広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属特別支援教育実践センター研究紀要 16 号
2018-03-21 発行

重度・重複障害児の学校生活における健康観察と主体的な学びについて : 児童の行動観察と担任教師へのインタビューを通して

A Study of Health Observation and Learner Autonomy in Students with Severe Motor and Intellectual Disabilities in School Life: Through Behavior Observation of Students and Interview with the Homeroom Teachers
山田 裕一
685 KB
The purpose of this study was to examine the significance of objectively ascertaining the health status of children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities (SMID). The homeroom teachers of 4 children with SMID were asked to complete a health log for the students during their time at special needs schools.Data provided by the teachers on the health log were compiled, revealing the children’s patterns of arousal and behavior at school. The teachers were then interviewed based on those data. Interviews revealed that homeroom teachers of children with SMID sense the difficulty of advising students to pay attention and to express themselves. The teachers also encouraged learner Autonomy (e.g. they took care to create conditions in which the children could engage in active learning). In light of these findings, the current study discussed the significance of obtaining objective data on children with SMID and encouraging active learning.
children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities
health observation
learner Autonomy in students