学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 Issue 35
published_at 2007-03-20
生徒の非行化を阻止するために学校が独自にとりうる措置と、家庭・関係機関・地域社会との連携(IV) : 1980年代と90年代の「非行化の波」2つを卒業生の体験聴取から検証する
What are our school's proper actions and its cooperation to students' families, the related agencies, and their community in order to prevent students from turning to wrongdoing ? : The questionnaire and interview researches on two delinquent waves in the early 1980's and late 1990's to the graduates of a junior high affiliated with a university
Kanamaru Junji
Mitou Kouji