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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Volume 31
( 2005-12 )
Volume 30
( 2004-12 )
Volume 29
( 2003-12 )
Volume 28
( 2002-12 )
Volume 27
( 2001-12 )
Volume 26
( 2000-12-28 )
Volume 25
( 1999-12-28 )
Volume 24
( 1998-12-28 )
Volume 23
( 1997-12-28 )
Volume 22
( 1996-12-28 )
Volume 21
( 1995-12-28 )
Volume 20
( 1994-12-28 )
Volume 19
( 1993-12-31 )
Volume 18
( 1992-12-31 )
Memoirs of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. IV, Science reports
Volume 31
( 2005-12 )
The Effect of Romantic Relationship and Romantic Breakup on Self-concept
山下 倫実
Sakata Kiriko
PP. 1 - 15
The effect of the direction of intergroup comparison, sharing another category, and trait self-esteem on the rejective attitude toward a superior in-group member
Isobe Chikae
Ura Mitsuhiro
PP. 17 - 29
Effect of narcissistic tendency on avoidant behaviors
前田 高幸
Iwanaga Makoto
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 31 - 41
Relations of self-focus and rumination to social anxiety and depression
Sasaki Akiko
河崎 千枝
Iwanaga Makoto
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 43 - 55
Examination of relation between the stress of a supervisor and informal leader existence in job group.
Koguchi Hiroshi
PP. 57 - 71
Distribution of dioxins in atmospheric deposition, soils, and bottom sediments of rivers and coastal sea in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan
Sakugawa Hiroshi
山下 俊幸
宮地 和夫
PP. 73 - 89
Verification of piezometric method for the observation of dissolved component and pressure head dynamics in a tidal flat groundwater
Hayashi Masaki
Onodera Shin-ichi
Takei Tsutomu
PP. 91 - 98
Analysis of the Landslide Behavior with the Total Station Survey in Nishi-Ikawa, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan
森 格
笹井 康佑
井上 新平
Kaibori Masahiro
PP. 99 - 115
An example of convex heptagon with Heesch number one
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 117 - 123
Volume 30
( 2004-12 )
ラットのピーク法におけるタイミング行動の検討 : セルフスタートレバーとギャップ手続きの効果
Timing Behavior on Peak Procedure in Rats: Effects of Self-Start Lever and Gap Procedure.
西村 優基
Sakata Shogo
PP. 1 - 18
The influence of group context, task prototypincality, and two components of individuality on the interpersonal upward comparison process
浦 光博
礒部 智加衣
PP. 19 - 37
Relation of social anxiety to the use of mobile phone, social networks, and mental health
河崎 千枝
Iwanaga Makoto
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 39 - 52
Decomposability of polynomial valued 2-forms
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 53 - 71
Behavior and Sources of Atmospheric Ozone, Nitrogen Oxides and Sulfur Dioxide in Yakushima, Japan
Sakugawa Hiroshi
湯原 孝恵
平川 剛
PP. 73 - 85
Discharge process of groundwater with highly concentrated nitrogen to the beach
林 政輝
Onodera Shinichi
竹井 務
峯 孝樹
斎藤 光代
重枝 豊実
吉田 浩二
PP. 87 - 96
Characteristics of Nutrient discharge in the major river basins of Hiroshima Prefecture.
斎藤 光代
Onodera Shinichi
吉田 浩二
峯 孝樹
林 政輝
重枝 豊実
PP. 97 - 105
Volume 29
( 2003-12 )
Brain Atlas of the Japanese Eel:Comparison to Other Fishes
Mukuda Takao
Ando Masaaki
PP. 1 - 25
Affect of reality monitoring in obsessive-compulsive checker
Otani Takashige
Iwanaga Makoto
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 27 - 39
Interpretation bias of nonverbal information in the interpersonal situation
高島 佳奈
Iwanaga Makoto
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 41 - 52
新生児の活動 : 休止リズムと母親のリズムの比較
Comparison of the circadian rest-activity rhythms of infants and their mothers.
河野 寿美代
城田 愛
甲斐田 幸佐
Hayashi Mitsuo
Hori Tadao
PP. 53 - 62
Shaping of interval timing behavior by the peak procedure and response temporal distribution
Nishimura Yuuki
Takahashi Erika
Sakata Shogo
PP. 63 - 75
Remarks on conformal transformations
Agaoka Yoshio
Kim Byung Hak
PP. 77 - 79
黒瀬川河川水中のノニルフェノールとビスフェノールA の濃度とそれらの植物への蓄積
Nonylphenol and bisphenol A concentration of Kurose river and their accumulation in plants
米丸 紫陽子
前田 明子
出口 実歩
Sakurai Naoki
PP. 81 - 93
広島県生口島におけるSiO2 フラックスの空間分布特性
Spatial distribution of SiO2 flux in Ikuchijima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture.
重枝 豊実
Onodera Shinichi
齋藤 光代
吉田 浩二
竹井 務
峯 孝樹
PP. 95 - 103
Actual vegetation of Shimokamagari-cho, Hiroshima Prefecture
Ohta Yoko
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 105 - 114
Spatial variation in nitrogen export from various catchments and topographic effects on it in Kurose River Catchment
峯 孝樹
Onodera Shinichi
齋藤 光代
吉田 浩二
重枝 豊実
竹井 務
PP. 115 - 122
Volume 28
( 2002-12 )
PP. -
Editorial Board
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
総合科学部紀要(理系編)(Science Report)投稿規定
PP. -
REM 睡眠期と入眠期の事象関連電位の比較
Comparison of the event-related potentials between REM sleep
高原 円
片岡 奈央
Nittono Hiroshi
堀 忠雄
PP. 1 - 11
Relationship between choice of timing process and temporal information memory in rats
Onoda Keiichi
Sakata Shogo
PP. 13 - 20
Relations of nostalgia with music to emotional response and recall of autobiographical memory
Kobayashi Asami
Iwanaga Makoto
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 21 - 28
On 3-Dimensional contact metric manifolds
Agaoka Yoshio
Kim Byung Hak
Choi Jin Hyuk
PP. 29 - 33
Relationship between slope failure occurrence and precipitation in the areas affected by a strong motion of earthquake
Nishimura Masaru
Kaibori Masahiro
PP. 35 - 47
Consideration of the natural factors in which the flow behavior of debris flows could be controlled
Frusawa Hideo
Kaibori Masahiro
PP. 49 - 60
広島県瀬戸内海沿岸域の降雨特性 : 降雨時間帯、季節性、降雨強度
Rainfall properties in Setouchi region, Hiroshima ; rainfall time, seasonality and intensity
Onodera Shinichi
成岡 朋弘
PP. 61 - 68
表流水の水質の空間分布特性とその評価に関する研究 : 西条盆地の250 mメッシュの地理情報による評価
Qualitative evaluation of surface water in Saijo basin, using the geographic information on 250m mesh map
竹井 務
Onodera Shinichi
成岡 朋弘
西宗 直之
齋藤 光代
PP. 69 - 75
瀬戸内海沿岸小河川における硝酸性窒素負荷量 : 果樹園面積・溜池・扇状地の効果
NO_3^--N Flux of Streams in the Setouchi Region : Effects of Fruit-Farmland Area, Water Reservoir, and Alluvial Fan
Saito Mitsuyo
Onodera Shin-ichi
Takei Tsutomu
Nishimune Naoyuki
PP. 77 - 84
Endangered plants in flora of Taishaku-kyo Gorge, Japan
兼子 伸吾
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
井鷺 裕司
PP. 85 - 107
回帰偏差値の考案とその効用 : 地域間格差を相対評価する偏差値
The concept and usefulness of the regression-based score and its application: A new index, “the regression-based score (R-score)" to measure the relative size of the local statistics
クサカベ シンイチ
PP. 109 - 126
A study of effects of disparity between support expectation and receipt in dyadic relationship
Nakamura Yoshiko
PP. 127 - 129
A study of the influence process of leader integrity on work morale of subordinates
Shi Guirong
PP. 131 - 135
サポートの互恵性と精神的健康の関連に関する研究 : 個人内および個人間発達の観点からの検討
