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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Volume 29
( 2022-06-01 )
Volume 28
( 2022-03-01 )
Volume 27 Issue 1-2
( 2021-03-01 )
Volume 26 Issue 1-2
( 2020-03-01 )
Volume 25 Issue 1・2
( 2019-03-01 )
Volume 24 Issue 1・2
( 2018-03-01 )
Volume 23 Issue 1・2
( 2017-03-01 )
Volume 22 Issue 1・2
( 2016-03-01 )
Volume 21
( 2015-03 )
Volume 20 Issue 3
( 2014-03-31 )
Volume 20 Issue 2
( 2014-03-31 )
Volume 20 Issue 1
( 2013-12-01 )
Volume 19 Issue 4
( 2013-03-29 )
Volume 19 Issue 3
( 2013-03-29 )
Volume 19 Issue 2
( 2012-07-31 )
Volume 19 Issue 1
( 2012-07-01 )
Volume 18 Issue 4
( 2012-06-30 )
Volume 18 Issue 3
( 2012-03-31 )
Volume 18 Issue 2
( 2011-12-01 )
Volume 18 Issue 1
( 2011-12-01 )
Volume 17 Issue 3
( 2011-03-31 )
Volume 17 Issue 2
( 2011-03-31 )
Volume 17 Issue 1
( 2011-01-31 )
Volume 16 Issue 2
( 2010-03-31 )
Volume 16 Issue 1
( 2010-03-31 )
Volume 15 Issue 1・2
( 2009-03-31 )
Volume 14 Issue 3
( 2008-03-31 )
Volume 14 Issue 2
( 2008-03-31 )
Volume 14 Issue 1
( 2008-03-31 )
Volume 13 Issue 1
( 2007-03-30 )
Volume 12 Issue 2
( 2006-03-31 )
Volume 12 Issue 1
( 2005-10-31 )
Volume 11 Issue 2
( 2005-03-31 )
Volume 11 Issue 1
( 2005-01 )
Volume 10 Issue 2
( 2004-03 )
Volume 10 Issue 1
( 2003-09 )
Volume 9 Issue 2
( 2003-03 )
Volume 9 Issue 1
( 2002-09 )
Volume 8 Issue 2
( 2002-03 )
Volume 8 Issue 1
( 2001-10 )
Volume 7 Issue 2
( 2001-03 )
Volume 7 Issue 1
( 2001-01 )
Volume 6 Issue 1
( 2000-03 )
Volume 4 Issue 1
( 1998-03-01 )
Volume 3 Issue 1
( 1997-03-01 )
Volume 1 Issue 1
( 1995-03-30 )
Journal of International Development and Cooperation
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University
Volume 29
( 2022-06-01 )
“Illicit but Legal”: The Ambivalent Morality and Resistance of the Japanese Digital Precariat.
ANGIULLI Arnaldo Andrea
PP. 1 - 26
Volume 28
( 2022-03-01 )
Reconsidering Environmentality: Coexistence of Direct and Indirect Power in Conservation by Coffee Production in Chiang Rai, Thailand
PP. 1 - 18
Volume 27 Issue 1-2
( 2021-03-01 )
Cambodian Teacher Educators’ Attitudes towards the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education: Trends and Patterns
HUN Ravy
KAO Sovansophal
PP. 1 - 15
The Development of Multicultural Education through Tasamuh Practice in Pesantren, A Case Study from Pesantren Assalaam, Central Java, Indonesia
RAHMAN Bambang Arif
PP. 17 - 33
改革開放以降の中国高等教育における大陸外中国人の中国観の変化 : 東南沿海部二大学学生のキャンパスライフに焦点を当てて
Hong Kong, Macao and HuaQiao university students’ perception towards China of change after China’s open-door policy: Case studies of campus life in two universities in Southeast of China
PP. 35 - 49
Conceptualizing Technology Professional Development for Non-traditional Teacher Educators: The Case of Primary Teacher Education in Malawi
PP. 51 - 63
Does Foreign Aid Work Well in Developing Countries? A Mediating Effect Approach
PP. 65 - 86
Harassment Free Schools: Sexual Harassment and Academic Performance of Primary School Pupils in Kenya
USUI Sayaka
BLEVINS Benjamin K.
PP. 87 - 97
A Review on Teachers’ Understanding of Science Process Skills and Its Importance in Science Education for Africa
PP. 99 - 108
Volume 26 Issue 1-2
( 2020-03-01 )
Understanding the Secularization Process through English Language Teaching at Qawmi Madrasa in Bangladesh
Golam Azam Md
Kusakabe Tatsuya
PP. 1 - 13
Cambodian Upper Secondary School Students’ Attitudes towards Science: Trends and Patterns
Kao Sovansophal
PP. 15 - 27
A New Paradigm of Tripartite Connectivity: Civil Intellectuals, Resistance, and the Collective Social Movement
Huq Moshreka Aditi
PP. 29 - 49
Effect of Market Competition on Passengers’ Time Cost by Conventional Rail
He Bing
Yoshida Yuichiro
PP. 51 - 60
Effect of Trade Liberalization on Regional Income Inequality in an Endogenous Growth Model
He Bing
Fukuda Katsufumi
PP. 61 - 67
Review of Changes of Education Policy for Development in Cambodia: from the 1860s to the 1980s
Pov Sokunrith
Kawai Norimune
PP. 69 - 78
Transnational Imaginaries of Japanese Filipinos and their Quest for Flexible Citizenship
Meñoza Shikainnah Glow Dalumpines
PP. 79 - 93
An Exploration of the Informal Credit Practices for Agriculture in Afghanistan: Reasons for Availing Informal and not Availing Formal Credit
Masaood Moahid
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 95 - 108
Secondary School Science Teachers’ Knowledge, Responses, and Abilities to Create Inclusive Science Practices in General Education Classrooms in Banjarnegara Regency, Indonesia
Atika Iva Nandya
Kawai Norimune
PP. 109 - 121
A Review on STEM Enrollment in Higher Education of Cambodia: Current Status, Issues, and Implications of Initiatives
Kao Sovansophal
Shimizu Kinya
PP. 123 - 134
Volume 25 Issue 1・2
( 2019-03-01 )
Living in Danger: Exploring the Culture of Disaster of the Ati Peoples in Bicol, Philippines
Labayo Czarina Ceballo
PP. 1 - 12
Pilgrimage, Tourism, and Community: A Case Study of the Gunungpring Sacred Graveyard in Indonesia
Julungwangi Anindita Maya
PP. 13 - 24
チベット・アムド地域における漢族家庭の言語使用状況 : 青海省黄南蔵族自治州尖扎県康楊鎮カルマタン村の王徳有の家庭を事例に
Language Situation of Han Chinese Families in Amdo Tibetan Area: A Case of the Wang Deyou’s Family in Skarmathang Village
Cuo Zhou Yang
PP. 25 - 37
中国の高等教育における大陸外中国人学生に対する思想教育カリキュラムの機能に関する研究 : 福建省華僑大学の機能変容を軸に
Ideological education of non-mainland Chinese students in China: a case study of HuaQiao university in Fujian province
Zhuang Yu
Kusakabe Tatsuya
PP. 39 - 54
Household Risk Preferences and Community-based Health Insurance Uptake in Rural Villages, Savannakhet Province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic: Field Experimental Data
Sydavong Thiptaiya
Goto Daisaku
PP. 55 - 67
Does Community-based Health Insurance Have Potential Impacts on Direct and Indirect Outcomes? Evidence from Rural Villages, Savannakhet Province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Sydavong Thiptaiya
Goto Daisaku
PP. 69 - 83
Volume 24 Issue 1・2
( 2018-03-01 )
Comparative Study of Household Economy and Food Security in Timor-Leste: A Case Study of Acumau and Mertuto Villages
Goshima Naoka
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 1 - 15
Climatic Change and Indigenous Knowledge and Practices with Reference to Traditional Water Resource Management in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Shrestha Ranjan Prakash
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 17 - 24
Mapping Local Factions in the Peace Accord Implementation Process: A Case Study of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord in Bangladesh
Bala Sajib
PP. 25 - 33
The Effectiveness of Simulation in Science Learning on Conceptual Understanding: A Literature Review
Widiyatmoko Arif
PP. 35 - 43
Rethinking Social Media as the Counterpublics: The Case of the Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, Thailand
Chaopreecha Jakraphan
PP. 45 - 59
Reconsidering Formality and Informality in Tourism: A Case of Phuket, Thailand
Tovankasame Nicha
PP. 61 - 70
Shifting Cultivation: Misconception of the Asian Governments
Cherrier Justine
Maharjan Shree Kumar
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 71 - 82
Volume 23 Issue 1・2
( 2017-03-01 )
Proliferating English-Medium Schools in Bangladesh and Their Educational Significance Among the “Clientele”
Mousumi Manjuma Akhtar
Kusakabe Tatsuya
PP. 1 - 13
Understanding Water Scarcity in the Socio-Cultural Context in Thar Desert of Pakistan
Chaudhry Tehreem
PP. 15 - 25
Coastal Wave Reanalysis in Hue Beach, South China Sea
Tran Thi Khuyen
Yamashita Takao
PP. 27 - 40
Review of Climate Policies and Roles of Institutions in the Policy Formulation and Implementation of Adaptation Plans and Strategies in Nepal
Maharjan Shree Kumar
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 41 - 54
ザンビア共和国における理科の授業研究協議会の実態と課題 : 発話のカテゴリー分析と質的分析を用いて
Current Status and Challenges of Science Lesson Study Discussion in Zambia : Analysis by Categorization of Contents and Qualitative Approaches
Nakazato Haruna
PP. 55 - 74
Determinants of livelihood diversification in Ghana from the national livelihood strategies and spatial perspective
Mahama Tiah Abdul-Kabiru
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 75 - 90
Newspaper reports and the Cabinet approval ratings during the Recruit Scandal : By the examples of Asahi Shimbun and Yomiuri Shimbun
Wang Jincao
PP. 91 - 102
The Impact of Oil Price to Indonesian Macroeconomics Indicators : Pre and Post Asian Crisis
Luthfi Ahmad
Senevirathne Chathuri
Kaneko Shinji
PP. 103 - 118
Volume 22 Issue 1・2
( 2016-03-01 )
The Consequences of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Peace Accord at the Village Level : Case Study of Khagrachari Hill District in Bangladesh <Article>
Partha Ranjan Saha
PP. 1 - 14
中国・大連市鳳鳴街保護運動に関する一考察 <原著論文>
A Study of The FengMing Street Protection Movement In Dalian, China <Article>
Xiao Nan
PP. 15 - 23
Female Leadership in Public Religious Space : An Alternative Group of Women in Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh <Article>
Begum Momotaj
PP. 25 - 36
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act and Factors Influencing Solid Waste Management in Barangay Pansol of Quezon City, the Philippines <Article>
Maskey Bijan
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Singh Mrinila
PP. 37 - 45
Traditional Water Resource Use and Adaptation Efforts in Nepal <Article>
Shrestha Ranjan Prakash
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 47 - 58
Diversification of Qur’anic Schools in Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java : Comparative Study between Semi-Urban Rural and Remote Rural Settings <Article>
Wiji Astuti
Kusakabe Tatsuya
PP. 59 - 72
Joint Implementation of Policies for Making the MRT Successful and Mitigating the Congestion in Jakarta <Article>
Maimunah Siti
Kaneko Shinji
PP. 73 - 89
Commuters’ Behaviors and Attitudes toward Current Transport Mode Chosen <Article>
Maimunah Siti
Kaneko Shinji
PP. 91 - 105
An Overview of Theoretical and Empirical Studies on Deforestation <Review>
Indarto Jarot
Mutaqin Dadang J.
