences different emotions and parenting attitude, even with the same cognition of parents.
parent’s cognition
emotion to child
parenting styles
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