The multinational comparative time use survey conducted in 1965-1966 led the subsequent time use research. Though Japan did not participate in this multinational comparative time use research, Japanese time use research group conducted time use survey following the survey method of the multinational comparative time use research in 1972. The survey was conducted in Matsuyama City. Data of the multinational comparative time use survey and 1972 Japanese data revealed that employed husbands slept shorter than wives not employed in all countries but Japan. Japanese time use research group conducted the follow-up surveys in 1991 and 2013 in the same city using the same method. This study aims at clarifying the transition of gender differences reflected in hours of sleep over 40 years. Though hours of sleep have decreased for 40 years, the trend that employed husbands sleep longer than wives has not changed in general. On weekdays in 2013, however, wives not employed slept longer than employed husbands. Three surveys showed that employed husbands get up latest. The difference of hours of rising between husbands and wives, however, has decreased for 40 years.