広島大学心理学研究 Issue 5
published_at 2006-03-30


A comparison of the environmental consciousnessb etween Chinese and Japanese university students
Yu Liling
Tozuka Tadashi
854 KB
Environmental consciousness as recognition of environmental problems, concern of environmental problems, and cognition of self-responsibility to solve environmental problems is an important factor to solve environmental problems. The purpose of this study is to measure the environmental consciousness of Chinese and Japanese people and to clarify the level of environmental consciousness and the feature of each country for environmental consciousness using common question items. 282 Chinese university students and 568 Japanese university students answered a questionnaire. As a result, Chinese university students paid more attention to domestic environmental problems, and Japanese university students paid more attention to global environmental problems. In addition, the result showed Chinese university students' environmental consciousness was higher than that of Japanese university students' in items such as the concern of environmental problems and the will to buy products that will solve environmental problems. Thus, the fact that a difference between Chinese and Japanese university students' environmental consciousness became clear.
環境問題, 環境意識
environmental problems
environmental consciousness
Chinese university students
Japanese university students
a comparison between China and Japan
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