広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編
18 巻
1992-12-31 発行
ISSN : 1340-8364
発行元 : 広島大学総合科学部
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Role of the sabo facilities to the sediment discharge in the small basins, especially on the sediment gradient at a sabo-dam
PP. 19 - 34
A computer program for estimating size distribution of spherical organelles from electron micrographs
洲崎 敏伸 安藤 元紀
PP. 35 - 42
Ettects of muscle vibration on distortion of kinetic sensation
川西 正行 笠井 達哉 矢作 晋
PP. 43 - 52
Factor analysis of Japanese version of the Obsessional-Compulsive lnventory
細羽 竜也 内田 信行 生和 秀敏
PP. 53 - 61
Effects of ultradian variation on smoking behavior
荒川 泰寿 林 光緒 高木 正人 堀 忠雄
PP. 63 - 72
The effect of gender salience on self-definition and evaluation of others
坂田 桐子 黒川 正流
PP. 73 - 82
Interdependence in the parent and adolescent child relationship
黒川 正流 林 春男 小島 美樹
PP. 83 - 99
<Summary of Doctorate>Analysis of the Formation of the Animal-Vegetal Axis during Xenopus Oogenesis Using Monoclonal Antibodies
田畑 純
PP. 101 - 102
<Summary of Doctorate>Physical Properties of Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Fe-N Permanent Magnetic Materials
永田 浩
PP. 103 - 105
<Summary of Doctorate>Diffraction Study of the Structural Phase Transition on the Phospholipid Bilayer System
上野 聡
PP. 107 - 109
<Summary of Doctorate>Endothelial Cell Injury by Arachidonate Hydroperoxide
越智 宏
PP. 111 - 113
<Summary of Doctorate>A Study on the Art of Environmental Data Analysis
田中 章司郎
PP. 115 - 117
<Summary of Doctorate>Physiology of brittleness of barley
小久保 亮
PP. 119 - 122
<Summary of Doctorate>Topographic Formation of Holocene Fringing Reef-Flats in the Central Ryukyus
菅 浩伸
PP. 123 - 125
<Summary of Doctorate>A study of light information processing and physiological role in the extra-ocular photoreceptors of Onchidium verruculatum
西 孝子
PP. 127 - 129
<Summary of Doctorate>Comparative Aspects of Structure and Action of Bioactive Substances in the Ventral Nerve Cord of Urechis Unicinctus
池田 哲也
PP. 131 - 133
<Summary of Doctorate>Studies on the Mechanism of Cell Movement in a Ciliate, Blepharisma
石田 正樹
PP. 135 - 138
PP. 154 - 156