PP. 107 - 120
Canonical Correlation Analysis of Mongolian Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching with a Focus on Concept Image and Concept Definition in Secondary Geometry <Research Note>
Purevdorj Oyunaa
PP. 121 - 139
Volume 21
( 2015-03 )
Influence of Modernization in Funeral Guthi (A Socio-religious Association) : Case of Gubhaju and Bare Castes of Kathmandu City <Article>
Vaidya Arija
PP. 1 - 7
インド後期中等教育における理科授業の横断的考察 : 教師の発問とその学習論に着目して <原著論文>
Lateral Study on Upper Secondary Science Lesson in India : With a Focus on Teacher’s Question and Learning Theory <Article>
Takahashi Taikai
PP. 9 - 16
Typhoon Storm Surge Simulation for Typhoon Haiyan <Research Note>
Kim Kyeong Ok
PP. 17 - 25
Volume 20 Issue 3
( 2014-03-31 )
Preface to the Special Issue on "Community Development Strategies in the Developing Countries" <A preface for featured article>
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 1 - 3
Decentralization : Potentiality and Challenge for Rural Development <Review>
PP. 5 - 12
Role of Organizational Governance in Household Level Economic Indicators : Evidence from Community-Based Rice Seed Production of Nepal <Article>
Khanal Narayan Prasad
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 13 - 28
Technology Demonstrations and Value Chain Interventions for Commercial Promotion of Lentil in Rice Fallows in the Terai of Nepal <Article>
Neupane Ram Krishna
Sharma Anjana
Aryal Deepak
Shah Rakesh
Gupta Shiva Ratan
Maldonado Kate
PP. 29 - 43
Socioeconomic Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Farmers in Chitwan District of Nepal <Article>
Singh Mrinila
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Maskey Bijan
PP. 45 - 55
The Benefits and Challenges of Farming in Mixed Crop-Livestock Production Systems in Ala-Buka, Kyrgyzstan <Article>
Zhumanova Munavar
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Orozumbekov Almazbek
PP. 57 - 70
Impact of Mass Media on Agricultural Development A case study of Toloikon village, Kara Suu region, Osh oblast, Kyrgyzstan <Research Note>
Seitova Meerim
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 71 - 85
Rural Sanitation Situation in Bangladesh : Some Experiences and Issues <Research Note>
Chowdhury Masudul Hoq
Mamun Abdullah Al
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 87 - 94
Volume 20 Issue 2
( 2014-03-31 )
TIMSS・PISAの2次分析に関する英語論文の実態 : ERICのJournal Articlesに焦点を当てて <総説>
The State of Secondary Analysis on TIMSS and PISA in English Journal Articles : Focus on Journal Articles in ERIC <Review>
Kawahara Taro
PP. 1 - 7
The Nexus between Nation Building and Capacity Building in Afghanistan <Article>
Osmani M. Osman
PP. 9 - 20
Establishment of Regional Environment Simulator at Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Gowa Campus : Case Study Meteorological Simulation and Estuary Circulation <Report>
Baeda Achmad Yasir
Yamashita Takao
PP. 21 - 29
Ethnic Entitled Conflict? An Ethnic - Based Analysis to Conflict in Sri Lanka <Research Note>
Shamini Chandran
PP. 31 - 47
Seasonal Food Insecurity in the Drought-Prone Northwestern Region of Bangladesh : An Econometric Analysis <Research Note>
Iqbal Md. Hafiz
Mahamud Md. Shakil
Rahaman Md. Masumur
Islam Atm Fakhrul
PP. 49 - 59
Volume 20 Issue 1
( 2013-12-01 )
Practice and Discourse of “Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord 1997" in Bangladesh <Article>
Partha Ranjan Saha
PP. 1 - 11
中国語を母語とする日本語学習者に対する「にとって」の指導法 <原著論文>
Study on the guidance of "nitotte" oriented to Japanese-learners whose native language is Chinese <Articles>
Dong Xie
PP. 13 - 20
中国語母語話者における日本語可能表現の習得について : 無対動詞の有・無標識可能表現に着目して <原著論文>
An Acquisition Research by the Chinese native speakers on the Japanese Potential Expressions : Paying Attention to the Marked and Unmarked Potential Expressions of Unpaired Verbs <Articles>
Guan Cheng
PP. 21 - 30
Students' Language Preference in Learning Science and the Language Environment at School and Home : A Case of Primary Students in the Bicol Region, Philippines <Research Note>
Vela Jualim Datiles
Ikeda Hideo
PP. 31 - 41
Volume 19 Issue 4
( 2013-03-29 )
Preface to the Special Issue on "Communities and Livelihood Strategies in Developing Countries" <A preface for featured article>
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 1 - 3
Impact of Climate Variables on Revenue of Major Food Crops in Ghana : Ricardian Cross-Sectional Analysis <Article>
Issahaku Zakaria Amidu
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 5 - 16
Socio-economic Determinants for the Adoption of Improved Rice Varieties in the Tarai Region of Nepal <Article>
Khanal Narayan Prasad
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 17 - 27
Effects of Seasonal Changes and Forage Availability on Milk Yield of Cows among Smallholder Households in Ala-Buka, Kyrgyzstan <Article>
Zhumanova Munavar
Issahaku Zakaria Amidu
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 29 - 36
Prospect of Farmers in Generating Additional Income Through Organic Vegetable Farming : A Case Study in Kathmandu Valley and Chitwan District of Nepal <Article>
Singh Mrinila
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 37 - 49
Capacity of Rural Institutions in Implementing Decentralized Development in Indonesia : Case of Three Villages in Purbalingga District, Central Java Province <Article>
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 51 - 68
Climate Variability, Local Environmental Changes and Rural Livelihood Systems : A Case Study of Three Coastal Villages in India <Research Note>
Nayak Bibhu Prasad
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 69 - 87
Co-operation of Local Communities in Kyrgyzstan for Betterment of Rural Development : Case Study in Issyk-Kul Oblast <Research Note>
Kubakaeva Nazgul
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 89 - 105
Kitchen Gardening Practices through People's Participation : An Action Research Project of three Marginalized bagdi Villages in Bangladesh <Research Note>
Ghosh Ashoke Kumar
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 107 - 119
Profiles of Smallholder Dairy Farmers Groups after Volcanic Eruption Damage in Indonesia : A Case Study of Sleman Regency, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta <Research Note>
Muzayyanah Mujtahidah Anggriani Ummul
Syahlani Suci Paramitasari
Suranindyah Yuni
PP. 121 - 129
Volume 19 Issue 3
( 2013-03-29 )
Expansion of Rubber Tree Plantation in Northern Laos : Economic and Environmental Consequences <Review>
Luangmany Duangmany
Kaneko Shinji
PP. 1 - 13
Issues at Own Backyard : Caste Based Socio-Economic Inequalities as "Unseen Hurdles" in Post-conflict Northern Sri Lanka <Article>
Balasooriya B.A.C. Ajith
PP. 15 - 29
Evaluation of seasonal patterns of water quality in the Zambezi River Basin, using Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) data of 2011 <Article>
Nachiyunde Kabunga
Namakando Chrispin
PP. 31 - 48
Design of Low-cost Colorimeters (LCCs) for Water-based Pollutant Measurement in High School Environmental Education in Zambia <Article>
Nachiyunde Kabunga
Ikeda Hideo
PP. 49 - 63
Preparedness Assessment toward Volcano Eruption : Case of Primary Schools in Merapi Area, Indonesia <Article>
Hayashi Takehiro
PP. 65 - 72
Determinants of Poverty among Major Food Crop Farmers : The Case of Ghana <Article>
Issahaku Zakaria Amidu
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 73 - 82
日本語と延辺朝鮮語における「依頼-拒絶-再依頼」の展開について : 談話構造とストラテジーの考察を中心に <原著論文>
On the Development "Request - Refusal - Request" in Japanese and Yanbian Korean : Focusing on Discourse Structures and Strategies <Article>
Zhang Xuemei
PP. 83 - 97
移行期の正義における損害回復と制度構築の相互依存性 : モロッコの事例より <原著論文>
Interdependency between Reparation and Institution Building in Transitional Justice : In the case of Morocco <Article>
Kosaka Shinya
PP. 99 - 113
Putting the Home Grown Mechanism into Practice in Post War Sri Lanka : The Presidential Commission of Inquiry on Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation <Research Note>
Shamini Chandran
PP. 115 - 129
Effectiveness of CAMANAVA Flood Control Project : A Case Study of Selected Flood Control Structures during Typhoon Gener and Monsoon Rains in August 2012 <Research Note>
Tyree James
Ven Johnson Savin
Pascua Marie Claire L.
