広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 64 号
2015-12-18 発行

1970年代国語科における主題単元学習の成立過程 : 広島大学附属中・高等学校の実践的研究を中心に

The Formation Process of Thematic Unit in Japanese Language Education in the 1970s : In the case of practical research by Hiroshima University High School
池田 匡史
989 KB
In this paper, I considered the formation process of the thematic unit in Japanese education in the 1970s. The 1970s is very important period, because many theorists who insisted on the thematic unit refer to the practical research by Hiroshima University High School in 1970s. This practical research was born by the following situations. 1. In Japanese language education, the recovery of the human nature has been demanded. 2. When students learn the literature, teachers had set the pursuit of humanity to the goal from before. 3. Japanese language education textbook that was used by Hiroshima University High School (Be made by SANSEIDO Co.,Ltd.) was composed of the thematic units. These situations was formed the thematic unit of the 1970s. And, the practical research by Hiroshima University High School was to have a big influence.
thematic unit
Hiroshima University High School
the Japanese language textbooks