幼年教育研究年報 40 巻
2018-10-19 発行

就学移行期における障害のある子どもに関する記録物の作成と活用に関する実態調査 : 就学前施設と小学校を対象として

The Actual Conditions of creation and utilization of the Records of Children with Disabilities during the School Transition Period: A Survey of Early Childhood Facilities and Elementary Schools
越中 康治
上田 敏丈
若林 紀乃
濱田 祥子
岡花 祈一郎
中西 さやか
廣瀬 真喜子
松井 剛太
八島 美菜子
山崎 晃
857 KB
The purpose of this study is to clarify the actual conditions of personal records such as “support files” and “transition support sheets” created by early childhood facilities (kindergartens and nursery schools) to provide transition support to children with disabilities. The study seeks to examine how these records are created by early childhood facilities and used by elementary schools. A nationwide questionnaire survey targeting public and private kindergartens, nursery schools, and elementary schools was carried out. The survey results show that about half of the early childhood facilities created these records and that the records were being effectively utilized by the elementary schools that received them. However, there were also differences based on the type of institution: for instance, the rate of record creation was high at public kindergartens and low at private kindergartens and nursery schools. In terms of record content, there is a possibility of a gap between the information recorded by early childhood facilities and that sought by elementary schools. Based on these actual conditions, this study identifies issues to be considered in the effective creation and utilization of records.
children with disabilities
transition to school
support files
transition support sheets
Copyright (c) 2018 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会