Rahaman Md. Masumur
Tenorio Arnel L.
Lutfi Mohammad
PP. 131 - 145
Peacebuilding diplomacy of Japan and hybrid peace governance in Sri Lanka <Research Note>
Melegoda Nayani
PP. 147 - 153
Community Based Information Dissemination and Communication Strategies for Flood Disaster Planning in the Philippines : A Case Study of Bacolor, Pampanga <Research Note>
Espina Jr. Nicasio
Daggy Rachel
Genova Jared
Lo Dexter
Piya Luni
Soputhy Ny
PP. 155 - 164
Volume 19 Issue 2
( 2012-07-31 )
Eco-City Planning In Developing Countries : The Role of Organic Waste Management <Research Notes>
Weningtyas Widyarini
Quan Liqing
Suga Manami
Zhang Nan
Yang Song
Amidu Issahaku Zakaria
PP. 1 - 11
Ding Fei
Kinh Bui Duc
Tõnisson Liina
Mao Limin
Ohya Shohei
PP. 13 - 24
Tackling weaknesses in the Solar Home System (SHS) market in Bangladesh <Research Notes>
Cela Enian
Ghosh Partha Pratim
Angara Eusebio Villar
Zhang Peng
Yang Zhou
PP. 25 - 32
A Case Study for the Emissions Reduction for Coal Power Plants in Viet Nam <Research Notes>
Ven Johnson Savin
Nachiyunde Kabunga
Breit Johannes
Li Hui Xuan
PP. 33 - 45
Policies to Promote Photovoltaic Technologies in Developing Countries Considering Bangladesh as a Reference Case <Research Notes>
Asada Yoshinori
Patwary Mohammad Akbar Hossain
Johnson Wes VEN
Dong Xu
Kuti Funmilola Oluwatosin
PP. 47 - 56
Maimunah Siti
Oliva Eric Casimero
Ahmad Zalena Binti
Yu Wenshi
Sun Ling
Masuda Hiroyuki
PP. 57 - 67
Fostering the Use of Photovoltaic Systems in China <Research Notes>
Tanaka Karen Talita
Koinegg Johann
Rahman Abm Sertajur
PP. 69 - 76
Volume 19 Issue 1
( 2012-07-01 )
省エネ住宅設備の購入行動の経済分析 <原著論文>
Economic analysis on consumer behavior for energy saving home devices <Articles>
Iwata Kazuyuki
Managi Shunsuke
Kaneko Shinji
PP. 1 - 12
College Student Involvement in English Language Learning in Cambodia : Trends and Patterns <Articles>
Heng Kreng
PP. 13 - 23
Identifying causes of dropout through longitudinal quantitative analysis in rural Cambodian basic schools <Articles>
No Fata
Hirakawa Yukiko
PP. 25 - 39
Technical Efficiency in Wheat Seed Production : A Case Study from Tarai Region of Nepal <Articles>
Khanal Narayan Prasad
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Sapkota Ambika
PP. 41 - 50
"Global Development of Organic Agriculture : Challenges and Prospects" <Others>
Singh Mrinila
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 51 - 53
Volume 18 Issue 4
( 2012-06-30 )
Preface to the Special Issue on "Agriculture, Livelihood Systems and Climate Variability" <A preface for featured article>
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 1 - 2
Food Security through Organic Agriculture : A Global and National Perspective <Reviews>
Singh Mrinila
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Dangol Dharma Raj
PP. 3 - 10
Soil Conservation Practices for Sustainability of Rice-wheat System in Nepal : A Review <Reviews>
Khanal Narayan Prasad
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Dangol Dharma Raj
PP. 11 - 20
Understanding the Relationship between Climate Change and Poverty in Nepal <Reviews>
Joshi Niraj Prakash
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Piya Luni
PP. 21 - 35
Relationship between Climate Variables and Yield of Food Crops in Nepal : Cases of Makwanpur and Ilam District <Articles>
Shrestha Suman Lal
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Joshi Niraj Prakash
PP. 37 - 54
Comparison of Adaptive Capacity and Adaptation Practices in Response to Climate Change and Extremes among the Chepang Households in Rural Mid-Hills of Nepal <Articles>
Piya Luni
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Joshi Niraj Prakash
PP. 55 - 75
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Flora in Forest, Grassland and Common Land Ecosystems of Western Chitwan, Nepal <Articles>
Dangol Dharma Raj
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 77 - 92
Carbon Intensive Urbanization, Climate Variability and Urban Vulnerabilities in Hill Areas : A Case of Gangtok Urban Region, Sikkim <Articles>
Acharya Shrawan Kumar
Bandyopadhyay Saswat
Praharaj Sarbeswar
PP. 93 - 112
Promoting Rural Livelihoods through Riverbed Vegetable Farming in the Tarai Region of Nepal <Research Notes>
Gurung Gam Bahadur
Koirala Pankaj
Pande Dharma Prasad
Basnet Durga Bahadur
Kafle Omkar
PP. 113 - 121
Volume 18 Issue 3
( 2012-03-31 )
Investigating Travelers' Stated Mode Choice Preferences Considering the Influences of Choice Contexts on BRT System in Surabaya City <Article>
Rahman Abm Sertajur
Fujiwara Akimasa
Zhang Junyi
Nughoro Sudarmanto Budi
Silaban Togar Arifin
PP. 1 - 16
Towards Positive Peace : Government of Sri Lanka's Post-Conflict Peacebuilding Efforts <Article>
Balasooriya B.A.C. Ajith
PP. 17 - 30
Vietnam in the Post-Cold War era : New Foreign Policy Directions <Article>
Thanh Luong Ngoc
PP. 31 - 52
平和構築における非国家主体と規範 : イラク・アフガニスタンの治安部門改革における米国の民間安全保障会社を例に <原著論文>
The influence of norms in peacebuilding : private security companies supporting security sector reform in Iraq and Afghanistan <Article>
Hasegawa Susumu
PP. 53 - 63
Challenges of IDP Resettlement in Sri Lanka An Examination of Northern Spring Program in Vavuniya District <Article>
Shamini Chandran
PP. 65 - 82
From Conflict to Reconstruction : the Possible of an Impossible Conflict Resolution <Article>
Shams Shamsul Hadi
PP. 83 - 97
Community Participation in Decentralized Rural Development : A Case Study of Three Villages in Purbalingga District, Indonesia <Article>
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 99 - 110
中国語の介詞"向"と日本語の複合格助詞「~に向かって」,「~に向けて」 <原著論文>
A Study on the Chinese Preposition "xiang" and the Japanese Compound Case Particles "-nimukatte" "-nimukete" <Article>
Li Pei
PP. 111 - 121
EPAによるインドネシア人介護福祉士候補者の受入れ現場の現状と求められる日本語教育支援 : 候補者と日本語教師への支援を目指して <原著論文>
The Practical Issues and Necessary Support in Teaching Japanese Language to Indonesian Care Worker Candidates Under the EPA Scheme in a Japanese Care Facility : Aiming at Support to the Candidates and Japanese Language Teachers <Article>
Ueno Mika
PP. 123 - 136
フィリピン人日本語学習者の母音長の知覚 <原著論文>
Vowel length perception in Japanese by Filipino learners <Article>
Gallego Nina Arteliz R.
PP. 137 - 147
In-service Teachers' Perceptions toward Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Mainstream Primary Classroom : A Case of Some Selected Primary Schools in Southern Bangladesh <Article>
Asim Das
PP. 149 - 157
Trends in Livestock Population and Composition through Derived Productivity in Kyrgyzstan : A Case Study in Ala-Buka district <Article>
Zhumanova Munavar
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 159 - 176
Volume 18 Issue 2
( 2011-12-01 )
Summer Course 2010 Group Work DEVELOPMENT WITHIN A LOW CARBON WORLD : Preparing Professionals for Participatory Approaches in Planning and Implementing Climate Change Policies <Others: A preface for featured articles>
Higashi Osamu
PP. 1 - 6
Sandora Raden Medi
Ahmad Alfan Gunawan
Wulandari Suci
Ahmed Asif
Nugroho Sudarmanto Budi
PP. 7 - 17
Maimunah Siti
Rosli Nurul Shahirawati binti Mohamed
Rafanoharana Serge Claudio
Sari Komala Ratna
Higashi Osamu
PP. 19 - 28
Promoting Waste-to-Energy Program for BRT Project based on Participatory Research Approach : A Case of Used Cooking Oil in Bogor City, Indonesia <Research Note>
Iamtrakul Pawinee
Joshi Niraj Prakash
Solikin Akhmad
Rugayah Nova
Situmorang Jonner
Djatna Taufik
PP. 29 - 41
Promotion of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in a Large City : A Case Study of Yogyakarta <Research Note>
Kristijo Hari
Piya Luni
Susetyo Budi
Utama Ditdit N
Chikaraishi Makoto
PP. 43 - 51
Participatory action-research and a framework to evaluate community participation : Sustainability of one-forestry company village <Research Note>
Freitas Luciano Charlita de
Leon-rotaquio Jr. Eutiquio de
Rahadian Yusuf
Dharmawan I Wayan Susi
Nishitani Kimitaka
PP. 53 - 62
Benefit Distribution from Forest Resources : Study of A Case in Mataliba', East Kalimantan, Indonesia <Research Note>
Leksono Amin Setyo
Sakamoto Kenji
Ballesteros Jr Florencio
Bahar Yunus
Rachmawati Diah
Okamoto Takashi
PP. 63 - 71
Wahyu Ade
Joshi Narendra Mangal
Tsuchiya Naohiro
Siahaan Ratna
Permadi Dwiko Budi
Okamoto Takashi
PP. 73 - 80
Jannah Nurul
Caesariantika Efsa
Patino Jose Alejandro
Sangwoo Jeong
Muhono Langgeng
Kondo Toshiaki
PP. 81 - 90
Volume 18 Issue 1
( 2011-12-01 )
Production of biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass in pulp and paper mill effluents for low carbon society <Review>
Thakur Indu Shekhar
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 1 - 12
Rural Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia : Programs and the Implementation Gap <Review>
Maharjanj Keshav Lall
PP. 13 - 22
Operational Performance of Regional Electricity Distribution in Indonesia <Article>
Fujii Hidemichi
Kaneko Shinji
PP. 23 - 30
Identifying Household Residential Electricity Un-subscribers under Two Electricity Subsidy Regimes in Indonesia <Article>
Sulistiyo Mohammad Herman
Banchongphanith Latdaphone
Kaneko Shinji
PP. 31 - 43
A Study on Characteristics of Household Electricity Un-subscribers in Indonesia <Article>
Sulistiyo Mohammad Herman
Banchongphanith Latdaphone
Kaneko Shinji
PP. 45 - 54
Towards An Integrated Fire Management Framework Using Space-Based Application In Asia-Pacific Region <Article>
Loh Timothy
Tiwaree Ram S.