A study of the relationship between support reciprocity and mental health : An examination from the viewpoint of intra- and interindividual development
Taniguchi Hirokazu
PP. 137 - 140
Organizing Actions of Neurosteroids Synthesized De Novo in the Cerebellar Purkinje Neuron
Sakamoto Hirotaka
PP. 141 - 144
Two AAA-family peroxin genes, pex-1 and pex-6 of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
線虫Caenorhabditis elegansの2種類のAAA族ペルオキシンの遺伝子pex-1とpex-6
Ghenea Simona
PP. 145 - 146
The peroxisome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans : Identification and its unique proteins
線虫Caenorhabditis elegansのペルオキシソームの同定とその独特な蛋白質について
Togo Summanuna Honesty
PP. 147 - 148
Scene understanding and 3D model reconstruction
A Tefera Daniel
PP. 149 - 150
希土類金属間化合物R_7Rh_3及びRMg_2T_9 (R=希土類,T=Ni,Cu)の物性
Physical properties in rare-earth intermetallic compounds (R =rare-earth,T = Ni,Cu)
Nakamori Yuko
PP. 151 - 153
Molecular weight dependence of equilibrium melting temperature and crystallization of stereoregular polymer of isotactic polypropylene
Yamada Koji
PP. 155 - 159
Neutron spin echo studies on effects of temperature and pressure on structural phase transitions and dynamics in complex fluids involving amphiphiles
Kawabata Youhei
PP. 161 - 163
Acoustics in impure liquid 3He
Ichikawa Takayuki
PP. 165 - 168
A Study of Density Fluctuations in Supercritical Fluid Selenium by Small Angle X-ray Scattering Measurements
Kazi Moynul Huq
PP. 169 - 172
Biomass of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a wild plant community
Fujiyoshi Masaaki
PP. 173 - 176
ダイズ根から分泌される糖類およびその根粒菌(Bradyrhizobium japonicum)への影響に関する研究
Studies on sugars secreted from soybean root and their effect on root nodule bacteria (Bradyrhizobium japonicum)
Timotiwu Paul Benjamin
PP. 177 - 178
Comparative Ecology of Motacilla grandis (Japanese wagtail) and Motacilla cinerea (grey wagtail)
Mahaulpatha Tharaka
PP. 179 - 182
Effect of Environmental Factors on the Distribution of Wintering Waterfowls
Mahaulpatha Dharshani
PP. 183 - 187
Dynamic Changes of Soil Respiration in a Cool-Temperate Deciduous Broad-Leaved Forest : Effects of rainfall and seasonal contribution of roots to the soil respiration
冷温帯落葉広葉樹林の土壌呼吸の動態 : 土壌呼吸における降雨と根の呼吸の季節的影響
Lee Mi-Sun
PP. 189 - 193
Prediction and Control of Photochemical Air Pollution in Hiroshima Prefecture based on the Known Physical, Chemical and Meteorological Parameters
Sinogaya Jennifer
PP. 195 - 198
Atmospheric Deposition and its Effects on Coniferous Forests
Chiwa Masaaki
PP. 199 - 201
Volume 27
( 2001-12 )
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
Effects of self-awakening on sleep structure and sleep inertia during or after the short nap
Kaida Kousuke
Nittono Hiroshi
Hayashi Mitsuo
Hori Tadao
PP. 1 - 11
Changes in time perspective and stress responses of university freshman
Ozeki Yukako
PP. 13 - 24
Attentional bias for words of concern in anxious mood
Fujihara Yuya
Iwanaga Makoto
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 25 - 33
Event-related potentials of the rat during a passive auditory oddball task
Onoda Keiichi
Takahashi Erika
Sakata Shogo
PP. 35 - 43
The detection of the genotoxic potential of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field
Hirano Minoru
Kusakabe Shinichi
PP. 45 - 52
Vegetation map (1994) of Setoda region, Hiroshima Prefecture
Ikegami Yoshiyuki
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 53 - 61
降雨観測データの土石流発生予測への適用 : 広島県における最近の事例を使って
Application of the observed rainfall data to the prediction of debris flows : A case study with the recent debris flow disaster in Hiroshima
Kuwada Shiho
Kaibori Masahiro
PP. 63 - 75
Soil moisture variability and its possible impact on the atmosphere : A case in Sri Lanka
土壌水分変動とその大気へのインパクト : スリランカにおける事例
Yamanaka Tsutomu
Kaihotsu Ichirow
Shimada Jun
Nandakumar Vythilingam
PP. 77 - 93
Effect of forestation of hinoki and larch on soil chemistry in mountainous water source area for water supply to Tokyo
Murai Chisato
Onodera Shin-ichi
Andoh Yukihito
Noda Takeshi
Naruoka Tomohiro
PP. 95 - 107
Soil catena along a collapsed mountainous slope underlain by granitic rock in Hiroshima Prefecture
Naruoka Tomohiro
Onodera Sinichi
PP. 109 - 118
花岡岩山地渓流における河床形態に関する研究 : 広島県黒瀬川源流の例
River Bed Form in a Granitic Mountainous Catchment : A Case of the Source Area in Kurose River, Hiroshima Prefecture
Nishimune Naoyuki
Onodera Shinichi
Naruoka Tomohiro
PP. 119 - 128
On Conformal Transformations and Fibred Riemannian Spaces
Agaoka Yoshio
Kim Byung Hak
PP. 129 - 133
Examples of spherical tilings by congruent quadrangles
Ueno Yukako
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 135 - 144
<Summary of Doctorate>A study on lifestyle and nocturnal sleep in the elderly
Shirota Ai
PP. 145 - 148
<Summary of Doctorate>The study of cognitive factors on the fear conditioning process
Hosoba Tatsuya
PP. 149 - 151
<Summary of Doctorate>Study of Environmental Management System and Environmental Performance Evaluation in Small Scale Offices
Iyama Yoshinobu
PP. 153 - 156
<Summary of Doctorate>The Diversity and Symbiosis of Lichen Photobionts
Takeshita Shunji
PP. 157 - 160
<Summary of Doctorate>Pollen analysis of forest soils and its application to studies on vegetation dynamics
Miyake Nao
PP. 161 - 163
<学位論文要旨>栄養繁殖性作物の組織培養による種苗生産システムの開発 : アスパラガス,ヤマノイモ,ワケギを例にして
<Summary of Doctorate>Development of nursery plant production system by tissue culture on vegetative crops Asparagus, Chinese yaam (Tsukuneimo) and Japanese shallot (Wakegi)
Kohmura Hiroyuki
PP. 165 - 168
2 種の鱗翅目昆虫の環境および季節適応に関わる神経内分泌学的研究
Neuroendocrine studies of the environmental and seasonal adaptation in two lepidopteran species
Yamanaka Akira
PP. 169 - 172
<Summary of Doctorate>Kinetic Studies on the Successive Reaction of Rat Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase
Iwanaga Tsuyoshi
PP. 173 - 175
<学位論文要旨>超流動 ^3He 薄膜系における境界効果
<Summary of Doctorate>Boundary Effects on Superfluid ^3He Film
Yamamoto Mikio
PP. 177 - 180
<学位論文要旨>Sm_2Fe_17N_3 粒子を用いた保磁力機構の研究
<Summary of Doctorate>Coercivity mechanism in Sm_2Fe_17N_3 permanent magnetic particles
Sasaki Iwao
PP. 181 - 182
<Summary of Doctorate>Phase-Shift Analysis of pp Scattering in Low-Energy Region and Precise Determination of π^0pp Coupling Constant
Limkaisang Viroj
PP. 183 - 187
<Summary of Doctorate>Ab initio molecular-dynamics studies of liquid alloys
Senda Yasuhiro
PP. 189 - 191
Volume 26
( 2000-12-28 )
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
睡眠段階 2 における 14Hz・12Hz 睡眠紡錘波の電位発生源
Generator sources of 14Hz/12Hz sleep spindles during stage 2 sleep
Ueda kazutaka
Nittono Hiroshi
Hayashi Mitsuo
Hori Tadao
PP. 1 - 14
心理学研究における事象関連電位 (ERP) の利用
The Use of Event-Related Potentials in Psychological Research
Nittono Hiroshi
Hori Tadao
PP. 15 - 31
Cognitive processes on Pavlovian conditioning.
