広島外国語教育研究 Issue 19
published_at 2016-03-01


Using Web Services in EFL Writing Classes
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The aim of this paper is to report on EFL writing classes in which 3 Web services were introduced, including their challenges. Although there are many studies on giving feedback and its effects on writing classes, these showed inconsistent results. In addition, it is difficult for teachers to correct all grammatical, semantic, or lexical errors in students’ writing. In order to compensate for these difficulties, the author has attempted to take advantage of Web services to assist in English writing.

At Hiroshima University, CALL classrooms are available, and it is possible to access many Web services that can be utilized in writing activities. This paper reports the actions taken by students and the challenges that this type of class presents when such services are used to encourage autonomous writing activities.

The combination of multiple Web services such as Google Search and Ginger was introduced as a utility to review students’ own English expression. As a result, while utilizing such services was favorable for use during English writing tasks for students, it remains a challenge for the teacher to find a way to assist students not to accept the whole sentence easily. Overviewing the whole essay and providing clear guidance on sentence structures are necessary for the teachers to improve writing skills.
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