Lee Khiam Jin
Lee Han Soo
Yamashita Takao
PP. 55 - 67
East Asian Regionalism : The Review of Original Idea of Asean+3 Concepts <Article>
Siau Jia Jia
PP. 69 - 81
紛争後社会における小型武器回収の意義 : シエラレオネの『武器と開発との交換』を事例として <原著論文>
The Significance of Small Arms Collection in the Post-conflict Society : The Case of "Arms for Development" in Sierra Leone <Article>
Tokumitsu Yujiro
PP. 83 - 97
司法能力構築に向けての移行期の正義の戦略的視点 : コソボにおける移行期の正義と司法改革の結節から <原著論文>
A Strategic View of Transitional Justice for Judicial Capacity Development : Analyzing the Transitional Justice - Judicial Reform Nexus in Kosovo <Article>
Futori Kiyonobu
PP. 99 - 110
Current status of the Brazilian ethanol program : Report on Hiroshima University-IDEC's mission to Brazil. <Report>
Freitas Luciano Charlita de
Kaneko Shinji
Ichihashi Masaru
Goto Daisaku
PP. 111 - 122
Applied Ethnobotany Education and Research in Nepal <Report>
Dangol Dharma Raj
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 123 - 132
Bioenergy and mobility : cooperation between Japan and Brazil within a low carbon world <Research Note>
Pacca Sergio
PP. 133 - 138
Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in Bodri Watershed, Central Java, Indonesia <Research Note>
Lubis Jonh Piter G.
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 139 - 151
The Role of Narcotics (Opium) in the Local Economy of Afghanistan <Research Note>
Sajjad Ahmed
PP. 153 - 166
Volume 17 Issue 3
( 2011-03-31 )
Preface to special issue on "Renewable Energy" <Review>
Yamashita Takao
PP. 1 - 10
Overview of the progress in photovoltaic sector in Europe <Report>
Koinegg Johann
PP. 11 - 27
Ocean renewable energy : Tidal power in the Yellow Sea <Report>
Lee Han Soo
PP. 29 - 44
Analysis of Feed-in and Tradable Green Certificates (TGC) support mechanisms for renewable energy in Europe <Report>
Cinelli Marco
PP. 45 - 60
Energy Consumption and Air-Conditioning Usage in Residential Buildings of Malaysia <Report>
Kubota Tetsu
Jeong Sangwoo
Toe Doris Hooi Chyee
Ossen Dilshan Remaz
PP. 61 - 69
International Cooperation for Building Low-Carbon and Water-Saving Society : Case Study of Japan and China <Report>
Higashi Osamu
Shirakawa Hiroaki
PP. 71 - 81
Bio-Fuel Production Technologies from Ligno-cellulosic Biomass and Asian Biomass Strategy <Report>
Sakanishi Kinya
PP. 83 - 87
Volume 17 Issue 2
( 2011-03-31 )
Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Mainstream Primary Education of Bangladesh <Review>
Asim Das
PP. 1 - 10
Study of Economic Growth in Thai Economy <Article>
Chancharoenchai Kanokwan
PP. 11 - 29
Foreign Direct Investment, Real Exchange Rate Misalignment, and Export Performance of Lao PDR <Article>
Chansomphou Vatthanamixay
Ichihashi Masaru
PP. 31 - 51
Exports and Economic Growth in Indonesia : A Causality Approach based on Multi-Variate Error Correction Model <Article>
Rahmaddi Rudy
Ichihashi Masaru
PP. 53 - 73
Analyzing the Underlying Causes of the Afghan Intrastate Armed Conflict through the Lens of three Insurrection Approaches <Article>
Shams Shamsul Hadi
Uesugi Yuji
PP. 75 - 98
Livelihood Strategies of Indigenous Nationalities in Nepal : A Case of Chepangs <Article>
Piya Luni
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Joshi Niraj Prakash
PP. 99 - 113
Local Governance Institutions and Land Reform in the North East District of Botswana <Article>
Manatsha Boga Thura
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 115 - 127
看護師国家試験の語彙の様相 : 日本語能力試験出題基準語彙表との比較から <原著論文>
The Vocabulary of the National Nurse's Examination : A Comparison with Test Content Specifications of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test <Article>
Okuda Naoki
PP. 129 - 143
The Impact of the U.S. Military Presence on the Japanese Mainland : A Case Study of the Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni <Report>
Sakai Toku
PP. 145 - 157
Numerical Study on Atmospheric, Hydrological and Coastal Circulation in Coastal City, Semarang Indonesia <Research Note>
Prasetyo Adi
Yamashita Takao
PP. 159 - 181
Volume 17 Issue 1
( 2011-01-31 )
Why are environmentally aware citizens unwilling to support drinking water quality improvements? Evidence from Kemerovo, Russia <Article>
Kalugin Andrey
Komatsu Satoru
Kaneko Shinji
PP. 1 - 16
Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Potential in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia <Article>
Achmad Yasir Baeda
PP. 17 - 30
The Consequences of Women's Marginalization and Exclusion from Peace Processes on Sustainable Peacebuilding in Africa : An Examination of the Sierra Leone case <Article>
Mbayo Alex Sivalie
PP. 31 - 50
Two Police Reforms in Kenya : Their Implications for Police Reform Policy <Article>
Furuzawa Yoshiaki
PP. 51 - 69
タガログ語を母語とする日本語学習者の産出に見られる母音の長短とアクセントの関係に関する研究 <原著論文>
The relationship of accent and short and long vowel duration as seen in the pronunciation of Filipino learners of Japanese <Article>
Nina Arteliz R. Gallego
PP. 71 - 88
Socioeconomic Determinant of Livestock Products Consumption in Urban and Rural Java, Indonesia <Article>
Muzayyanah Mujtahidah Anggriani Ummul
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 89 - 102
Production Economics of Rice in Different Development Regions of Nepal <Article>
Joshi Niraj Prakash
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Piya Luni
PP. 103 - 112
Forest and Food Security of Indigenous People : A Case of Chepangs in Nepal <Article>
Piya Luni
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Joshi Niraj Prakash
PP. 113 - 135
介詞"对"と複合格助詞「に対して」 : 「客体」を表す用法を中心に <原著論文>
A Study on the Chinese Preposition "dui" and the Japanese Compound Case Particle "nitaishite" : Focusing on the Use as the Object Marker <Article>
Li Pei
PP. 137 - 153
Return to Normalcy : New Directions for Positive Peace in Sri Lanka <Research Note>
Nayani Melegoda
PP. 155 - 166
ネパール農村におけるリプロダクティブ・ヘルス・ライツの研究 : チャンピVDC, ワード3, 8の事例から <研究ノート>
A study on reproductive health/rights in Nepal rural area through the case of Chhampi VDC ward 3 and 8 <Research Note>
Fujimura Akiko
PP. 167 - 184
Volume 16 Issue 2
( 2010-03-31 )
Poverty and Food Insecurity in Nepal : A Review <Review>
Joshi Niraj Prakash
Maharjan Keshav Lall
Piya Luni
PP. 1 - 19
Regional Ocean Tide Simulator : Applications to Adjacent Seas of Korea and Japan <Articles>
Choi Byung Ho
Yamashita Takao
Lee Han Soo
PP. 21 - 38
Evaluation of Environmental Emissions for Optimization of Highway Improvement Programme <Articles>
Rahman Md. Moshiur
Fujiwara Akimasa
Zhang Junyi
Shimamoto Hiroshi
PP. 39 - 53
Land Transport Sector in Bangladesh : An Analysis towards Motivating GHG Emission Reduction Strategies <Articles>
Ahmed Asif
Fujiwara Akimasa
Zhang Junyi
PP. 55 - 68
Performance of Bondoyudo Mayang Irrigation System in East Java, Indonesia <Articles>
Wicaksono Karuniawan Puji
Prasetyo Adi
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 69 - 80
Annual and Seasonal Discharge Responses to Forest/Land Cover Changes and Climate Variations in Kapuas River Basin, Indonesia <Articles>
Wahyu Ade
Kuntoro Arno Adi
Yamashita Takao
PP. 81 - 100
Framework for Multi-Weather Hazard Early Warning System in Myanmar <Articles>
Haggag Mohammed
Yamashita Takao
PP. 101 - 113
Botswana : Indigenous Institutions, Civil Society and Government in Peace Building in Southern Africa <Articles>
Osei-Hwedie Bertha Z.
