音楽文化教育学研究紀要 28 号
2016-03-22 発行

フィンランドの音楽科教育における即興演奏活動 : 就学前教育(プリスクール)に音楽科授業を視察して

Impromptu performances in Finnish preschool music education determined by inspection of music lessons
藤井 惠子
1.4 MB
This study examined guidelines related to and the content of Finnish music education at preschool level. An attempt was made to undertake a comprehensive survey of related themes and see how they may be connected to social factors. The survey took the form of making visits to preschool music classes. In this way, observations were made of the qualities and abilities cultivated in Finnish music education. Those qualities and abilities included the following: expressive power, particularly linguistic; making an objective appreciation of music; personal determination; communication skills; and interaction with the social environment. The intention in Finland is to develop these diverse capabilities through the medium of music. These skills are ones that are currently required in twenty-first-century Japan. There is thus a need in Japan to promote such skills using a similar kind of subject-specific curriculum like that adopted in Finland in 2004.