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2019-10-15 発行
Quality Issues in Early Childhood Education and Care in Germany: Lessons learnt from recent Research
Viernickel Susanne
PP. 5 - 13
Quality Matters in Vietnamese Early Childhood Education: The Situation and the Challenge
Hang Dinh Thi Thu
PP. 15 - 21
ECEC Quality in Japan
Nakatsubo Fuminori
PP. 23 - 27
高学歴女性の仕事と育児や家事の鼎立を阻む社会的状況 : うえの式質的分析法を用いて
Why highly educated Japanese women are not playing a more active role in society: A case study using Ueno’s qualitative analysis method
加藤 望
中坪 史典
PP. 31 - 40
The kindergarteners find new materials in the sand pit: An analysis of children’s behavior using “niche” tools
金子 嘉秀
PP. 41 - 52
絵本でふれるアイヌ文化 : 子どもと保育者の感想の分析から
Ainu culture in picture books: Analyzing the impressions of children and teachers
島津 礼子
掛 志穂
君岡 智央
大場 由美子
七木田 敦
PP. 53 - 60
Trends and Issues of Research on Resigning and Human Resource Development of Novice Early Childhood Education and Care Teachers in Japan
濱名 潔
中坪 史典
PP. 61 - 74
知能検査・発達検査が我が国の保育方法にもたらすもの : Alfred Binet の児童観・教育観の伝来時期と現在の比較から
Intelligence tests and developmental tests in early childhood education and care: A comparison between the period when Binet’s views on children and education reached Japan and the present day
若林 紀乃
七木田 敦
PP. 75 - 82
Research Report
中国・北京師範大学との幼児教育に関する共同フォーラムの開催報告 : 相互の大学教員,大学院生の研究を中心に
Report on the Joint Forum on Early Childhood Education with Beijing Normal University in China focusing on research in Japan and China
七木田 敦
周 心慧
PP. 85 - 89