Hosoba Tatsuya
Iwanaga Makoto
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 33 - 45
自己評価に関する自他の相互影響過程に対する相互開示の調整効果 : アイデンティティ-交渉はどのように行われるか
The moderating effect of mutual self-disclosure on self-other mutual influence processes concerning self-appraisal : How is identity negotiation conducted?
Hasegawa Koji
Ura Mitsuhiro
PP. 47 - 61
HAIRY CELL LEUKEMIA (HCL) の 12 症例の細胞学的解析
Cytology in Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL)
Izumi Takaki
Komura Takashi
Kushima Kimio
Yamashita Misako
Tanaka Kimio
PP. 63 - 70
マツの枯死・衰退に対する活力剤の効果 (2) 鉢植え苗木実験
Effect of a tree tonic on pine tree vitalities (2) Evaluation for pine seedlings in pots
Nakane Kaneyuki
Ebisu Kouji
PP. 71 - 80
Effects of mowing to Solidago altissima populations
Nakashima Katsumi
Nehira Kunito
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 81 - 94
On the Gauss equation in the exterior algebra
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 95 - 108
Conharmonicaly Flat Fibred Riemannian Space
Agaoka Yoshio
Kim Byung Hak
Lee Sang Deok
PP. 109 - 115
A Trial of Genetic Algorithm to Furniture Arrangement in a Room
PP. 117 - 129
<Summary of Doctorate>Methodology of analyzing landscape structure and its application for environmental conservation planning
Ikegami Yoshiyuki
PP. 131 - 135
<学位論文要旨>線虫 II 型チオラーゼの構造と機能
<Summary of Doctorate>Structure and function of type-II thiolase from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Maebuchi Motohiro
PP. 137 - 139
<Summary of Doctorate>Assessment of Forest Resources Using Remote Sensing Data : Case studies on forest fire and pine forest blight
<学位論文要旨>リモートセンシングデータによる森林資源の評価 : 山火事跡地と松枯れ状況の事例研究を通して
Cao Chunxiang
PP. 141 - 144
<Summary of Doctorate>Electrchemical and Optical Studies on σ-π-Conjugated Oligothienylene-Oligosilanylene Copolymers
Zhu Lihau
PP. 145 - 151
<Summary of Doctorate>Chemical, Behavioral and Physiological Study of Remote Stimulants that Control Foraging Behavior by Adult Butterflies
Omura Hisashi
PP. 153 - 155
<Summary of Doctorate>Study on learning and timing control in complex bimanual coordination
Tajima Makoto
PP. 157 - 159
<Summary of Doctorate>A study on effects of an afternoon nap in the healthy elderly
Tamaki Munehisa
PP. 161 - 165
<Summary of Doctorate>The relations between self-other mutual influence processes on self-appraisal and well-being
Hasegawa Koji
PP. 167 - 170
<Summary of Doctorate>Visual function of the parahippocampal cortex in primates
Sato Nobuya
PP. 171 - 174
<Summary of Doctorate>Identification of an Oviposition-Inducing Peptide and Its Action in the Bird
Li Dan
PP. 175 - 178
<学位論文要旨>泥質岩の風化に伴う鉱物学的・化学的変化 : 島根半島第三系古江層と相代層および長崎県第三系加勢層を例として
<Summary of Doctorate>Mineralogical and chemical weathering of mudstone of Tertiary Furue and Aishiro Formations in Shimane Peninsula, and of Tertiary Kase Formation in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Tsushima Atsuo
PP. 179 - 181
<学位論文要旨>交換増強電子系の示す伝導現象 : Y (Co_<1-x>Al_x)_2 および TmCo_2 の磁場中電気抵抗と熱電能
<Summary of Doctorate>Magnetotransport properties of exchange enhanced electron systems of Y (Co_<1-x>Al_x)_2 and TmCo_2
Nakama Takao
PP. 183 - 186
<Summary of Doctorate>Concentrations, Deposition Rates and Sources of Aqueous-Phase Organic Acids in the Atmosphere
Miyake Takayuki
PP. 187 - 189
Volume 25
( 1999-12-28 )
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
Solutions and almost solutions of the Gauss equation of SU (3)/SO (3)
SU (3)/SO (3) のガウス方程式の解と概解
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 1 - 10
Conharmonic Transformations of Twisted Product Manifolds
Agaoka Yoshio
Kim Byung Hak
Lee Hyun Ju
PP. 11 - 20
Digital sound data description with cellular automata and its application to data compression
Wada Masato
Kuroiwa Jousuke
Nara Shigetoshi
PP. 21 - 31
盆地を中心とした立体風系による大気汚染物質輸送過程の夏季の特徴 : 津山盆地の事例
Some Features of Air Pollutants Transport Processes in Summer Driven by Three-dimensional Wind Distributions in Basins : The sample of Tsuyama basin
Nagata Junichi
Harada Kazuo
Matsuda Masanori
PP. 33 - 43
エネルギー分散型 X 線分析装置による造岩鉱物の定量分析
Quantitative Energy-Dispersive X-Ray microanalysis of rock-forming minerals
Hirayama Yasuyuki
Fukuoka Masato
PP. 45 - 54
モグラ (Mogera wogura) とヒミズ (Urotrichus talpoides) の人為環境下での飼育条件の開発
How to trap moles and shrew-moles and to keep them alive in captivity
Kusakabe Shinichi
Kusakabe Tadashi
PP. 55 - 59
マツ生立木に対するマツノマダラカミキリ成虫の後食の影響 : (2) 大気環境条件の異なる若齢アカマツ自然林について
Effect of feeding by Monochumus alternatus on pine tree vitality : (2) A case of natural young Japanese red pine stands under different air pollution levels
Okaba Hiroto
Nakane Kaneyuki
Tomii Toshiyasu
Ebisu Kouji
PP. 61 - 73
Mass wasting process at the surface of the Sangun metamorphic rocks in Kaminishigawa area, Asahi-machi, Okayama Prefecture.
