広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編 28 巻
2002-12 発行

表流水の水質の空間分布特性とその評価に関する研究 : 西条盆地の250 mメッシュの地理情報による評価

Qualitative evaluation of surface water in Saijo basin, using the geographic information on 250m mesh map
竹井 務
成岡 朋弘
西宗 直之
齋藤 光代
79.4 KB
To evaluate water pollution with reference to conservation of water resources in rural area, wemeasured electric conductivity and nitrate concentration of surface water at 65 sites in Saijyo basin. In addition,we evaluated the spatial distribution of water pollution, using geographic information on 250m mesh map.Interrelations between the altitude in geographic information and water quality were represented under threeconditions, farmland in land use, lowland in landform and altitude of lower than 300m. On the basis of theserelationships and geographic information, we estimated electric conductivity at the each factor on 250m meshmap. We confirmed the water pollution at the central area of the basin with the estimated 250m mesh map.
surface water
water pollution
geographic information