PP. 115 - 127
The Land Question and Colonial Legacy in North-Eastern Botswana <Articles>
Manatsha Boga Thura
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 129 - 152
ブラジルにおける日系人に対する日本語教育の変遷 : 学習経験者の調査結果 <原著論文>
The Historical Changes in Japanese Language Teaching for Brazilian-Japanese in Brazil : Results from Questionnaires to Brazilian-Japanese Who Experienced Learning Japanese <Articles>
Ishimine Yasuhiro
PP. 153 - 169
開発過程の可視化を可能にする三層五段階思考法 : 参加者主体の開発のためのモニタリングツール <研究ノート>
"Three-by-Five Process Method" for Visible Process Development : Monitoring Tool for the Independent Participants on Participatory Rural Development <Research Note>
Ito Yuko
PP. 171 - 188
Comparison of Science Teachers in Selected Basic Schools in Ghana with Reported Data from Five Devcloped Countries in TIMSS 1999 Video Study <Research Note>
Beccles Christopher
PP. 189 - 200
Volume 16 Issue 1
( 2010-03-31 )
Ecological Open System Management for Human Impacted Ecosystems <Other: A preface for featured articles>
Kikuchi Akira
PP. 1 - 4
Assessing Applicability of Technologjes for Waste to Energy in Developing Asian Cities <Articles>
Shazwin Taib Mat
Amagai Kaoru
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 5 - 11
Ecotourism in Asian tropical countries : Planning a destination's site-plan to meets education objectives <Articles>
Luchman Hakim
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 13 - 21
Sustainable Waste Management through International Cooperation : Review of Comprehensive Waste Management Technique 2 Training Course <Review>
Shazwin Taib Mat
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 23 - 33
ベトナム人日本語学習者が使用する聴解ストラテジー : 大学生を対象として <原著論文>
Listening Strategies Used by Vietnamese Learners of Japanese : A case of University Students <Articles>
Ngan Do Hoang
PP. 35 - 46
日本の小説に見られる要求・依頼行為 : 人間関係に基づいた談話構成と礼儀の表現<原著論文>
Request behaviors in Japanese : discourse structures and politeness strategies observed in different social and psychological distances <Articles>
Chen Jing Fen
PP. 47 - 64
Sri Lankan University Students' Metacognitive Awareness of L2 Reading Strategies <Articles>
Dhanapala Kusumi Vasantha
PP. 65 - 81
Volume 15 Issue 1・2
( 2009-03-31 )
高潮の数値防災研究 <総説>
Computational Disaster Prevention Study for Storm Surges <Review>
Yamashita Takao
PP. 1 - 17
'Fancy Figures and Ugly Facts' in Botswana's Rapid Economic Growth <Articles>
Manatsha Boga Thura
Maharajan Keshav Lall
PP. 19 - 46
Environmental Simulator Application to the Analysis of the Tropical Cyclone of Gonu in 2007 <Articles>
Haggag Mohammed
Yamashita Takao
PP. 47 - 63
日本語学習者が考える「優れた」日本語教師像に関する研究 : ベトナムの大学生を対象として <原著論文>
A Research on the Image of an "Outstanding" Teacher of Japanese : From the Vietnamese Students' Point of View <Articles>
Ngan Do Hoang
Kobayashi Akiko
PP. 65 - 74
Reconstituting Democratic Governance Arrangements in Liberia : Re-examining A Framework of Peace-building <Articles>
Iloba Kingsley Chukwuelozie
PP. 75 - 93
パーキスターンのイスラーム聖者信仰における師弟関係の宗教実践をめぐる一考察 : 聖者廟命日祭における舞踏儀礼ダマールの分析を中心として <原著論文>
Role of Ritual in Master-Disciple Relationship in Islamic Saintship : With Special Reference to Dance Ritual "Dhamal" at the Death-Anniversary of a Saint in Lahore Pakistan <Articles>
Mizuno Yuko
PP. 95 - 112
Islamic Spirit and Moral in Economics <Articles>
Nasution Mustafa Edwin
PP. 113 - 124
ザンビア後期基礎教育における数学科授業分析の研究 : 教師・生徒の言語活動を中心に <原著論文>
Lesson Analysis of Mathematics at Upper Basic Education in Zambia : Focusing on Verbal Interaction between Teacher and Students <Articles>
Ikeya Takuto
PP. 125 - 140
The Effect of Deforestation on Regional Terrestrial Carbon Balance : A Case Study of Kalimantan Island <Articles>
Kuntoro Arno Adi
Wahyu Ade
Yamashita Takao
PP. 141 - 165
ザンビア現職教育制度SPRINTにおける教師グループ会議の現状と課題 <調査報告>
Current Status and Challenge of Teacher's Group Meeting in Zambian In-Service Training System SPRINT <Reports>
Kinone Chikara
PP. 167 - 184
Protracted People's War in Nepal : An Analysis from the Perspective of Azar's Theory of Protracted Social Conflict <Research Notes>
Piya Luni
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 185 - 203
Comparison between the Mathematics Syllabuses of 1975 and 1995 in Bangladesh <Research Notes>
Begum Rokeya
PP. 205 - 212
Assisting the Polices Forces of Fragile and Transitional Countries : Linking the Police Reform, SSR, and Peacebuilding <Research Notes>
Furuzawa Yoshiaki
PP. 213 - 228
地域環境シミュレーターの実用化に関する産学連携研究 <研究ノート>
Industry-University Cooperation Study for Practical Use of Regeonal Environment Simulator <Research Notes>
Komakuchi Tomoaki
Mishima Toyoaki
Yamashita Takao
Lee Han Soo
Haggag Mohammed
PP. 229 - 237
Volume 14 Issue 3
( 2008-03-31 )
国際環境協力の確立にむけた提言 <研究ノート>
Proposal for the establishment of Japan's International Environmental Cooperation <Research Notes>
Yamashita Teppei
PP. 1 - 20
東アジアにおける持続的開発に資する国際協力への提言 : 経済成長とCO2排出効率性およびガバナンスに着目して <研究ノート>
Consideration of International Cooperation for Sustainable Development : Focus to GDP growth, Efficiency of CO2 exhaust and Governance <Research Notes>
Yamashita Teppei
PP. 21 - 39
DPSIR+Cフレームワークを利用した、モンゴルにおける砂漠化対策の評価 <原著論文>
Application of the DPSIR+C Framework for Combating Desertification in Mongolia <Article>
Komatsu Satoru
PP. 41 - 55
Capacity Development for Sustainable Urban Transportation in Developing Countries <Article>
Senbil Metin
Fujiwara Akimasa
Zhang Junyi
PP. 57 - 69
環境イノベーションのためのインセンティブ設計 : 特許制度と報奨金制度 <原著論文>
Incentive System for Enviromental Innovation : Reward versus Intellectual Property Rights <Article>
Goto Daisaku
PP. 71 - 90
Volume 14 Issue 2
( 2008-03-31 )
A Study on Rural Poverty Using Inequality Decomposition in Western Hills of Nepal : A Case of Gulmi District <Articles>
Joshi Niraj Prakash
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 1 - 17
Reanalysis of past major storms in West Kyushu and Study of Wind-induced Currents in Ariake Sea <Articles>
Lee Han Soo
Yamashita Takao
Komaguchi Tomoaki
PP. 19 - 36
日本語とモンゴル語の受身文の対照比較研究 <原著論文>
A Contrastive Study on Japanese and Mongolian Passive Sentences <Articles>
Ariunaa Buyan
PP. 37 - 49
A Study on Motivation and Strategy Use of Bangladeshi University Students to Learn Spoken English <Articles>
Mst. Moriam Quadir
PP. 51 - 66
Poverty Reduction Strategy Process in Fragile States : Do the PRSPs contribute to post-conflict recovery and peace-building in Sierra Leone? <Articles>
Yamaguchi Masatomo Nao
PP. 67 - 88
日本語学習者の日本語を聞く際の困難点に関する調査 : ベトナム人大学生を対象として <調査研究報告>
Ngan Do Hoang
PP. 89 - 101
「大平外交」の形成 : 日中国交正常化をめぐる日本外交の相克 <調査研究報告>
Koike Seiichi
PP. 103 - 116
Volume 14 Issue 1
( 2008-03-31 )
Motivation and L2 Reading Behaviors of University Students in Japan and Sri Lanka <Article>
Dhanapala Kusumi Vasantha
PP. 1 - 11
Financial Performance of Founder-Managed and Professionally-Managed SMEs : An Empirical Investigation of Lao Trading Firms <Article>
Kongmanila Xayphone
Kimbara Tatsuo
PP. 13 - 25
大墩保安語の数詞「一」に由来するgə <原著論文>
Dadun Bonan gə developed from the numeral "One" <Article>
Sato Nobuharu
PP. 27 - 44
Reproductive Disorders in Cattle due to Nutritional Status <Review>
Pradhan Rajani
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 45 - 66
Peace Negotiation in Nepal <Review>
Maharjan Pancha N.