Shingubara Hidekazu
Hirayama Yasuyuki
Tsushima Atsushi
Oho Yukimasa
PP. 75 - 87
Dieback of pine forests and the tree population structure in pine wilt disease forests in Higashi-Hiroshima City
Shiratsuki Harue
Nemoto Reiko
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 89 - 102
崩壊発生場および崩壊土砂の流動化に与える地形的特性 : 1988 年広島県北西部土石流災害地における事例
Topographic characteristics to cause landslides and fluidization of their materials : From the debris flow disasters in the northwestern part of Hiroshima Prefecture in 1988
Watanabe Tetsuya
Kaibori Masahiro
PP. 103 - 116
Characterization of tree species of a flood-induced riverside forest in La Macarena, Colombia
Tsuchiya Akio
Izawa Kosei
PP. 117 - 124
Hypnagogic EEG stages and polysomnogram
HORI Tadao
PP. 125 - 140
音楽に対する同質感がリラクセーションに及ぼす影響 : 聴取前感情状態と音楽の特徴との関係
The Effect of Feeling of Similarity with Music on Relaxation : Relation between Mood before Listening and Music Type
Ito Takako
Iwanaga Makoto
PP. 141 - 150
Effects of the scientific lecture on the change of paranormal beliefs about kanashibari phenomenon
Sakata Kiriko
Hayashi Mitsuo
PP. 151 - 160
Relationship of daytime activity and nocturnal sleep in the elderly
Shirota Ai
Tamaki Munehisa
Hayashi Mitsuo
Hori Tadao
PP. 161 - 170
The influence of need and ability to achieve cognitive structuring on self-esteem and acceptance of others
Ura Mitsuhiro
PP. 171 - 179
<学位論文要旨>生物活性クアシノイド化合物に関する研究 : 単離,合成,及び構造活性相関
<Summary of Doctorate>Studies on Bioactive Quassinoids : Isolation, Synthesis, and Structure-Activity Relationships
Rahman Shakila
PP. 181 - 183
<学位論文要旨>集束イオンビーム/透過型電子顕微鏡法による Mg-Ni 系水素吸蔵合金の微細構造解析
<Summary of Doctorate>Nano-structural Characterization of the Mg-Ni-based Hydrogen Storage Alloys using Focussed lon Beam/Transmission Electron Microscope Technique
Yamamoto Kenichi
PP. 185 - 188
<学位論文要旨>HL-60 細胞の培養あるいは分化誘導に伴う c-myc 遺伝子の増幅部位の変化と移動
<Summary of Doctorate>Changes and Movements of the Locus of Amplified c-myc Genes in HL-60 Cells during Culture or Differentiation Induction
Haque Md. Masudul
PP. 189 - 191
<Summary of Doctorate>Imidazoline receptor and its role in the intestine of the eels acclimated to sea water
Kim Hung Toe
PP. 193 - 195
<Summary of Doctorate>Effects of co-occurring tree speciess on the susceptibility of Pinus densiflora and P. thunbergii stands to pine wilt disease
Matori Katunori
PP. 197 - 199
<Summary of Doctorate>Biosynthesis and Function of Neurosteroids in the Vertebrate Brain
Ukena Kazuyoshi
PP. 201 - 204
PP. 205 - 223
Volume 24
( 1998-12-28 )
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
On Doubly Warped Product Manifolds
Agaoka Yoshio
Kim InBae
Kim Byung Hak
Yeom Dae Jin
PP. 1 - 10
Robust Decentralized Control of Large-Scale System with Delay in Interconnections and System Uncertainties Using Neural Networks
Hiura Akihiro
Mizukami Koichi
PP. 11 - 26
マツ生立木に対するマツノマダラカミキリ成虫の後食の影響 : (1) クロマツ苗木について
Effect of feeding by Monochamus alternatus on pine tree vitality : (1) A case of Japanese black pine seedlings in the pots
Nakane Kaneyuki
Ebisu Kouji
PP. 27 - 37
Distribution of Dandelions in Higashi-Hiroshima City
Nehira Kunito
Touyama Yoshifumi
Iiyama Naoki
PP. 39 - 46
Evaluation of the 'Acorn Bank' in Kagawa Prefecture from the Viewpoint of Environmental Education
Shimizu Akemi
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 47 - 58
Changes of hypnagogic imagery and EEG stages
Hayashi Mitsuo
Katoh Kohichi
Hori Tadao
PP. 59 - 73
超常現象に対する肯定的信念の形成に関する研究 (1) : 個人要因の影響
Preliminary research on the dominant factors in paranormal beliefs (1) : Effects of personal factors
Iwanaga Makoto
Sakata Kiriko
PP. 75 - 85
超常現象に対する肯定的信念の形成に関する研究 (2) : 社会・心理的要因の影響を中心に
Preliminary research on the dominant factors in paranormal beliefs (2) : Effects of social-psychological factors
Sakata Kiriko
Iwanaga Makoto
PP. 87 - 97
Attitude toward Daytime Nap in the Aged
Tamaki Munehisa
Shirota Ai
Hayashi Mitsuo
Hori Tadao
PP. 99 - 108
Comparative study of closeness-changing based on the cultural view of self in Japan and United States
Yoshida Ayano
Kurokawa Masaru
Horike Kazuya
PP. 109 - 122
<Summary of Doctorate>Studies on oviposition biology of Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae)
Anbutsu Hisashi
PP. 123 - 126
<学位論文要旨>細胞接着によるアポトーシスの回避機構 : インテグリンレセプター Mac-1 タンパク質の細胞内機能ドメインの解析
<Summary of Doctorate>Mechanisms of cell survival from apoptosis by adherence in phorbol ester-treated human leukemia U937 cells
Hamada Koichi
PP. 127 - 128
<Summary of Doctorate>Environmental planning study of vegetation description and management for forest park
Ishii Masato
PP. 129 - 131
<学位論文要旨>複数企業における環境パフォーマンス評価とその環境監査に関する研究 : 紙類に着目したライフサイクルアセスメント
<Summary of Doctorate>Study of an Environmental Performance Evaluation and its Environmental Audit in Eight Offices : In the Case of Life Cycle Assessment for Paper
Jong Hoando
PP. 133 - 135
<Summary of Doctorate>Study on First Growth and Cultivation Condition of Rhizophora stylosa and Kandelia candel
Kameya Hitoshi
PP. 137 - 139
<学位論文要旨>アイゼンシュタイン積分のハリッシュ・チャンドラ展開の係数のガンゴリー評価とハリッシュ・チャンドラの C 関数の表示
<Summary of Doctorate>The Gangolli estimate for the coefficients of the Harish-Chandra expansions of the Eisenstein integrals and the expressions of the Harish-Chandra C-functions
Koizumi Shin
PP. 141 - 144
<Summary of Doctorate>Molecular-dynamics study on the structure of expanded liquid metals at high temperatures and high pressures
Munejiri Shuji
PP. 145 - 148
<Summary of Doctorate>Non-destructive measurement of fruit firmness by acoustic vibration
Muramatsu Noboru
PP. 149 - 151
<Summary of Doctorate>Development of agonists and antagonists of invertebrate bioactive peptides
Ohtani Masahiro
PP. 153 - 157
<学位論文要旨>食虫目の真獣類における系統学的位置 : ミトコンドリア遺伝子を用いた分子系統学的考察
<Summary of Doctorate>Phylogenetic position of Insectivora among Entheria : molecular phylogenetical approach by use of mitochondrial genes
Onuma Michiko
PP. 159 - 161
<Summary of Doctorate>Distributions and ecological features of bryophytes in the deep snow-covered district, central Japan
Shirasaki Hitoshi
PP. 163 - 165
<Summary of Doctorate>On a facilitator in perception of physical symptoms studied by the approaches of behavior theory
Tsukamoto Maki
PP. 167 - 170
<Summary of Doctorate>Biosynthesis of Indole-3-Acetic Acid in Higher Plants
Tsurusaki Kenichi
PP. 171 - 173
