広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編
22 巻
1996-12-28 発行
ISSN : 1340-8364
発行元 : 広島大学総合科学部
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PP. 25 - 29
Vegetation of Mominoki Forest Park, Hiroshima Prefecture
中越 信和 日笠 睦 根平 邦人
PP. 31 - 45
Stratigraphy of the Koyama limestone and structural relation between the limestone and the surrounding strata in the Oga area, Okayama Prefecture, western Japan
藤本 睦 野村 和芳 於保 幸正 佐田 公好
PP. 47 - 62
Performance and Method of Environmental Auditing on Foods and Vessels at a Festival in Hiroshima-Univ : from One-way to Re-use
吉田 宣幸 早瀬 光司
PP. 63 - 80
Feature of Vertical Profiles of Wind Velocity and Air Temperature and Heat Flux above Roof-top in Urban Area
張 一平 福岡 義隆 高橋 日出男
PP. 81 - 92
The Impact of Falling in Love : psychological adjustment and self-concept change
神薗 紀幸 黒川 正流 坂田 桐子
PP. 93 - 104
Successive measurement of blood pressure during temporal discrimination task in rats
PP. 105 - 113
Developmental Change of Perceived Availability of Social Support
嶋田 洋徳
PP. 115 - 128
Learning strategies adopted in 5 : 3 polyrhythmic tapping
田島 誠 調枝 孝治
PP. 129 - 141
A study on the volleyball spike of senior high school players
橋原 孝博 佐賀野 健 金 致偉 西村 清巳
PP. 143 - 152
The Effects of Preference of Music and Musical Mood on Emotional Responses
諸木 陽子 岩永 誠
PP. 153 - 163
Persuasive Communication and Feedback of Attitude Change
山浦 一保 黒川 正流 鈴木 康平
PP. 165 - 176
Regeneration Pattern and Vegetation Dynamics of Beech Forests
井田 秀行
PP. 177 - 180
Fungal succession and biomass in the decomposition process of pine cones on the floor of pinus densiflora forests
笠井 一浩
PP. 181 - 184
Mechanisms of irreversible transition to growth arrest of human myelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells treated with dimethyl sulfoxide
北島 健二
PP. 185 - 186
Cyclic electron flows and the initial reaction process of the photoinhibition in the photosystem II
黒岩 繁樹
PP. 187 - 190
Studies on population dynamics of monochamus saltuarius (Gebler) (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae) and transmission of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus Mamiya et Enda (Nematoda : Aphelenchoididae) : Inhibitory process of epidemic of pine wilt disease in a cooler area
軸丸 祥大
PP. 191 - 193
Continuity properties of Riesz potentials of functions in Orlicz classes
PP. 195 - 198
Theoretical Study of Electronic Shell Structure in Metal Clusters
園田 幸治
PP. 199 - 202
Determination of Dissolved Nitrogen Compounds in Natural Waters Using the Photochemical Conversion
PP. 203 - 205
Estimation of microbial biomass in the soils of burned and unburned japanese red pine forests
立石 貴浩
PP. 207 - 210
Characterization of Electrochemically Synthesized Conductive Polymers and Their Application to Electronic Devices
チョウドリ アル-ナキブ
PP. 211 - 214
Promotive Effect of Brassinolide on Elongation of Etiolated Squash Hypocotyl Segments
富永 るみ
PP. 215 - 216
Ecological studies of the threatened plants in rural vegetation
内藤 和明
PP. 217 - 220
Crystal Growth and Characterization of the Kondo Semimetal CeNiSn
中本 剛
PP. 221 - 224
Development of strongly immunogenic vaccines by using interleukin-2 fusion protein : Application to immunotherapy of herpes simplex virus infection
波佐間 正聡
PP. 225 - 226
Physiological and Biochemical Studies on Aluminum Toxicity and Tolerance in Higher Plants
ホア レ バン
PP. 227 - 230
Stratigraphy of calcareous and non-calcareous rocks, and tectonic development in the Oga area, Okayama Prefecture, western Japan
藤本 睦
PP. 231 - 234
Surface scattering effects on anisotropic superconductors
山田 耕太郎
PP. 235 - 238
Theoretical study of Neutron-Proton Scattering
吉野 浩生
PP. 239 - 241
PP. 243 - 261
PP. 262 - 264