広島外国語教育研究 26 号
2023-03-01 発行

Teaching English with Tim Burton’s Batman: A Comic-book Supplementation of the Three-Block Movie-English Method

ティム・バートン作『バットマン』を用いた英語指導 : Three-Block Movie-English Method の漫画による補足
402 KB
This article presents a report of innovative pedagogical practice, outlining the materials and activities used in an English language course based on Tim Burton’s film, Batman. The innovation consisted in supplementing movie and novelization materials with extracts from a comic book. The aim of the article is primarily to share practice rather than advancing any claims for effectiveness in terms of language acquisition. A brief outline of the history of Batman is provided, and attention is drawn to the cultural and social interest of the character. The core of the article is a simple listing of the activities implemented in each block of the lesson and a description of the materials deployed. Subjective reflections of course participants are also presented.
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