<Summary of Doctorate>Effects of temperature condition on soil carbon dynamics in boreal and subalpine forests
Uchida Masaki
PP. 175 - 177
<Summary of Doctorate>Study on the time and spatial variation on carbon dioxide in seawater and its exchange amount between atmosphere and ocean
Yamashita Eiji
PP. 179 - 180
<Summary of Doctorate>Development and Practice of Human Relations Training
Yoshida Michio
PP. 181 - 183
PP. 185 - 201
PP. 203 - 205
Volume 23
( 1997-12-28 )
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
On conformally flat twisted product manifolds
Agaoka Yoshio
Kim Byung Hak
PP. 1 - 7
Model Reference Adaptive Fuzzy Control
Ueda Kouji
Mizukami Koichi
PP. 9 - 25
液体セレンにおける光誘起現象 : 光誘起半導体-金属転移の可能性
Photoinduced Phenomena in Liquid Selenium : A Possibility of the Photoinduced Semiconductor-metal Transition
Sakaguchi Yoshifumi
Tamura Kozaburo
PP. 27 - 38
帝釈石灰岩の石炭系生層位 : 一杯水付近の石炭系について
Carboniferous Biostratigraphy of Taishaku Limestone : Carboniferous Limestone in the lppaimizu Area
Sada Kimiyoshi
Yoshida Michio
Oho Yukimasa
PP. 39 - 50
音楽呈示がビジランス課題成績に及ぼす促進効果 : 音楽を用いた教育環境の整備に向けた基礎的研究
Positive effects of the presence of music on vigilance performance : The basic study of music for equipment of an educational environment
Iwaki Tatsuya
Hayashi Mitsuo
Hori Tadao
PP. 51 - 64
Characteristics of pulmonary function of middle-aged and old persons from the viewpoint of sexes and ages
Kikuchi Kunio
Muraki Satoshi
PP. 65 - 74
Sleep-wake habits in middle and late adolescence and the criteria for the choice of subjects on sleep research
Hayashi Mitsuo
Tanaka Hideki
Iwaki Tatsuya
Fukuda Kazuhiko
Hori Tadao
PP. 75 - 85
Interactive influence of task characteristics and amout of practice on the contextual interference effect in motor learning : A review
Sekiya Hiroshi
PP. 87 - 105
UCS inflation 手続き及び UCS deflation 手続きが恐怖条件づけに及ぼす効果
The effect of UCS inflation and UCS deflation procedure on fear conditioning
Hosoba Tatsuya
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 107 - 120
A behavioral approach to the preference on numbers
Sakata Shogo
PP. 121 - 128
Personal tempo and pattern formation in polyrhythmic tapping
Tajima Makoto
Cho Koji
PP. 129 - 139
青年期における睡眠問題の発達的検討 : 教育現場での臨床的応用をめざして
The developmental feature of the sleep problems in adolescence : The approach for the application to educational stage
Tanaka Hideki
Hayashi Mitsuo
Hori Tadao
PP. 141 - 154
Minority influence : The effects of expertise of an ingroup versus outgroup
Yamaura Kazuho
Sakata Kiriko
Kurokawa Masaru
PP. 155 - 163
The effects of test anxiety on performance
Yasaki Mitsuyo
Iwanaga Makoto
PP. 165 - 174
Study on Mytilus inhibitory peptides in the anterior byssus retractor muscle of the bivalve mollusc, Mytilus edulis
Fujisawa Yuko
PP. 175 - 178
Microstructure and Phase Transition in an Amphiphilic Ternary System
Ghosh Swapan Kumer
PP. 179 - 182
繊毛虫 Spirostomum における細胞運動の機構
Mechanisms of cell motility of the ciliate, Spirostomum
Ishida Hideki
PP. 183 - 185
Psychophysiological study of arousal modulation effects of music
Iwaki Tatsuya
PP. 187 - 190
侵入型化合物 R_2Fe_<17>Z_3(R=希土類元素,Z=水素または窒素原子)の磁性
Magnetic Properties of lnterstitially Modified Compounds R_2Fe_<17>Z_3 (R=rare-earth, Z=H or N)
Koyama Keiichi
PP. 191 - 194
Ecology and Management of Robinia pseudo-acacia Communities in the Eroshio Control Sites in Japan
Maekawa Masa-aki
PP. 195 - 198
Socioeconomic Appraisal of Waste Recycling : an lnput-Output Approach
Matsumoto reishi
PP. 199 - 202
Study on Thermochemical Liquefaction of Biomass Feedstocks
Minowa Tomoaki
PP. 203 - 206
Cardiovascular response during exercise in individuals with spinal cord injury
Muraki satoshi
PP. 207 - 210
Air Pollution and Forest Decline in the Seto lnland Sea District, Japan
Naemura Akihiko
PP. 211 - 215
Exclusion of Amplified Genes, Cell Adhesion, Proliferation Arrest, and Apoptosis in Drug-treated Human Leukemia Cells
Nakamura Hitoshi
PP. 217 - 218
EEG study of music listening behavior
Ogata Shigeki
PP. 219 - 222
Enhancements of sensitivity in absorption spectrometry with combination of photochemical techniques
Ono Hideki
PP. 223 - 225
Geobotanical Study on the Alpine Vegetation in Hokkaido, Japan
Sato Ken
PP. 227 - 230
Study on identification and functions of bioactive peptides in the cnidarian Hydra magnipapillata
Takahashi Toshio
PP. 231 - 234
Experimental-chronobehavioral study on the subjective experience during sleep
Takeuchi Tomoka
PP. 235 - 239
The study of spatio-temporal behavior of hypnagogic EEG
Tanaka Hideki
PP. 241 - 243
Distribution of myosin isoforms in skeletal muscles and its change with age
Toro Kyoko
PP. 245 - 247
Functions of osmoregulatory peptides isolated from the eel gut
Uesaka Toshihiro
PP. 249 - 251
1996年 広島大学総合科学部理系教官個人業績表
PP. 253 - 270
PP. 271 - 273
Volume 22
( 1996-12-28 )
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
Tilings of the 2-dimensional sphere by congruent right triangles
Ueno Yukako
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 1 - 23
On Lyapunov Theorem for Descriptor Systems
Xu Hua
Mizukami Koichi
PP. 25 - 29
Vegetation of Mominoki Forest Park, Hiroshima Prefecture
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
Hikasa Mutsumi
Nehira Kunito
PP. 31 - 45
Stratigraphy of the Koyama limestone and structural relation between the limestone and the surrounding strata in the Oga area, Okayama Prefecture, western Japan
Fujimoto Mutsumi
Nomura Kazuyoshi
Oho Yukimasa
Sada Kimiyoshi
PP. 47 - 62
大学祭における食品と容器に着目した環境監査の実施と方法論 : 使い捨てからリユースヘ
Performance and Method of Environmental Auditing on Foods and Vessels at a Festival in Hiroshima-Univ : from One-way to Re-use
Yoshida Nobuyuki
Hayase Kohji
PP. 63 - 80
Feature of Vertical Profiles of Wind Velocity and Air Temperature and Heat Flux above Roof-top in Urban Area
Zhang Yiping
Fukuoka Yoshitaka
Takahashi Hideo
PP. 81 - 92
The Impact of Falling in Love : psychological adjustment and self-concept change
Kamizono Yoshiyuki
Kurokawa Masaru
Sakata Kiriko
PP. 93 - 104
Successive measurement of blood pressure during temporal discrimination task in rats
Sakata Shogo
PP. 105 - 113
Developmental Change of Perceived Availability of Social Support
Shimada Hironori
PP. 115 - 128
5 : 3 ポリリズム・タッピングで採用される学習ストラテジー
Learning strategies adopted in 5 : 3 polyrhythmic tapping
PP. 129 - 141
A study on the volleyball spike of senior high school players
