広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編
23 巻
1997-12-28 発行
ISSN : 1340-8364
発行元 : 広島大学総合科学部
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PP. -
Model Reference Adaptive Fuzzy Control
上田 浩二 水上 孝一
PP. 9 - 25
Photoinduced Phenomena in Liquid Selenium : A Possibility of the Photoinduced Semiconductor-metal Transition
坂口 佳史 田村 剛三郎
PP. 27 - 38
Carboniferous Biostratigraphy of Taishaku Limestone : Carboniferous Limestone in the lppaimizu Area
佐田 公好 吉田 道生 於保 幸正
PP. 39 - 50
Positive effects of the presence of music on vigilance performance : The basic study of music for equipment of an educational environment
岩城 達也 林 光緒 堀 忠雄
PP. 51 - 64
Characteristics of pulmonary function of middle-aged and old persons from the viewpoint of sexes and ages
菊地 邦雄 村木 里志
PP. 65 - 74
Sleep-wake habits in middle and late adolescence and the criteria for the choice of subjects on sleep research
林 光緒 田中 秀樹 岩城 達也 福田 一彦 堀 忠雄
PP. 75 - 85
The effect of UCS inflation and UCS deflation procedure on fear conditioning
細羽 竜也 生和 秀敏
PP. 107 - 120
A behavioral approach to the preference on numbers
PP. 121 - 128
Personal tempo and pattern formation in polyrhythmic tapping
田島 誠 調枝 孝治
PP. 129 - 139
The developmental feature of the sleep problems in adolescence : The approach for the application to educational stage
田中 秀樹 林 光緒 堀 忠雄
PP. 141 - 154
Minority influence : The effects of expertise of an ingroup versus outgroup
山浦 一保 坂田 桐子 黒川 正流
PP. 155 - 163
The effects of test anxiety on performance
矢敷 光世 岩永 誠
PP. 165 - 174
Study on Mytilus inhibitory peptides in the anterior byssus retractor muscle of the bivalve mollusc, Mytilus edulis
藤澤 祐子
PP. 175 - 178
Microstructure and Phase Transition in an Amphiphilic Ternary System
ゴーシュ シュワパン クメール
PP. 179 - 182
Mechanisms of cell motility of the ciliate, Spirostomum
石田 秀樹
PP. 183 - 185
Psychophysiological study of arousal modulation effects of music
岩城 達也
PP. 187 - 190
Magnetic Properties of lnterstitially Modified Compounds R_2Fe_<17>Z_3 (R=rare-earth, Z=H or N)
小山 佳一
PP. 191 - 194
Ecology and Management of Robinia pseudo-acacia Communities in the Eroshio Control Sites in Japan
前河 正昭
PP. 195 - 198
Socioeconomic Appraisal of Waste Recycling : an lnput-Output Approach
松本 礼史
PP. 199 - 202
Study on Thermochemical Liquefaction of Biomass Feedstocks
美濃輪 智朗
PP. 203 - 206
Cardiovascular response during exercise in individuals with spinal cord injury
村木 里志
PP. 207 - 210
Air Pollution and Forest Decline in the Seto lnland Sea District, Japan
苗村 晶彦
PP. 211 - 215
Exclusion of Amplified Genes, Cell Adhesion, Proliferation Arrest, and Apoptosis in Drug-treated Human Leukemia Cells
中村 仁
PP. 217 - 218
EEG study of music listening behavior
緒方 茂樹
PP. 219 - 222
Enhancements of sensitivity in absorption spectrometry with combination of photochemical techniques
小野 秀樹
PP. 223 - 225
Geobotanical Study on the Alpine Vegetation in Hokkaido, Japan
佐藤 謙
PP. 227 - 230
Study on identification and functions of bioactive peptides in the cnidarian Hydra magnipapillata
高橋 俊雄
PP. 231 - 234
Experimental-chronobehavioral study on the subjective experience during sleep
竹内 朋香
PP. 235 - 239
The study of spatio-temporal behavior of hypnagogic EEG
田中 秀樹
PP. 241 - 243
Distribution of myosin isoforms in skeletal muscles and its change with age
土路 恭子
PP. 245 - 247
Functions of osmoregulatory peptides isolated from the eel gut
上坂 敏弘
PP. 249 - 251
PP. 253 - 270
PP. 271 - 273