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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Volume 31
( 2005-12 )
Volume 30
( 2004-12 )
Volume 29
( 2003-12 )
Volume 28
( 2002-12 )
Volume 27
( 2001-12 )
Volume 26
( 2000-12-28 )
Volume 25
( 1999-12-28 )
Volume 24
( 1998-12-28 )
Volume 23
( 1997-12-28 )
Volume 22
( 1996-12-28 )
Volume 21
( 1995-12-28 )
Volume 20
( 1994-12-28 )
Volume 19
( 1993-12-31 )
Volume 18
( 1992-12-31 )
Memoirs of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. IV, Science reports
Volume 18
Date of Issue:1992-12-31
current number
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A table on the codimension of local isometric imbeddings of Riemannian symmetric spaces
Agaoka Yoshio
PP. 1 - 10
A Note on Ants Visiting Bracken at the Post-fire Stand
Touyama Yoshifumi
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 11 - 18
小流域での流出土砂量とそれに対する砂防施設の役割 : 特にダム堆砂勾配について
Role of the sabo facilities to the sediment discharge in the small basins, especially on the sediment gradient at a sabo-dam
Kaibori Masahiro
PP. 19 - 34
A computer program for estimating size distribution of spherical organelles from electron micrographs
Suzaki Toshinobu
Ando Motonori
PP. 35 - 42
振動刺激が筋・運動感覚の歪みに及ぼす影響 : after-effect の分析を中心に
Ettects of muscle vibration on distortion of kinetic sensation
Kawanishi Masayuki
Kasai Tatsuya
Yahagi Susumu
PP. 43 - 52
日本語版モーズレイ強迫神経症質問紙 (MOCI) の因子論的検討
Factor analysis of Japanese version of the Obsessional-Compulsive lnventory
Hosoba Tatsuya
Uchida Nobuyuki
Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 53 - 61
Effects of ultradian variation on smoking behavior
Arakawa Yasuhisa
Hayashi Mitsuo
Takagi Masato
Hori Tadao
PP. 63 - 72
The effect of gender salience on self-definition and evaluation of others
Sakata Kiriko
Kurokawa Masaru
PP. 73 - 82
Interdependence in the parent and adolescent child relationship
Kurokawa Masaru
Hayashi Haruo
Kojima Miki
PP. 83 - 99
<Summary of Doctorate>Analysis of the Formation of the Animal-Vegetal Axis during Xenopus Oogenesis Using Monoclonal Antibodies
Tabata Makoto
PP. 101 - 102
<Summary of Doctorate>Physical Properties of Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Fe-N Permanent Magnetic Materials
Nagata Hiroshi
PP. 103 - 105
<Summary of Doctorate>Diffraction Study of the Structural Phase Transition on the Phospholipid Bilayer System
Ueno Satoru
PP. 107 - 109
<Summary of Doctorate>Endothelial Cell Injury by Arachidonate Hydroperoxide
Ochi Hiroshi
PP. 111 - 113
<Summary of Doctorate>A Study on the Art of Environmental Data Analysis
Tanaka Shojiro
PP. 115 - 117
<Summary of Doctorate>Physiology of brittleness of barley
Kokubo Akira
PP. 119 - 122
<Summary of Doctorate>Topographic Formation of Holocene Fringing Reef-Flats in the Central Ryukyus
Kan Hironobu
PP. 123 - 125
<Summary of Doctorate>A study of light information processing and physiological role in the extra-ocular photoreceptors of Onchidium verruculatum
Nishi Takako
PP. 127 - 129
<Summary of Doctorate>Comparative Aspects of Structure and Action of Bioactive Substances in the Ventral Nerve Cord of Urechis Unicinctus
Ikeda Tetsuya
PP. 131 - 133
<Summary of Doctorate>Studies on the Mechanism of Cell Movement in a Ciliate, Blepharisma
Ishida Masaki
PP. 135 - 138
List of Publications by the Staff of the Division of Sciences, Instructions to authors Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University (1991)
PP. 139 - 153
PP. 154 - 156
総合科学部紀要「理系編」(Science Reports)投稿規定
PP. 157 -