広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 64
published_at 2015-12-18

『太平記』に描き出された武士像 : 「忠」と「孝」を中心に

The Samurai Image in Taiheiki : Tyu and Kou
Yu Jun
443 KB
The research assignment deals with the question of how the samurai image was formed in Japan, particularly in Gunki monogatari (war tales) in the Middle Ages, with a focus on how samurai was described in a battle scenario. The purpose of this paper is to explore the image of samurai in Taiheiki. The most important aspect of samurai image in Taiheiki is its description using the word 忠(tyu: loyalty) and 孝(kou: filial piety). As we all know, Kusunoki Masashige has been considered as the most famous loyal retainer ( 忠臣). His son Kusunoki Masatsura is also well known because of his tyu and kou. Their unique image formed over a period of time not only how Taiheiki was perceived historically or politically, but also how it was described in Taiheiki. In the long periods of wars described in Taiheiki, several other kinds of samurai have been described by the words tyu and kou. However, not much research has been conducted on their contributions. This paper investigates how samurai acted when described by the words tyu and kou in battles. In addition, it presents a comparison with the case of another Gunki monogatari called Heike Monogatari. The comparison offers a suitable way of clarifying how different samurai image has been expressed in Taiheiki.
Samurai image