Intussusception due to inflammatory fibroid polyps is a very rare entity. In this article two cases of inflammatory fibroid polyps of the ileum (A 32-year old man and a 50-year old woman) in Türkiye are described. Both patients were admitted to the hospital because of acute intestinal obstruction as a result of an intussusception caused by a polyp.
The lesions were characterized by an eozinophil containing loosely structured fibrous tissue comprising an onion-skin like arrangement of reticular fibers with spindle-shaped nuclei localised in the submucosa and the base of the mucosa, and variable proliferation of fibroblasts and small vessels.
The aetiology of these polyps remains obscure but they appear to be a reactive process (allergic or foreign body reaction) rather than neoplastic. Nkanze et al reported 12 cases of intussusception due to fibroid polyps in Africa. Our two cases are the first cases in Türkiye.