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 67 - 101
初等教育の無償化導入が教育現場に与える影響 : ザンビアにおけるPTA費廃止がコミュニティ参加に与える影響を中心に <研究ノート>
A study on the impact of the introduction of Free Primary Education : With a focus on the abolition of PTA fees influencing the partnership between local communities and schools in Zambia <Research Notes>
Matsubara Kenji
PP. 103 - 112
アフリカにおける教育分野セクタープログラム型教育開発の現状と課題の分析枠組みについて : ザンビア国基礎教育分野投資計画及び教育省教育開発戦略計画を事例に <研究ノート>
A study on Current Situation and Issues of Programme-type Educational Development in Africa : Using a case of formulation and implementation of Ministry of Education Strategic Plan in Zambia <Research Notes>
Nakamura Satoshi
PP. 113 - 125
Disaster Lectures for IDEC in 2007 <Research Notes>
Harold Conner
PP. 127 - 131
Volume 13 Issue 1
( 2007-03-30 )
Nature and Causes of Learning Difficulties in Genetics at High School Level in Zambia <Review>
Haambokoma Christopher
PP. 1 - 9
TFP and Production Factors over the Post-War Period in Japan's Macro Economy <Article>
Ichihashi Masaru
PP. 11 - 27
日本企業における環境行動と経済・環境パフォーマンスの関係 : ポーター仮説の検証 <原著論文>
Environmental Behavior of Japanese Firms and its Relationship with Economic and Environmental Performance : The Test of Porter Hypothesis <Article>
Kimbara Tatsuo
Fujii Hidemichi
Kaneko Shinji
PP. 29 - 37
Environmental Capacity and Decentralized Governance in the Philippines <Article>
Magno Francisco A.
PP. 39 - 60
Species Composition of Mangrove Forests in Aurora, Philippines : A Special Reference to the Presence of Kandelia Candel (L.) Druce <Article>
Leon-rotaquio Jr. Eutiquio de
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
Rotaquio Ronaldo L.
PP. 61 - 78
Application of Asian Environment Simulator (AES) to Environmental Assessment in Haji River Watershed <Article>
Perez-Kuroki Ana
Isozaki Yoshiyuki
Kikuchi Akira
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 79 - 87
High Resolution Stream Network in Haji Dam Watershed <Article>
Perez-Kuroki Ana
Isozaki Yoshiyuki
Kikuchi Akira
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 89 - 107
Effects of Cattle Barnyard Compost and Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Yield and Chemical Composition of Maize (Zea mays L.) and Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in Double Cropping System <Article>
Lubis Ahmad Darobin
Kumagai Hajime
PP. 109 - 117
Atmosphere, Land Surface, Hydrology, Ocean Wave, and Ocean Current Model (ALHOM) in Asia Environmental Simulator <Article>
Haggag Mohammed
PP. 119 - 130
Capacity Building for Stable Government : Post-Conflict Reconstruction of Afghanistan <Article>
Kakimova Sharapiya B.
PP. 131 - 151
Focus on Language Learning Strategies of Advanced Learners in Japan and Sri Lanka
Dhanapala Kusumi Vasantha
PP. 153 - 164
現代チベットの聖地巡礼から見る宗教復興 : 改革開放期の仏教伝統と民衆儀礼 <原著論文>
A Study of Religious Revival in the Context of Modern Tibetan Pilgrimage : The Relation between Buddhism Tradition and Popular Ritual under the Open Policy in China <Article>
Bessho Yusuke
PP. 165 - 186
Intervention on Livelihood Management through Community-Based Organizations: Evidence from Rural Nepal <Article>
Khatri-Chhetri Arun
Joshi Narendra Mangal
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 187 - 208
Assessment of Food Self-Sufficiency and Food Security Situation in Nepal <Article>
Joshi Niraj Prakash
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 209 - 230
Institutional Changes in Forest Resource Management and Change in Forest Coverage in Nepal <Article>
Joshi Narendra Mangal
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 231 - 252
アジア環境シミュレーター <研究ノート>
Asian Environment Simulator (AES) <Research Notes>
Yamashita Takao
PP. 253 - 259
Volume 12 Issue 2
( 2006-03-31 )
Wildlife Conservation Forested Landscape in the Ota River Watershed, Hiroshima
Osman Noor Alif Wira bin
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 1 - 10
Plant Species Response against Mowing in Southwestern Japan
Ondopa Justin
Takahashi Yoshitaka
Kikuchi Akira
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 11 - 24
Food Insecurity and Coping Strategies in Rural Areas of Nepal : A Case Study of Dailekh District in Mid Western Development Region
Khatri-Chetri Arun
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 25 - 45
Dynamism of Pakistan's Civil Society: Religious-Secular Rivalry and its Resources
Rehman Abdur
PP. 47 - 70
Negative Polarity Items in Malay
Zoraida Mustafa
PP. 71 - 86
ラオスにおける学校保健の現状と課題 : 教育分野と保健医療分野の連携による国家学校保健政策の策定を中心として
Present Conditions and Problems of School Health in Lao P.D.R : National School Health Policy: Establishment through Cooperating of Education and Health Sectors
友川 幸
Kobayashi Toshio
Boungnong Boupha
PP. 87 - 101
Volume 12 Issue 1
( 2005-10-31 )
Bangladesh's New Foreign Policy Direction in Southeast and East Asia : Perspective and Goals <Review>
Hussain Akmal
PP. 1 - 14
On the Determinants of Successful Innovative Firms in Thai Manufacturing Sector <Articles>
Charoenporn Peera
PP. 15 - 34
Invasive Plant Species and the Competitiveness of Wildlife Tourist Destination : A Case of Sadengan Feeding Area at Alas Purwo National Park, Indonesia <Articles>
Hakim Luchman
Leksono Amin Setyo
Dian Purwaningtyas
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 35 - 45
Speaking Strategy Use by the EFL Students in Japan and Bangladesh <Articles>
Mst. Moriam Quadir
PP. 47 - 61
Role of Cooperative in Improving the Accessibility to Credit for Production Resources of Backyard Pig Raisers in Batangas, Philippines <Articles>
Fradejas Carlos C.
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 63 - 88
Sulastri Endang
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 89 - 106
Characteristics of Cryopreserved Spermatozoa from a Holstein-Friesian Bull Thawed at Different Temperature <Research Notes>
Hayashi Yoshiaki
Isobe Naoki
PP. 107 - 110
ニジェール共和国の保健衛生教育の現状とその課題 : 開発途上国における小学校の児童への保健衛生教育の重要性 <調査研究報告>
Present conditions and problems of health education in Republic of Niger : The Importance of Health Education in Primary Schools in a developing country <Reports>
Tomokawa Sachi
Kasai Tatsuya
Kobayashi Toshio
PP. 111 - 125
Volume 11 Issue 2
( 2005-03-31 )
Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Major Road Network Improvement in Beijing Based on a Combined Traffic Demand and Vehicle Emission Model <Article>
Sun Zhichao
Du Xiaoli
Shao Chunfu
PP. 1 - 9
Evaluating the Effects of a New Vehicle Emission Standard on Urban Air Quality in Jakarta City <Article>
Budi Nugroho Sudarmanto
Fujiwara Akimasa
Zhang Junyi
PP. 11 - 30
Dynamic Process Model of Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management <Article>
Senbil Metin
Fujiwara Akimasa
Zhang Junyi
PP. 31 - 49
Social Capacity Indicators for Environmental Management : a Case Study in Transport Sector Using Macro-Level Data <Article>
Zhang Junyi
Fujiwara Akimasa
Da Cruz M. Renato M.