Hashihara Yoshihiro
Sagano Takeshi
Jin Zhiwei
Nishimura Kiyomi
PP. 143 - 152
The Effects of Preference of Music and Musical Mood on Emotional Responses
Moroki Youko
Iwanaga Makoto
PP. 153 - 163
Persuasive Communication and Feedback of Attitude Change
Yamaura Kazuho
Kurokawa Masaru
Suzuki Kouhei
PP. 165 - 176
Regeneration Pattern and Vegetation Dynamics of Beech Forests
Ida Hideyuki
PP. 177 - 180
Fungal succession and biomass in the decomposition process of pine cones on the floor of pinus densiflora forests
Kasai Kazuhiro
PP. 181 - 184
ジメチルスルホキシド処理によるヒト前骨髄性白血病細胞株 HL-60 の非可逆的な増殖停止の機構に関する研究
Mechanisms of irreversible transition to growth arrest of human myelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells treated with dimethyl sulfoxide
Kitajima Kenji
PP. 185 - 186
光合成光化学系 II における環状電子移動と光阻害反応初期過程
Cyclic electron flows and the initial reaction process of the photoinhibition in the photosystem II
Kuroiwa Shigeki
PP. 187 - 190
カラフトヒゲナガカミキリの個体群動態とニセマツノザインチュウの伝播に関する研究 : 冷涼な地域におけるマツ材線虫病激害化の阻害過程
Studies on population dynamics of monochamus saltuarius (Gebler) (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae) and transmission of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus Mamiya et Enda (Nematoda : Aphelenchoididae) : Inhibitory process of epidemic of pine wilt disease in a cooler area
Jikumaru Shota
PP. 191 - 193
Continuity properties of Riesz potentials of functions in Orlicz classes
Shimomura Tetsu
PP. 195 - 198
Theoretical Study of Electronic Shell Structure in Metal Clusters
Sonoda Kohji
PP. 199 - 202
Determination of Dissolved Nitrogen Compounds in Natural Waters Using the Photochemical Conversion
Takeda Kazuhiko
PP. 203 - 205
Estimation of microbial biomass in the soils of burned and unburned japanese red pine forests
Tateishi Takahiro
PP. 207 - 210
Characterization of Electrochemically Synthesized Conductive Polymers and Their Application to Electronic Devices
Chowdhury Al-Nakib
PP. 211 - 214
Promotive Effect of Brassinolide on Elongation of Etiolated Squash Hypocotyl Segments
Tominaga Rumi
PP. 215 - 216
Ecological studies of the threatened plants in rural vegetation
Naito Kazuaki
PP. 217 - 220
近藤半金属 ceNiSn の単結晶育成と評価
Crystal Growth and Characterization of the Kondo Semimetal CeNiSn
Nakamoto Go
PP. 221 - 224
インターロイキン 2 との融合タンパク質を利用した高免疫原性治療ワクチンの開発 : ヘルペスウイルス感染症への応用
Development of strongly immunogenic vaccines by using interleukin-2 fusion protein : Application to immunotherapy of herpes simplex virus infection
Hazama Masatoshi
PP. 225 - 226
Physiological and Biochemical Studies on Aluminum Toxicity and Tolerance in Higher Plants
Hoa Le Van
PP. 227 - 230
Stratigraphy of calcareous and non-calcareous rocks, and tectonic development in the Oga area, Okayama Prefecture, western Japan
Fujimoto Mutsumi
PP. 231 - 234
Surface scattering effects on anisotropic superconductors
Yamada Kotaro
PP. 235 - 238
Theoretical study of Neutron-Proton Scattering
Yoshino Hiro
PP. 239 - 241
PP. 243 - 261
PP. 262 - 264
Volume 21
( 1995-12-28 )
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
An algorithm to calculate plethysms of Schur functions : Dedicated to Professor Motoyoshi Sakuma on his 70th birthday
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 1 - 17
Endothyroid foraminifers of the Hina Limestone in Okayama Prefecture, western Japan
Fujimoto Mutsumi
Sada Kimiyoshi
PP. 19 - 32
Carboniferous Primitive Fusulinaceans from the Koyama Limestone in Okayama Prefecture, western Japan
Sada Kimiyoshi
Nomura Kazuyoshi
Fujimoto Mutsumi
PP. 33 - 67
Influences of rainfall and soil water flow upon CO_2 concentration in a dryland paddy
Tsuchiya Akio
PP. 69 - 80
On Learning of Fuzzy Contoller with Neural Network
Mizukami Koichi
Fuke Hirofumi
PP. 81 - 91
A Lyapunov Approach for Robust State Feedback Synthesis and Its Application to Robot Control
Wu Hansheng
Mizukami Koichi
PP. 93 - 114
Conversion of Route Guide between Sentences and Rough Sketch via Coded Information
Yamashita Tatsuo
Yamagata Keiichi
PP. 115 - 130
Landscape Structure of Setoda, Hiroshima Prefecture
Ikegami Yoshiyuki
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 131 - 144
社会システムとしての企業体における環境監査の実施とその経年的効果の考察 : (株)オストランド社をモデル系として
Performance and effects of annual environmental auditing in an enterprise as a social system : OSTARAND Co. Ltd. as a model system
Yamanishi Toshimichi
Akai Hiroshi
Hayase Kohji
PP. 145 - 160
2 次元 DLT 法を用いた VTR 動作解析システムの確立に関する研究
A study on the automated VTR motion analysis system by Two Dimensional DLT Method
Hashihara Yoshihiro
Nishimura Kiyomi
PP. 161 - 169
An attempt to construct the obsessive-compulsive tendencies scale
Ide Masaaki
Hosoba Tatsuya
Nishimura Ryouji
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 171 - 182
Commitment Processes in Close Relationships
Kamizono Yoshiyuki
Kurokawa Masaru
PP. 183 - 195
管理職出現の性差を規定する諸要因の検討 : 企業の就職情報データの分析
The Regulative Factors of Gender Differences on the Promotion Rates in Japnaese Business Organizations
Sakata Kiriko
Kurokawa Masaru
PP. 197 - 205
The effects of the appearance rate of stimulus on the rats' auditory evoked potentials
Sato Nobuya
Sakata Shogo
PP. 207 - 218
職場内エンカウンター・グループの試み : その成功の条件と開催の意義をめぐって
Encounter Group held at a Workplace : Conditions to Success and its Merits
Iwamura Satoshi
Ohnaka Akira
PP. 219 - 234
<Summary of Doctorate>Ecological Study of Bamboo Communities : A Resource-Based Approach
Isagi Yuji
PP. 235 - 238
<学位論文要旨>蛇行の河川地形学的研究 : 気候地形学的考察
<Summary of Doctorate>Fluvial geomorphological study of meanders : from climatogeomorphological viewpoint
Kohchi Nobuo
PP. 239 - 241
<Summary of Doctorate>Ecological and taxonomic studies on filamentous fungi of sediment in fresh water, brackish water and marine environment, with special reference to water pollution
Ueda Seiichi
PP. 243 - 246
<Summary of Doctorate>Study on Part of Rooftop in the Vertical Structure of Urban Climate
Zhang Yiping
PP. 247 - 249
<学位論文要旨>ランドサット TM データを用いた,山岳森林地域における植生の区分,植物現存量の推定,炭素収支の評価
<Summary of Doctorate>Estimation and Mapping of the Forest Biomass and Carbon Balance in a Mountainous Region, Based on Landsat TM Data
Lee Nam Juu
PP. 251 - 254
<Summary of Doctorate>The Community Structure and Secondary Succession of Temperate Forests
Wada Shuji
PP. 255 - 258
<学位論文要旨>界面に着目した金属-水素系の材料設計 : Mg,Y および Zr 基複合材料の生成と水素化特性
