This paper is an overview and reflective analysis on developing and teaching nursing English courses in Japan and Korea, examining the outcomes and implications for such courses. The study includes two courses in Canada (Korean undergraduate nursing students) and six in Japan (Japanese undergraduate nursing students). The paper opens with a short background on the growing need for English in healthcare, followed by a literature review that identifies some of the specific reasons for English in nursing education. It then examines the eight nursing English courses in terms of needs analysis, context/situation including stakeholders, course design and development, and assessment. The paper then looks at the overall outcomes, implications and trends emerging from the analysis, and ends with a discussion about recommendations for future courses, limitations of the current study and overall conclusions about the courses.
Whether as tourists, workers, or immigrants the movement of people around the globe continues to grow. As these individuals travel from country to country they also bring with them their associated healthcare needs. Thus, in order to properly treat these people, the demand for English speaking healthcare workers continues to grow, regardless of country, and Japan is no exception. With this in mind, many Asian university nursing faculties are attempting to meet these English needs through innovative programs that include an important English component that links to nursing skills themselves. The following analysis is based on several such courses.