広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 64 号
2015-12-18 発行

説明的文章の方略的読みにおける批評性 : 中学校三年生教材に対するイデオロギー批評の試み

Critical Characteristic on Strategic Reading to Comprehension Expository Texts : An attempt of critique of ideology to text from ninth grade textbook
古賀 洋一
669 KB
In this article, I attempted critique of ideology to text from ninth grade textbook as a part of constructing system nature of strategic reading to comprehension expository text. First, I expanded framework of comprehension strategy with a focus on critique of ideology. As a result of consideration, I identified two strategies used before critique of ideology and two strategies used during it. The former was as follow, (a) getting to know purpose, speaking subject, and addressed public of text, (b) getting to know diachronic, synchronic contexts surrounding the problem area. The latter was as follow, (c) identifying ideology, the excluded, and the unspeakable by referring contexts, (d) constructing text to effect a change to dominant discourses. Second, I attempted critique of ideology to text from ninth grade textbook. As a result of attempting, I clarified consecutiveness critical reading of argument and critique of ideology and gave these strategies shape. Elaborating strategies identified in this paper, and shaping instruction to teach it learners are issues in the future.
expository text
strategic reading
critique of ideology
ninth grade