PP. 51 - 65
Measuring Capacity Indicators of Civil Society for Environmental Management in Beijing Based on an Attitudinal Survey <Article>
Zhang Junyi
Fujiwara Akimasa
Senbil Metin
Shao Chunfu
Guo Jifu
PP. 67 - 86
Beijing Urbanization in the Past 18 Years <Article>
Ma Keming
Zhou Liang
Niu Shukui
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 87 - 96
Changes of Urban Green Spaces and Their Driving Forces : a Case Study of Jinan City, China <Article>
Kong Fanhua
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 97 - 109
Jakarta Green Open Areas and Its Challenges <Article>
Riswan Soedarsono
Themy Kendra Putra
Jannah Nurul
PP. 111 - 122
Volume 11 Issue 1
( 2005-01 )
The Rules Making Process and the Effect of Regional Differences on Maritime Transportation Safety 【Review】
Francescutto Alberto
PP. 1 - 24
Simple Game Theoretic Considerations for Environmental Problems 【Review】
Nihous Gérard
Saito Kimio
PP. 25 - 41
Income Security for the Elderly in Thailand 【Review】
Phananiramai Mathana
PP. 43 - 56
Islamic Fundamentalism, Jihad, and Terrorism 【Review】
Chang Byung-Ock
PP. 57 - 67
The New Poor of Contemporary Colombia : Armed Conflict And Impoverishment of Internally Displaced Persons 【Article】
Rouvinski Vladimir
Vasquez Sanches Jaime
PP. 69 - 84
Proposals for the Future Development of Peace Education in Hiroshima City - Based on a Comparative Analysis of the Peace Education Curricula of Hiroshima and Dresden 【Article】
Short James Daniel
PP. 85 - 103
The Limits and Opportunities of Peacekeeping Training and Education 【Article】
Kasumba Yvonne
PP. 105 - 125
Japanese Professors' Perception toward the Quality of International Students' Study A Case Study of Hiroshima University 【Article】
Badamsambuu Khishigbayar
PP. 127 - 140
Dairying and its contribution to farm economy in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia 【Article】
Sulastri Endang
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 141 - 161
タイ山岳地域における少数民族の教育意識の変遷 : チェンマイ県チョムトン郡P村の事例から 【調査報告】
Change in educational attitude of an ethnic minority in a moutainous area of Thailand : A case of Chom Thong district in Chiang Mai province
崎川 勝志
PP. 163 - 173
日本語における主題の省略・非省略について : 一人称代名詞をめぐって 【研究ノート】
Omission and non-omission of the theme in Japanese : Focusing on the first personal pronouns
曾 儀婷
PP. 175 - 193
Volume 10 Issue 2
( 2004-03 )
Alien plant invasion in water systems in Shanghai, China 【Review】
Yang Fenghui
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 1 - 11
他称詞と述語にみられる待遇法に関する日韓対照研究 【原著論文】
A contrastive study on politeness of the reference terms for the third person and the predicates in Japanese and Korean
林 炫情
Fukami Kanetaka
PP. 13 - 27
台湾の日本語学習者の作文に見られる日本語の一人称代名詞の使用について 【原著論文】
On the use of the Japanese personal pronouns by the Taiwanese learners of Japanese focusing on the first personal pronouns
曾 儀婷
PP. 29 - 47
日本語における主語と引用句の語順について : 日本語と朝鮮語の現代小説対訳本の比較を中心に 【原著論文】
On the relative order of the subject in quotative expressions in Japanese : On the basis of modern Japanese novels and their Korean translations
金 龍
PP. 49 - 65
A comparative analysis of academic staff's academic performance between autonomous and public universities in Thailand 【Article】
Rungratsamee Sombat
PP. 67 - 81
「トンム(동무)」に関する社会言語学的考察 : 中国朝鮮族の文学作品における言語生活を中心に 【原著論文】
On Tongmu from the perspective of social linguistics : With A focus on its uses in the literary works by Korean Chinese writers
孫 蓮花
PP. 83 - 98
Participation of National Civil Society Organizations in the Policy Process : A Case Study of CONPES as a Venue in Nicaragua 【Article】
Recio Bucardo Juan Carlos
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 99 - 119
Everyday forms of discrimination experienced by the minority : An exploratory study in a village in Bangladesh 【Article】
Goswami Haridhan
PP. 121 - 150
体育・スポーツ教育協力におけるプロジェクト内容・評価に関する考察 : ラオス国の学校体育の現状調査を通して 【調査研究報告】
An investigation into project content and evaluation of international cooperationin the field of physical education and sport in Lao
柾本 伸悦
PP. 151 - 161
スウェーデンにおける国際基礎教育協力事業とその評価 【研究ノート】
Swedish international development in basic education and its evaluation
岡部 かおり
PP. 163 - 178
文部省と朝鮮総督府の国民学校におけるPestalozzi の教育思想と郷土地理教育 【研究ノート】
Pestalozzi's educational thought and local Community geography education in the national schools of the Ministry of Education and the Chosen Governor Seat
沈 正輔
PP. 179 - 191
Development of dairy cooperative and its impacts on milk production and household income : A study on Bangladesh milk producers' cooperative union limited 【Reserch Notes】
Ghosh Ashoke Kumar
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 193 - 208
Volume 10 Issue 1
( 2003-09 )
Annual Growth and Phenology of Kyllinga brevifolia (Rottb.) Temperate and Tropical Regions 【Article】
Rodiyati Azrianingsih
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 1 - 10
Building on smallholder traditional farming practices to enhance cost-effective land resources conservation in Malawi : A case study of Sangadzi area 【Article】
Maonga Beston B.
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 11 - 31
The Concept of State Identity in International Relations : A Theoretical Analysis 【Article】
Alexandrov Maxym
PP. 33 - 46
日本における総合的学習と社会科地理学習との連携の授業設計 : 学びの経験の統合をめざして 【研究ノート】
Coordinating lesson planning for classes of Integrated Studies and social studies in Japan : Aiming for the integration of learning experience
熊野 敬子
PP. 47 - 64
Factors Contributing to Students' Academic Achievement of Primary School in Mountainous Areas of Vietnam 【Article】
Sakigawa Masashi
PP. 65 - 83
Volume 9 Issue 2
( 2003-03 )
Women and Globalisation: Is Microcredit the Answer? 【Reviews】
Rajput Pam
PP. 1 - 22
A study on antifouling technique through seawater electrolyzing reaction on ship hull surface 【Article】
Huang Yi
Saito Kimio
Usami Masahiro
PP. 23 - 28
Teacher Factors and Mathematics Achievement of Cambodian Urban Primary School Pupils 【Article】
Chhinh Sitha
Tabata Yoshinori
PP. 29 - 41
Contribution of biogas technology in well-being of rural hill areas of Nepal : A comparative study between biogas users and non-users 【Article】
Singh Manjeshwori
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 43 - 63
Critical elements of supplier development in the Malaysian automobile industry : Parts and components procurement and supplier development Practice at Proton【Article】
Abdullah Rashid
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 65 - 87
International Medical Cooperation for the Radiation Exposed Population (Hibakusha) in Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan : A Challenge from Hiroshima, the City of the World's First Atomic Bombing 【Report】
Kawano Noriyuki
Taooka Yasuyuki
Takeichi Nobuo
Kobatake Chieko
Noso Yoshihiro
Hoshi Masaharu
PP. 89 - 100
The Clash of Mythsa Review of The Value of the Past : Myths, Identity and Politics in Transcaucasiaby Victor A. Shnirelman 【Research Note】
Rouvinski Vladimir
Matsuo Masatsugu
PP. 101 - 117
Volume 9 Issue 1
( 2002-09 )
Conservation ecology of gigantochloa manggong : an endemic bamboo at Java, Indonesia 【Article】
Hakim Luchman
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
Isagi Yuji
PP. 1 - 16
Role of Dairy Cooperative Services on Dairy Development in Indonesia : A Case Study of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province 【Article】
Sulastri Endang
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 17 - 39
Mathematical Strengths, Difficulties and Misconceptions of Teachers : Analysis of Their Performance in an Achievement Test 【Article】
Bambico Teresita
PP. 41 - 60
Factors Influencing Teaching Skills of Urban Primary School Teachers in Cambodia 【Article】
Sitha Chhinh
PP. 61 - 71
Japanese IT Strategies in Public Schools : A Case Study of Policies and Practices of Hiroshima Prefecture 【Report】
Okabe Kaori
Nakayama Shuichi
PP. 73 - 96
Politics of Development : ‘Pahari-Bengali' Discourse in the Chittagong Hill Tracts 【Report】
Nasreen Zobaida
Togawa Masahiko
PP. 97 - 112
A comparative study on the productive and academic vocabulary knowledge of Japanese and Chinese university students : Focusing on the students' performances in the two vocabulary tests 【Report】
Song Fuyun
PP. 113 - 127
Volume 8 Issue 2
( 2002-03 )
日本人の〈集合的記憶〉と国際理解教育の課題 : 歴史教科書問題の周辺と底流を見つめつつ 【総説】
Amnesia in Japanese “Public memories" of being victimizers in East-Asia during the last four centuries : Reconsidered as an issue in education for international understanding
井上 星児
PP. 1 - 10
コミュニケーションと文化 : 多文化社会に向けて 【総説】
Communication and culture : From a perspective of building a sound multicultural society
上原 麻子
PP. 11 - 24
タイの企業構造改革をめぐる法的分析 【原著論文】
A legal analysis of corporate sector structural reform in Thailand
金子 由芳
PP. 25 - 49
開発途上国の理科教育開発における民族科学の意義と役割 【原著論文】
The significance and role of ethnoscience in the development of science education
Kuwayama Hisashi
PP. 51 - 63
グループ制小規模金融プログラムにおける女性参加の制約要因 : ネパールにおける西部農村開発銀行を事例に 【原著論文】
Factors affecting to women's participation in micro-finance program : A case study on Western Rural Development Bank in Nepal
辰己 佳寿子
三木 俊伸
PP. 65 - 86
Milk Marketing Channels in Bangladesh :A Case Study of Three Villages from Three Districts 【Article】
Ghosh Ashoke Kumar
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 87 - 101
青年海外協力隊員の異文化適応 : シリアおよびザンビア滞在を事例として 【調査報告】
Cultural experiences of the JOCV in Syria and Zambia
丸山 英樹
上原 麻子
PP. 103 - 117
高校「地理A」における「現代世界の課題学習」の授業構成に関する原理的考察 : 価値追求を保証する教授・学習過程の研究 【研究ノート】
A study of principles for a lesson plan of “Study of the issues of the world" in the high school geography : The process for pursuing a value to live with others in the world
熊野 敬子
PP. 119 - 133
Volume 8 Issue 1
( 2001-10 )
Endangered Philippine Wildlife Species with Special Reference to the Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga Jefferyi) and Tamaraw (Bubalus Mindorensis) 【Review】
Maala Ceferino P.
