広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編
24 巻
1998-12-28 発行
ISSN : 1340-8364
発行元 : 広島大学総合科学部
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Agaoka Yoshio Kim InBae Kim Byung Hak Yeom Dae Jin
PP. 1 - 10
Robust Decentralized Control of Large-Scale System with Delay in Interconnections and System Uncertainties Using Neural Networks
日浦 章博 水上 孝一
PP. 11 - 26
Effect of feeding by Monochamus alternatus on pine tree vitality : (1) A case of Japanese black pine seedlings in the pots
中根 周歩 戎 晃司
PP. 27 - 37
Distribution of Dandelions in Higashi-Hiroshima City
根平 邦人 頭山 昌郁 飯山 直樹
PP. 39 - 46
Changes of hypnagogic imagery and EEG stages
林 光緒 加藤 孝一 堀 忠雄
PP. 59 - 73
Preliminary research on the dominant factors in paranormal beliefs (1) : Effects of personal factors
PP. 75 - 85
Preliminary research on the dominant factors in paranormal beliefs (2) : Effects of social-psychological factors
PP. 87 - 97
Attitude toward Daytime Nap in the Aged
玉木 宗久 城田 愛 林 光緒 堀 忠雄
PP. 99 - 108
Comparative study of closeness-changing based on the cultural view of self in Japan and United States
吉田 綾乃 黒川 正流 堀毛 一也
PP. 109 - 122
<Summary of Doctorate>Studies on oviposition biology of Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae)
安佛 尚志
PP. 123 - 126
<Summary of Doctorate>Mechanisms of cell survival from apoptosis by adherence in phorbol ester-treated human leukemia U937 cells
浜田 浩一
PP. 127 - 128
<Summary of Doctorate>Environmental planning study of vegetation description and management for forest park
石井 正人
PP. 129 - 131
<Summary of Doctorate>Study of an Environmental Performance Evaluation and its Environmental Audit in Eight Offices : In the Case of Life Cycle Assessment for Paper
鄭 桓祷
PP. 133 - 135
<Summary of Doctorate>Study on First Growth and Cultivation Condition of Rhizophora stylosa and Kandelia candel
亀谷 仁
PP. 137 - 139
<Summary of Doctorate>The Gangolli estimate for the coefficients of the Harish-Chandra expansions of the Eisenstein integrals and the expressions of the Harish-Chandra C-functions
小泉 伸
PP. 141 - 144
<Summary of Doctorate>Molecular-dynamics study on the structure of expanded liquid metals at high temperatures and high pressures
宗尻 修治
PP. 145 - 148
<Summary of Doctorate>Non-destructive measurement of fruit firmness by acoustic vibration
村松 昇
PP. 149 - 151
<Summary of Doctorate>Development of agonists and antagonists of invertebrate bioactive peptides
大谷 政博
PP. 153 - 157
<Summary of Doctorate>Phylogenetic position of Insectivora among Entheria : molecular phylogenetical approach by use of mitochondrial genes
小沼 美智子
PP. 159 - 161
<Summary of Doctorate>Distributions and ecological features of bryophytes in the deep snow-covered district, central Japan
白崎 仁
PP. 163 - 165
<Summary of Doctorate>On a facilitator in perception of physical symptoms studied by the approaches of behavior theory
塚本 真紀
PP. 167 - 170
<Summary of Doctorate>Biosynthesis of Indole-3-Acetic Acid in Higher Plants
鶴崎 健一
PP. 171 - 173
<Summary of Doctorate>Effects of temperature condition on soil carbon dynamics in boreal and subalpine forests
内田 雅己
PP. 175 - 177
<Summary of Doctorate>Study on the time and spatial variation on carbon dioxide in seawater and its exchange amount between atmosphere and ocean
山下 栄次
PP. 179 - 180
<Summary of Doctorate>Development and Practice of Human Relations Training
吉田 道雄
PP. 181 - 183
PP. 185 - 201
PP. 203 - 205