15 巻
1・2 号
2009-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1341-0903
発行元 : 広島大学大学院国際協力研究科
Computational Disaster Prevention Study for Storm Surges <Review>
PP. 1 - 17
PP. 19 - 46
A Research on the Image of an "Outstanding" Teacher of Japanese : From the Vietnamese Students' Point of View <Articles>
Ngan Do Hoang 小林 明子
PP. 65 - 74
Role of Ritual in Master-Disciple Relationship in Islamic Saintship : With Special Reference to Dance Ritual "Dhamal" at the Death-Anniversary of a Saint in Lahore Pakistan <Articles>
水野 裕子
PP. 95 - 112
PP. 113 - 124
Lesson Analysis of Mathematics at Upper Basic Education in Zambia : Focusing on Verbal Interaction between Teacher and Students <Articles>
池谷 拓人
PP. 125 - 140
Current Status and Challenge of Teacher's Group Meeting in Zambian In-Service Training System SPRINT <Reports>
木根 主税
PP. 167 - 184
Industry-University Cooperation Study for Practical Use of Regeonal Environment Simulator <Research Notes>
駒口 友章 三島 豊秋 山下 隆男 李 漢洙 Haggag Mohammed
PP. 229 - 237