幼年教育研究年報 Volume 35
published_at 2013-07-31

子どもの「今,ここ」という視点は保育者に何をもたらすのか : 保育カンファレンスでの議論に着目して <原著論文>

What does the viewpoint ‘Ima-Koko (here and now)’ of children mean to early childhood teachers? : Focus on discussion in Early Childhood Education and Care conference <Original work paper>
Nakanishi Sayaka
Sakai Aiichiro
1010 KB
Understanding children is one of early childhood teachers’ professionalism, and there are various viewpoints for teachers’ understanding of children. In recent years, the viewpoint ‘Ima-Koko (here and now)’ have been watched with interest in Early Childhood Education and Care. ‘Ima-Koko’ is a viewpoint for understanding children’s experience from children’s view (not teacher’s view). In this study, we describe what the viewpoint ‘Ima-Koko (here and now)’ means to early childhood teachers through focusing on discussion in Early Childhood Education and Care conference in a kindergarten. In the conference, participants discussed an episode of a 5-years-old girl playing with a guard at the kindergarten. We recorded the discussion and translated word for word. Next, we analyzed the data with reference to the Steps for Coding and Theorization (SCAT) method. The result of this study is summarized in the following two points:1) It is difficult for some teachers to understand children’s ‘Ima-Koko’ apart from children’s daily context and background because teachers have educational perspective.2) The viewpoint ‘Ima-Koko’ result in a change in teachers’ understanding of children and an awareness about their attitude to children.
'Ima-Koko (here and now)'
Early Childhood Education and Care conference
Understanding of children
Early childhood teacher
Copyright (c) 2013 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会