Nonylphenol and bisphenol A are member of endocrine disrupters. We have measured their concentrationin the Kurose river water and two aquatic plants (Rhizoclonium sp., Egeria densa Planch.). As fornonylphenol, the highest concentration was 1.90 μg・L - 1 in the river water. It was more than the non-influencedconcentration (0.6 μg・L -1) to a freshwater fish reported by the Ministry of Environment, Japan. As forbisphenol A, the highest concentration was 0.75 μg・L -1 only in the tributary river. Nonylphenol concentrationin Rhizoclonium sp increased from 265.2 μg・kg- 1 (September) to 548.0 μg・kg- 1 (November). Theaccumulation rate was over 1000 times at some points, suggesting the possible use of Rhizoclonium sp to removenonylphenol from the river.