広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編 Volume 25
published_at 1999-12-28


The influence of need and ability to achieve cognitive structuring on self-esteem and acceptance of others
Ura Mitsuhiro
700 KB
When is individuals' high self-esteem compatible with their high acceptance of others and when not? The purpose of this study was to explore the answer to these questions. Ninety-seven undergraduates completed a questionnaire which consists of scales for acceptance of new and old friends, which have three sub-scales; trust, impression and closeness, Need for Cognitive Structuring (NCS) scale, and Ability to Achieve Cognitive Structure (AACS) scale. Consistent with the predictions, only under low NCS and high AACS condition, individuals' high self-esteem was compatible with high trust in a new friend, but for the case of old friends, the interaction effect of AACS and NCS on trust was not found. Implication and limitation of this study were discussed.
Need for cognitive structuring
Ability to achieve cognitive structure
acceptance of others.