広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編 Volume 28
published_at 2002-12

回帰偏差値の考案とその効用 : 地域間格差を相対評価する偏差値

The concept and usefulness of the regression-based score and its application: A new index, “the regression-based score (R-score)" to measure the relative size of the local statistics
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Although the per capita statistics is usually and customarily used in the analysis on the relativeevaluation of the statistics of the prefecture, these measures contain an artificial flaw due to the nonlinearitybetween the population number and the size of the statistics in question. For the purpose of overcoming theseproblems on nonlinearity, the regression-based score (R-score) was originated as a new indicator to measure therelative size of the statistics of the prefecture. This index is the application of the Studentized residuals, calculatedbased on the regression analysis. This index seems to be very useful in comparative evaluation on the sizeof the various statistics among the prefectures. The size of the various statistics of the prefecture was analyzedwith this regression-based score (R-score), and the usefulness and the power of the new index was criticallyevaluated.
Regression analysis
Regression-based score (R-score)
Studentized residual