PP. 1 - 17
閣僚失言の政治的帰結とその実証に関する試論 : 国政選挙における得票率と当選者数の変化から 【原著論文】
Political outcomes of the slips of the tongue of the ministers and their empirical validation : An analysis of the result of a national election
Kawano Noriyuki
PP. 19 - 31
日韓両言語における諺の対照比較研究 : 男性観と女性観を巡って 【原著論文】
Contrastive study of proverbs in Japanese and Korean languages : Concerning the view on men and women
金 秀眞
PP. 33 - 50
インドネシアの日本語教育における教材に関する日本の協力 : 後期中等教育を事例として 【原著論文】
Cooperative development by Japan of teaching materials in Japanese language education : In the case of secondary education in Indonesia
Sasayama Michiko
PP. 51 - 66
中国彝族指路経における送霊・招魂/祖先移住経路言説に関する研究 : 民族アイデンティティ形成との関連について 【原著論文】
The death road and the soul calling in Zilu-jing, or Sutra of indicating route, of the Yi in China : A study on the discourse of ancestral migration route with special reference to its relations with ethnic identity making
樊 秀麗
PP. 67 - 90
Impacts of Dairy Cooperative on Rural Income Generation in Bangladesh 【Article】
Ghosh Ashoke Kumar
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 91 - 105
An analysis of pesticide use for rice pest management in Bangladesh 【Article】
Parveen Sultana
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
PP. 107 - 126
The Benefits and Problems of Cash Crop Farming in Eastern Nepal : A Case Study of Ilam District 【Article】
Takahatake Takashi
PP. 127 - 146
数学教育分野における国際協力の考察 : ケニア国中等理数科教育強化プロジェクトを事例として 【調査報告】
Consideration of international cooperation in the field of mathematics education : The case of the strengthening mathematics and science at secondary education (SMAASE) project, Kenya
Baba Takuya
Iwasaki Hideki
PP. 147 - 159
Influence of Teachers' Personal Variables to Teachers' Mathematics Achievement and Instructional Skills : A Study on the Effectiveness of In-service Training in the Philippines 【Report】
Banbico Teresita
PP. 161 - 178
Practices of Intra- and Inter-Firm Technology Transfer in the Thai Automobile Industry 【Report】
Techakanont Kriengkrai
PP. 179 - 196
Volume 7 Issue 2
( 2001-03 )
Whither Peace Studies? Fragmentation to a New Integration? 【Review】
Matsuo Masatsugu
PP. 1 - 10
Pond Fish Production Through People's Participation in Rural Bangladesh 【Article】
Chowdhury Masudul Hoq
Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 11 - 28
開発途上国における保護者の教育への関心を高める方向性についての一考察 : カンボディアでのクラスター・スクール事業と,NGOによるIntegrated Pest Management (IPM)の効果的融合による将来的可能性 【調査報告】
A study on the effectiveness of non-formal education to promote aarents' concern on education: Reflection from a pilot project of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in Cambodia
遠藤 恵
PP. 29 - 46
タイ日系製造業における技術援助 : 自動車部品産業を事例として 【調査報告】
Technical assistance to Japanese manufacturers in Thailand : The case of auto parts industry
Takahashi Yoshi
PP. 47 - 63
国連特別総会「女性2000年会議」の成果と課題 【調査報告】
The results and issues of the United Nations general assembly special session “Women 2000: Gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century"
鵜野 綾香
PP. 65 - 80
Chinese offshore oil production : Hopes and reality 【Report】
Chow Larry C. H.
Lo Wing-yin
PP. 81 - 97
Lexical Items of Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea 【Report】
Hirano Kiyoshi
PP. 99 - 112
Dutch systems of international development cooperation and aspects of educational cooperation 【Report】
Okabe Kaori
PP. 113 - 126
国際協力の実施主体から見たインドネシアの初等中等教育行政の問題点と改善策 : 世界銀行提案との現地での経験から 【研究ノート】
Suggestions by donors' side on the problems and their solutions of primary and secondary educational administration in Indonesia : From a World Bank report and field experiences
Hirakawa Yukiko
PP. 127 - 145
崔吉城・日向一雅編 『神話・宗教・巫俗 日韓比較文化の試み』2000,風響社 【書 評】
池 映任
PP. 147 - 151
Volume 7 Issue 1
( 2001-01 )
マレーシア現代建築の成立過程におけるナショナリズムの影響 【原著論文】
Formation process of Malaysian modern architecture under influence of nationalism
宇高 雄志
山崎 大智
PP. 1 - 17
閣僚失言の政治学 【原著論文】
Politics of the slips of the tongue of the ministers
Kawano Noriyuki
PP. 19 - 35
A sacred dance transmitted in the ritual for paying homage to one's teacher in Thailand
Iwasawa Takako
PP. 37 - 58
Effect of Bovine Follicular Fluid Added to the Maturation Medium on Sperm Penetration in Pig Oocytes Matured In Vitro [Article]
Isobe Naoki
Terada Takato
PP. 59 - 66
For the Reform of Mathematics Educationin Kenyan Secondary Schools 【Reports】
Kanja Charles
Iwasaki Hideki
Baba Takuya
Ueda Atsumi
PP. 67 - 75
粒状体の画像計測について 【研究ノート】
Observation of sand particles in shear zone using digital image analysis
Yamamoto Haruyuki
山本 達史
徐 挺
Tominaga Kouji
PP. 77 - 89
ガーナの初等教育における地域間格差の要因 : 教育予算分析及び歴史的検討を中心に 【研究ノート】
The factors of the gaps in primary education between the South and the North in Ghana
宮川 めぐみ
PP. 91 - 105
日本語と韓国語における呼称の対照研究序論 【研究ノート】
An Overview on the address terms in Japanese and Korean
林 炫情
PP. 107 - 121
Volume 6 Issue 1
( 2000-03 )
持続性からみた日本の森林資源利用 : 持続的環境利用システムとしての市場・国家・コモンズの検討を中心に 【総 説】
The evaluation of sustainability for utilization of forestry resource in Japan : The comparison of property regimes (market, state, and commons) as the sustainable resource management system
Matsuoka Shunji
渡里 司
松本 礼史
白川 博章
PP. 1 - 22
Animal based smallholding farms in developing countries with special reference to Bangladesh 【Review】
Saddullah M.
PP. 23 - 33
South Asia After The Nuclear Tests : Securing Insecurity 【Review】
Kumar Dhruba
PP. 35 - 58
Coping with financial vulnerabilities in China : Lessons from Japan and prospects for future Reform 【Review】
Yang Zhengyuan
PP. 59 - 73
アジア諸国の経済成長とCO2排出構造の変化 : 製造業と電力業を中心に 【原著論文】
Economic growth and CO2emissions in Asian countries : A focus on manufacturing industry and power industry
Matuoka Shunji
村上 一真
松本 礼史
PP. 75 - 89
企業の公害対策行動に関する経済分析 【原著論文】
Economic analysis of the behavior of pollution control by a private company
松本 礼史
Matsuoka Shunji
岡田 博己
河内 幾帆
PP. 91 - 103
大学院のゼミの談話におけるコミュニケーション・ブレイクダウンの修復について : 「対話」と「共話」の視点から 【原著論文】
A study of communication breakdown repair in seminar discourse : From the viewpoint of collaborative dialogue
嶺川 由季
PP. 105 - 117
自動車部品産業における経験曲線効果に関する実証分析 【原著論文】
The estimation of experience curves in the auto parts industry in Japan
Mokudai Takeshi
PP. 119 - 132
Alternative growth of Asian SMEs 【Article】
Kimbara Tatsuo
PP. 133 - 144
Polynesian Hymns in Papua : The Synthesis of a Christian Educational Tool and Local Creative Expression 【Article】
Niles Don
PP. 145 - 158
Dynamic travel demand models incorporating un observed heterogeneity and First-order serial correlation 【Article】
Sugie Yoriyasu
Zhang Junyi
Fujiwara Akimasa
PP. 159 - 175
Twenty-one Years Post-fire Succession in a Small Watershed on Etajima Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, Southwestern Japan 【Article】
Angara Eusebio Villar
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
Nehira Kunito
PP. 177 - 196
Redefinition of Literacy Towards EFA Era : Focusing on the Mathematics Education 【Article】
Baba Takuya
Iwasaki Hideki
PP. 197 - 209
A Hard Nut to Crack? : English passive structures for Japanese and Chinese learners of English 【Article】
Tao Ran
PP. 211 - 221
The Status of Environmental Education in Sweden : A Comparative Study between Sweden and Japan 【Article】
Shimizu Maki
Tanaka Haruhiko
PP. 223 - 238
韓国洛東江の水質汚染とその回復 【調査報告】
Water pollution and its recovery in the Naktong-gang river, Korea
Nakagoshi Nobukazu
石井 亀与勢
橋井 輝男
PP. 239 - 254
An attempt at surveying musical knowledge among Hiroshima University students 【Report】
Niles Don
PP. 255 - 268
中国の大凉山彝族における葬送儀礼に関する調査報告 【調査報告】
A report on an investigation of the funeral ceremony of the Yi society in Da Liangshan China
樊 秀麗
PP. 269 - 287
日本人の対外国観と国際理解 : 国際理解教育の理念の歴史的検討を中心に 【研究ノート】
International understanding of Japanese and their views towards foreign countries : With special reference to historical research on philosophy of education for international understanding in Japan
佐々木 文
PP. 286 - 306
ラオ人の帰属意識 【研究ノート】
Identities of Lao in Thailand and Laos
山下 明博
PP. 307 - 315
The Sources of Indonesian President Soeharto's Contradicting Attitude in the APEC and NAM in the Mid 1990s 【Research Note】
Drajat Ben Perkasa
PP. 317 - 334
Volume 4 Issue 1
( 1998-03-01 )
University Enrollment and State Admission Policy in China : The Swing between Redness and Expertness
Otsuka Yutaka
PP. 69 - 88
Soleus H-Reflex Depression Induced by Simultaneous Arm Flexion and Head Rotation in Standing Humans
Me Zhong Ye
Kawanishi Masayuki
Yahagi Susumu
Kasai Tatsuya
PP. 89 - 97
Sustainnable Development of Regions and Ecotourism
Fujiyama Ko
Toda Tsunekazu
PP. 109 - 126
A Report of Current Organization and Roles of Transport Administration in Great Britain
Fujiwara Akimasa
PP. 197 - 209
Volume 3 Issue 1
( 1997-03-01 )
Inverse Analysis for Non-linear Vertical Behavior of Piles.
Yamamoto Haruyuki
Tominaga Koji
Shibata Naoko
PP. 91 - 101
The Perspective of Construction and Innovation of Didactics of Mathematics as a Scientific Discipline: The Case of Japan and the Didactical Issue
Iwasaki Hideki
Baba Takuya
PP. 103 - 114
Can we elicit H-reflexes in small hand muscles?
Toyoda Yuichi
Kasai Tatsuya
PP. 163 - 170
A Report of the Follow-up Field Survey for Assessment of Literacy Situation in Primary Education in Bangladesh, Nepal, and India <Reports>
Nakayama Shuichi
Matsuoka Shigenobu
PP. 171 - 187
Volume 1 Issue 1
( 1995-03-30 )
Mode Choice Models Based on Stated Preference Panel Data Including Refreshed Samples
Fujiwara Akimasa
Sugie Yoriyasu
PP. 105 - 116