広島外国語教育研究 Issue 26
published_at 2023-03-01

ドイツ語初学者の発音習得に関する一考察 : アンケート調査を基に

A Study on Pronunciation Acquisition of Beginners in German: Based on a Questionnaire Survey
882 KB
In foreign language classes, it is essential to teach learners the rules of pronunciation and to master the relationship between pronunciation and spelling. However, the current situation is that very little emphasis is placed on pronunciation in German language education in Japan. Textbooks tend to ignore pronunciation. I know from experience that students who learn German well can pronounce words correctly, and students who cannot pronounce words well have also difficulty mastering vocabulary and grammar. This paper reports what students find difficult when learning German pronunciation and how they study based on a questionnaire survey.
From the results of the questionnaire, it was found that some of the pronunciations that are characteristic of German continue to be difficult for learners to learn. About half of the students listen to audio materials when studying pronunciation. Students who feel that they have mastered pronunciation to some extent use audio materials to practice pronunciation. Students who are not good at pronunciation only listen to audio materials and do not practice much beyond that. However, they are positive about teachers correcting their pronunciation. They may find it difficult to learn independently and need support from teachers and classmates.
本稿は日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)「複言語・多言語教育を視野に入れた初・中級学習者用8言語例文パラレルコーパスの開発」(20H01285, 研究代表者:岩崎克己)の研究成果の一部である。
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