28 号
2016-03-22 発行


ISSN : 1347-0205
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科音楽文化教育学領域
Music Education Curriculum in Various Countries: Comparison of Curricula with Respect to Content- and Competency-Based Ideas
三村 真弓 伊藤 真 峯 恭子 松下 友紀 吉富 功修 井本 美穂
PP. 5 - 14
Quantitative Analysis of Musical Expression of MEB Program: Movement Analysis of Nursery School children in Different Childcare Forms Using the MTw System
佐野 美奈
PP. 25 - 34
Enhancing Language Activities in Elementary Music Education: Based on Worksheets from the Italian Elementary School Textbook Musica Guida (2008)
大野内 愛
PP. 35 - 42
Educational View of Preschool-Age and School-Age Children in the Manhattanville Music Curriculum Program: Specifically with Regard to the Structure of Interaction
長谷川 諒
PP. 43 - 50
Position of Music in Plato’s Curriculum Theory: Three Concepts of Music
工藤 千晶
PP. 51 - 60
Use of Tone Bars in the Montessori Method through an Examination of Costruisco la scala (1956)
藤尾 かの子
PP. 61 - 68
Purpose of music in Swedish preschool in the Läroplan för förskolan 98: Life-long learning
松本 進乃助
PP. 69 - 74
Impromptu performances in Finnish preschool music education determined by inspection of music lessons
藤井 惠子
PP. 75 - 82
The Using Big Books in Music Classes: In the Focus on the Method of Combination of Big Books and Textbooks
粟木 陽子
PP. 83 - 91
Phenomenon of Stage Fright Based on Experience of Music Performers: Quantitative Text Analysis of Music Major Students
平山 裕基
PP. 93 - 99
Singing-dancing in the Meiji Period: Focusing on Yochien Shokayugiho (1902)
戸江 真以
PP. 101 - 109
Influence of Educational Reforms on Music for Primary and Secondary Schools in Singapore: The Revised Syllabus of 1992–93 and 2002
森山 実華
PP. 111 - 120
Music in School Dramas at Seijo Elementary School
升田 真依子
PP. 121 - 129