幼年教育研究年報 Volume 38
published_at 2016-10-17

遊びを中心としたアプローチカリキュラムの可能性 : 保育園における「学校ごっこ」実践の検討を通して

The Meaning of a Play-based Approach Curriculum for Transition to School : An Analysis of the Practice of “Gakko gokko” at a Childcare Center
Okahana Kiichiro
Tsugawa Noriko
506 KB
The purpose of this study is to theoretically and practically examine the possibility of play in terms of preparation for school. Transition to school is a key theme in ECE. While play remains important in ECE, it has never been studied in terms of transition to school. It has been argued that play as approach curriculum is in opposition to learning which is the dominant activity in school. We have applied Vygotsky’s theories to practice with an examination of “gakko gokko” (“playing school”) at a childcare center. The early childhood teacher pretended to be a school teacher, and the children pretended to be school students. They played at studying school subjects such as, science and mathematics, and doing homework. During “gakko gokko”, children performed the role of school student, and the teacher’s role became more instructive than usual. Children’s emotional experiences reflected the activity and the setting.Analysis found that the children learned to use cultural tools and take expected action in specific settings through “gakko gokko”. Their behavior reflected a type of school habitus. “Gakko gokko” does not mean that children master language and number learning. “Gakko gokko” allows children to experience going to school through play, and possibly increasing motivation for transition to school.
本研究はJSPS 科研費(24653231,50512555)の助成を受けたものである。
また本研究の一部は,The 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education と2012年度日本発達心理学会国際ワークショップにおいて発表されたものである。
transition to school
“gakko gokko”
school habitus
approach curriculum
Copyright (c) 2016 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会