広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編
26 巻
2000-12-28 発行
ISSN : 1340-8364
発行元 : 広島大学総合科学部
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Generator sources of 14Hz/12Hz sleep spindles during stage 2 sleep
上田 一貴 入戸野 宏 林 光緒 堀 忠雄
PP. 1 - 14
The Use of Event-Related Potentials in Psychological Research
入戸野 宏 堀 忠雄
PP. 15 - 31
Cognitive processes on Pavlovian conditioning.
細羽 竜也 岩永 誠 生和 秀敏
PP. 33 - 45
The moderating effect of mutual self-disclosure on self-other mutual influence processes concerning self-appraisal : How is identity negotiation conducted?
長谷川 孝治 浦 光博
PP. 47 - 61
Cytology in Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL)
和泉 堯己 小村 堯 久島 公夫 山下 美佐子 田中 公夫
PP. 63 - 70
Effect of a tree tonic on pine tree vitalities (2) Evaluation for pine seedlings in pots
中根 周歩 戎 晃司
PP. 71 - 80
Effects of mowing to Solidago altissima populations
中島 克己 根平 邦人 中越 信和
PP. 81 - 94
PP. 95 - 108
Agaoka Yoshio Kim Byung Hak Lee Sang Deok
PP. 109 - 115
A Trial of Genetic Algorithm to Furniture Arrangement in a Room
黒田 哲 山縣 敬一
PP. 117 - 129
<Summary of Doctorate>Methodology of analyzing landscape structure and its application for environmental conservation planning
池上 佳志
PP. 131 - 135
<Summary of Doctorate>Structure and function of type-II thiolase from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
前渕 元宏
PP. 137 - 139
<学位論文要旨>リモートセンシングデータによる森林資源の評価 : 山火事跡地と松枯れ状況の事例研究を通して
曹 春香
PP. 141 - 144
朱 麗華
PP. 145 - 151
<Summary of Doctorate>Chemical, Behavioral and Physiological Study of Remote Stimulants that Control Foraging Behavior by Adult Butterflies
大村 尚
PP. 153 - 155
<Summary of Doctorate>Study on learning and timing control in complex bimanual coordination
田島 誠
PP. 157 - 159
<Summary of Doctorate>A study on effects of an afternoon nap in the healthy elderly
玉木 宗久
PP. 161 - 165
<Summary of Doctorate>The relations between self-other mutual influence processes on self-appraisal and well-being
長谷川 孝治
PP. 167 - 170
<Summary of Doctorate>Visual function of the parahippocampal cortex in primates
佐藤 暢哉
PP. 171 - 174
<Summary of Doctorate>Identification of an Oviposition-Inducing Peptide and Its Action in the Bird
李 丹
PP. 175 - 178
<Summary of Doctorate>Mineralogical and chemical weathering of mudstone of Tertiary Furue and Aishiro Formations in Shimane Peninsula, and of Tertiary Kase Formation in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
津島 淳生
PP. 179 - 181
<Summary of Doctorate>Magnetotransport properties of exchange enhanced electron systems of Y (Co_<1-x>Al_x)_2 and TmCo_2
仲間 隆男
PP. 183 - 186
<Summary of Doctorate>Concentrations, Deposition Rates and Sources of Aqueous-Phase Organic Acids in the Atmosphere
三宅 隆之
PP. 187 - 189