<Summary of Doctorate>Interfacial Materials Design for Metal-Hydrogen System : formation and hydriding properties of the Mg-, Y- and Zr-based composite materials
Orimo Shinichi
PP. 259 - 262
<Summary of Doctorate>Studies of partial pressure of carbon dioxide in surface seawater and carbon flux in the Seto Inland Sea
Kumamoto Yuichiro
PP. 263 - 266
<Summary of Doctorate>A Study on photo-induced polymerization and the relaxation process in liquid sulful
Sakaguchi Yoshifumi
PP. 267 - 270
<Summary of Doctorate>Study of an exotic resonance in proton-proton system
Nagata Junichi
PP. 271 - 274
<Summary of Doctorate>Thermoelectric power of Cerium compounds and Uranium compounds
Bando Yoshio
PP. 275 - 278
<Summary of Doctorate>Synthesis and Physical Properties of Ternary Uranium Compounds
Maeda Yasuomi
PP. 279 - 282
<Summary of Doctorate>Order parameter mixing effect on superconductivity in the magnetic field
Matsuo Shigemasa
PP. 283 - 286
<学位論文要旨>副腎皮質ミクロソームのチトクロム P-450 の構造と機能に関する研究
<Summary of Doctorate>Studies on the structures and functions of adrenal microsomal cytochrome P-450
Tagashira Hiroko
PP. 287 - 289
PP. 291 - 307
PP. 308 - 310
Volume 20
( 1994-12-28 )
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
Invariant subvarieties of the 3-tensor space C^2⨂C^2⨂C^2
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 1 - 18
A note on growth estimates for positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic inequalities
Usami Hiroyuki
PP. 19 - 27
A New Class of Stabilizing State Feedback Controllers for Uncertain Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Wu Hansheng
Mizukami Koichi
PP. 29 - 45
Carboniferous Primitive Fusulinacea from the Hina Limestone in Okayama Prefecture, western Japan
Fujimoto Mutsumi
Sada Kimiyoshi
PP. 47 - 70
Relationships between wood volume increments by stem analysis and water balance in the semi-arid interior of northeastern Brazil
Tsuchiya Akio
PP. 71 - 80
マツの枯死・衰退に対する活力剤の効果 (1)
Effect of a tree tonic on pine tree vitalities (1)
Nakane Kaneyuki
Ebisu Kouji
PP. 81 - 94
Restoration of Representative Type Forests in Western Japan
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
Ishii Masato
Wada Shuji
Matsuda Masasanori
PP. 95 - 112
社会システムとしての組織体における紙類の環境実態監査 : その経時変化について
Environmental Audit about papers in an organization as a social system. : Its daily changes
Akai Hiroshi
Hayase Kohji
PP. 113 - 130
Photo-induced Polymerization and the Relaxation in Liquid Sulfur
Sakaguchi Yoshifumi
Tamura Kozaburo
PP. 131 - 151
Development of Computer Control System for Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer
Kobayashi Hideki
Takeda Takayoshi
Seto Hideki
Komura Shigehiro
Nagai Michihiro
Nagao Michihiro
Tadaoka Toshihiro
PP. 153 - 174
健康増進教室のトレーニングが中年婦人の体力に及ぼす影響 : 全身持久性・筋力を目的としたグループと柔軟性・巧緻性を目的としたグループの比較
Training effects on physical fitness of middle-aged women in promotional class of health : Comparison between endurance, muscular strength training and flexibility, skill training
Kikuchi Kunio
Usui Sachio
Sasahara Hideo
Yanagawa Kazumasa
PP. 175 - 184
Use of cue stimulus during temporal discrimination in rats.
KIinoshita Kazunori
Sakata Shogo
PP. 185 - 195
Psychophysiological study of arousal modulation model of music
Iwaki Tatsuya
Hayashi Mitsuo
Hori Tadao
PP. 197 - 205
The Effects of Repeated Listening of Music on Musical Impressions and Emotional Responses.
Ikeda Maki
Iwanaga Makoto
Iwaki Tatsuya
PP. 207 - 218
A comparative study of acquisition of conditioned response between delayed and trace conditioning paradigm
Hosoba Tatsuya
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 219 - 226
女性の昇進を阻害する要因の検討 : 管理者の性別選好理由の内容分析
The study of obstructional factors of the female promotion to a manager
Sakata Kiriko
Kurokawa Masaru
PP. 227 - 237
Does one's dominant concept of self depend on differences in the interpersonal situation?
Matsuda Daiji
Kurokawa Masaru
Sakata Kiriko
PP. 239 - 250
<Summary of Doctorate>Phytosociological study of the Japanese mantle communities
Murakami Yuhide
PP. 251 - 254
<学位論文要旨>強磁性希土類化合物 GdZn および GdCd 中の不純物の超微細磁場
<Summary of Doctorate>Hyperfine Fields at impurity Nuclei in Ferromagnetic Rare Earth Compounds GdZn and GdCd
Kasamatsu Yoshitaka
PP. 255 - 257
<Summary of Doctorate>Structures and Variabilities of the Kuroshio at the East China Sea Shelf Break
Ito Toshimichi
PP. 259 - 262
<Summary of Doctorate>Theoretical study of superconducting proximity-contact systems by use of the quasi-classical Green's function
Nagato Yasushi
PP. 263 - 265
<学位論文要旨>常伝導-超伝導近接系における Meissner 効果
<Summary of Doctorate>Meissner effect in proximity-contact normal-superconducting double layers
Higashitani Seiji
PP. 267 - 270
<Summary of Doctorate>Vegetation dynamics of pine forests in human-influenced landscapes in rural Korea and Japan
Hong Sunkee
PP. 271 - 274
<Summary of Doctorate>Deformational structures and tectonics of the Sangun metamorphic rocks and Paleozoic to Mesozic rocks in the Inner zone of Southwest Japan
Hirayama Yasuyuki
PP. 275 - 277
1993年 広島大学総合科学部理系教官個人業績表
PP. 279 - 296
PP. 297 - 299
Volume 19
( 1993-12-31 )
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
On the Curvature of the Homogeneous Space U (n+1)/U (n)
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 1 - 17
Flora and Vegetation in a Protected Area for Iris rossii Baker (Iridaceae), a Threatened Plant in Hofu City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Naito Kazuaki
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 19 - 37
Discovery of Fusulina Fauna of the Taishaku Limestone (Studies of the Stratigraphy and the Microfossil Faunas of the Carboniferous and Permian Taishaku Limestone in West Japan, No.7)
Sada Kimiyoshi
Yoshida Michio
PP. 39 - 44
Study on the Relationship between the Particle Size of Soil and the Angle of Shear Resistance under the Low Normal Stress
Kaibori Masahiro
Tokudome Yoshiyuki
PP. 45 - 54
Comparison of Energy Balance between Rooftop Surface in Urban Area and Grass Plot Surface in Suburban Area
Zhang Yiping
Fukuoka Yoshitaka
Takahashi Hideo
PP. 55 - 69
Electrophoretic Condition for Separation of Myosin Heavy-chain Isoforms
Wada Masanobu
Toro Kyoko
Niihata Shigemitsu
Kikuchi Kunio
PP. 71 - 78
Movement Patterns and Foreperiod Effects on EMG Response Latency and on EMG Couplings
Ma Yuanhuj
Kasai Tatsuya
PP. 79 - 86
