広島大学総合科学部紀要. IV, 理系編 Volume 25
published_at 1999-12-28

モグラ (Mogera wogura) とヒミズ (Urotrichus talpoides) の人為環境下での飼育条件の開発

How to trap moles and shrew-moles and to keep them alive in captivity
Kusakabe Shinichi
Kusakabe Tadashi
496 KB
The present study investigated how to trap and keep moles (Mogera wogura) and shrewmoles (Urotrichus talpoides). We developed a new type of live-trap for moles and shrew-moles. With these live-traps, we could catch easily moles and shrew-moles. We developped an equiment for housing moles. The accomodation consisted of three parts, a nest-box, an activity area and a foodbox. The activity area consisted of a flat box (approx. 70×50cm) filled to a depth of 4-8cm with fine, light soil. We noticed the dried-dog food is suitable for moles'food, and we could rear both moles and shrew-moles successfully only with the dried-dog food and water in captivity. The method seems to supersede any previous attempt to keep captive moles alive long, more than 20 months.