Although investment for education has been considered to promote national development in developing coun-tries, national formal education brings some constraints and limitation in terms of providing the equal opportunityof education for the poor people especially living in the rural areas. This paper explores the recent developmentboth on formal and non-formal education in Cambodia. Focusing on non-formal education pilot project, this casestudy shows the project, which is called IPM/Student Field School (SFS) by World Education, that has been suc-cessful in promoting parents' concerns on education while formal education system has never effectively achievedit. The article highlights the element of the curriculum and methodology by IPM/SFS that are more practical thanthat of formal education and provide benefits for their agricultural activity directly. This article concludes that thenon-formal education that meets needs of people has an advantage in developing students' capability for the betterfuture and should be included in a part of formal education system. By emphasizing to build up partnership betweenUNICEF, which is dealing with formal educational project, and NGO, it is argued that the introduction of non-for-mal education in the formal system becomes much feasible and realistic.