広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 64 号
2015-12-18 発行

中等家庭科教員養成における教科に関する科目「保育学」の内容検討 : 教員養成系大学のシラバスを手がかりとして

A Study of the Lecture Contents about “Early Childhood Care and Education” in the Training Home Economics Teachers of Secondary School : Analysis of the syllabi of the teacher colleges
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This study aimed to review the contents of the lecture about “Early Childhood Care and Education” at teacher colleges in the training home economics teachers of secondary school. The syllabi of colleges were analyzed for the following two points, 1: The difference of the way of thinking teaching materials between the schools and the teacher training colleges, 2: Weakness of cooperation between teachers in charge of each subject in teacher training courses. Following results were obtained: (1) Most of the colleges had taken up the “development of neonates and infants” as a theme. (2) Colleges more than 70% had taken up “touching experience with young children”. (3) Few syllabi of the colleges have dealt with all the subjects that home economics teachers take up in the school. (4) Cooperative lecture or contents between teachers in charge of each subject in teacher training courses was hardly implemented, and cooperation between childcare and other contents was hardly observed.
teacher colleges
training home economics teachers of secondary school
early childhood care and education