幼年教育研究年報 38 巻
2016-10-17 発行

米国の研究者は日本の保育文化をどのように捉えているのか? : 子どもの社会化に着目して

How Do US Researchers Recognize Japanese Culture of Early Childhood Education and Care? : Focusing on Socialization of Children
濱名 潔
保木井 啓史
778 KB
This study clarifies how do US researchers recognize Japanese culture of early childhood education and care and consider the significance of Japanese culture of early childhood education and care through reviewing 5 US studies that focused on socialization of children at Japanese nursery school. As a result, US researchers recognize Japanese culture of early childhood education and care as follows. First, White & LeVine (1986), Walsh (2004), and Tobin (1992) recognize values of socialization of children in Japan as not adapting children to group life but instilling them selfhood of “omote” and “ura”. Second, White & LeVine (1986) recognize Japanese childcare method encouraging the socialization of children is “Love-oriented techniques”. And they recognize this method influenced by Japanese implicit educational theory, such as “pamper”. Third, Tobin (1992) and Walsh (2004) recognize that the environments of space, time, and word in Japanese nursery school are influenced by Japanese implicit values, and lead socialization of children. Fourth, Burdelski (2010, 2013) recognize the socialization of children in Japan is accomplished from the step of “socialization to use word” to “socialization thorough the use of word”. As a conclusion we reveals the following: in Japan, socialization of children is about the value, is done by the children themselves to accumulate experience in life. On the other hand, socialization of children is about social skills related to interpersonal relationships is done by direct guidance of teachers.
Japanese culture of early childhood education and care
socialization of children
US researchers
literature review
Copyright (c) 2016 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会