Necessary Social Skills for International Students in Japan
Tanaka Tomoko
Takai Jiro
Kohyama Takaya
PP. 87 - 99
映画刺激の単純性 : 複雑性と認知欲求が映画に対する評価に及ぼす効果に関する研究
The Effects of Film Stimulus Simplicity-complexity and Need for Cognition on the Evaluation of the Films
Fujiwara Takehiro
Kohyama Takaya
PP. 101 - 110
Topographical Analysis of the Hypnagogic EEG
Tanaka Hideki
Hayashi Mitsuo
Hori Tadao
PP. 111 - 122
Effects of Affective-evaluative Response to CSs on Fear Conditioning
Hosoba Tatsuya
Seiwa Hidetoshi
Iwanaga Makoto
PP. 123 - 136
A Preliminary Study on Perception of Accelerated Heartbeat
Ikeda Maki
Iwanaga Makoto
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 137 - 149
自閉症にみられる行動と自律神経系の覚醒水準との対応についての検討 (III) : 安静時心拍数の日間変動と行動との関係
A Study of Relationship between Behavior and Autonomic Arousal Level in Autism (III) : The Relationship between Their Behavior and Fluctuation of Heart Rate Level between Days
Takehsima Ayumi
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 151 - 158
<Summary of Doctorate>Dynamic Game Theory for Descriptor Systems and State Space Systems
Xu Hua
PP. 159 - 160
<Summary of Doctorate>Effects of Need for Cognition on Information Processing and Attitude Change
Kohyama Takaya
PP. 161 - 163
<学位論文要旨>皮膚温制御に関する実験臨床心理学的研究 : 教示,フィードバック,認知的媒介の役割
<Summary of Doctorate>Experimental-clinical Studies of Skin Temperature Control : Roles of Instructions, Feedback, and Cognitive Events
Okouchi Hiroto
PP. 165 - 167
<学位論文要旨>SAS を活用した多目的データ・ソースからの地域解析手法の開発と応用 : 日本経済の変貌期における製造業の構造変化と地域的展開
<Summary of Doctorate>The practice and the development of the regional analysis methods which made use of the multipurpose data sources compiled by Statistical Analysis System : The structural change and the regional pattern of the manufacturing industry in the transforming era of the Japanese economy
Tabata Kazuhiko
PP. 169 - 172
<Summary of Doctorate>Effect of Hydrogenation on Superconducting Copper Oxides
Ye Wei
PP. 173 - 176
<Summary of Doctorate>Theoretical Studies on the Structure of Liquid Alloys
Mori Haruyuki
PP. 177 - 179
<学位論文要旨>酵母 Candida tropicalis の二種類のペルオキシソームタンパク質の輸送に関する研究
<Summary of Doctorate>A Study on Import of Two peroxisomal Proteins of the Yeast Candida tropicalis
Tan Hironobu
PP. 181 - 182
<Summary of Doctorate>Regulatory Mechanisms of Cellular Proliferation and Differentiation in Chondrogenic Cells the Chick Embryo
Ohya Yoshie
PP. 183 - 185
<Summary of Doctorate>Biochemical Studies on Fluoropyrimidine-derived Antitumor Drugs : Determinant Factors for Drug Susceptibility and Intensification of Their Antitumor Effects
Sugimoto Yoshikazu
PP. 187 - 188
<Summary of Doctorate>The Mechanism of Phorbol Ester-Induced Differentiation of Human Myelocytic Leukemia Cells
Oda Tsukasa
PP. 189 - 191
<Summary of Doctorate>Relationship between Physical Parameters and Chemical Composition of Banana Fruits During Ripening
Kojima Kiyohide
PP. 193 - 195
<Summary of Doctorate>The Effects of Auxin and Gibberellin on the Conidial Germination in Neurospora crassa
Tomita Kaori
PP. 197 - 200
<Summary of Doctorate>Mechanisms of Neural Regulation of Muscle Movements in Molluscs
Sakata Mariko
PP. 201 - 203
<Summary of Doctorate>Mechanisms of Regulation of the Buccal Muscle Movement in the African Giant Snail, Achatina fulica
Yoshida Masayuki
PP. 205 - 207
PP. 209 - 224
PP. 225 - 227
Volume 18
( 1992-12-31 )
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
PP. -
A table on the codimension of local isometric imbeddings of Riemannian symmetric spaces
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 1 - 10
A Note on Ants Visiting Bracken at the Post-fire Stand
Touyama Yoshifumi
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 11 - 18
小流域での流出土砂量とそれに対する砂防施設の役割 : 特にダム堆砂勾配について
Role of the sabo facilities to the sediment discharge in the small basins, especially on the sediment gradient at a sabo-dam
Kaibori Masahiro
PP. 19 - 34
A computer program for estimating size distribution of spherical organelles from electron micrographs
Suzaki Toshinobu
Ando Motonori
PP. 35 - 42
振動刺激が筋・運動感覚の歪みに及ぼす影響 : after-effect の分析を中心に
Ettects of muscle vibration on distortion of kinetic sensation
Kawanishi Masayuki
Kasai Tatsuya
Yahagi Susumu
PP. 43 - 52
日本語版モーズレイ強迫神経症質問紙 (MOCI) の因子論的検討
Factor analysis of Japanese version of the Obsessional-Compulsive lnventory
Hosoba Tatsuya
Uchida Nobuyuki
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 53 - 61
Effects of ultradian variation on smoking behavior
Arakawa Yasuhisa
Hayashi Mitsuo
Takagi Masato
Hori Tadao
PP. 63 - 72
The effect of gender salience on self-definition and evaluation of others
Sakata Kiriko
Kurokawa Masaru
PP. 73 - 82
Interdependence in the parent and adolescent child relationship
Kurokawa Masaru
Hayashi Haruo
Kojima Miki
PP. 83 - 99
<Summary of Doctorate>Analysis of the Formation of the Animal-Vegetal Axis during Xenopus Oogenesis Using Monoclonal Antibodies
Tabata Makoto
PP. 101 - 102
<Summary of Doctorate>Physical Properties of Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Fe-N Permanent Magnetic Materials
Nagata Hiroshi
PP. 103 - 105
<Summary of Doctorate>Diffraction Study of the Structural Phase Transition on the Phospholipid Bilayer System
Ueno Satoru
PP. 107 - 109
<Summary of Doctorate>Endothelial Cell Injury by Arachidonate Hydroperoxide
Ochi Hiroshi
PP. 111 - 113
<Summary of Doctorate>A Study on the Art of Environmental Data Analysis
Tanaka Shojiro
PP. 115 - 117
<Summary of Doctorate>Physiology of brittleness of barley
Kokubo Akira
PP. 119 - 122
<Summary of Doctorate>Topographic Formation of Holocene Fringing Reef-Flats in the Central Ryukyus
Kan Hironobu
PP. 123 - 125
<Summary of Doctorate>A study of light information processing and physiological role in the extra-ocular photoreceptors of Onchidium verruculatum
Nishi Takako
PP. 127 - 129
<Summary of Doctorate>Comparative Aspects of Structure and Action of Bioactive Substances in the Ventral Nerve Cord of Urechis Unicinctus
Ikeda Tetsuya
PP. 131 - 133
<Summary of Doctorate>Studies on the Mechanism of Cell Movement in a Ciliate, Blepharisma
Ishida Masaki
PP. 135 - 138
List of Publications by the Staff of the Division of Sciences, Instructions to authors Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University (1991)
PP. 139 - 153
PP. 154 - 156
総合科学部紀要「理系編」(Science Reports)投稿規定
PP. 157 -