幼年教育研究年報 Volume 39
published_at 2017-09-22

保育施設におけるサークルタイムに関する海外の研究動向 : 集まり場面を対象とした日本の先行研究課題への示唆

A Review of Studies on Circle Time in Early Childhood Education and Care Globally: Implications for Study of Group Time in Japan
Hokii Takafumi
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This article reviews the trends observed in studies on the circle time (group time wherein children and teachers sit in a circle) in early childhood education and care (ECEC) globally to obtain implications for the study of group time in ECEC in Japan. First, 16 original articles were extracted from the Education Resources Information Center(ERIC) database. Next, three agendas in the study of group time―the teacher’s method to improve children’s joining in the circle, the management of circle time by the teacher supporting children’s expression of opinion, and the meaning of circle time derived by children―were discussed. The findings are as follows: (1) the perspectives of the analysis of the teacher’s direct approach and of settings of circle time are useful for the clarification of the teacher’s method to improve children’s joining, but the significance of group time requires attention; (2) the feature of the rule and the teacher’s attitude supporting the children’s expression of opinion that can, in turn, affect the contents of circle time were found; and (3) some variations in the meaning of circle time made by children were found. However, this theme is not yet considered as a main subject in the studies conducted on ECEC. As a conclusion, it can be said that it is necessary to pay attention to the relation between the management and meaning of group time derived by children.
circle time
group time in Japan
three agendas
literature review
Copyright (c) 2017 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会