The main objective of this paper is to explore the possibilities for integrating children's learning experiencethrough the coordination of curriculum planning for lessons of Integrated Studies and Social Studies. For this purpose, firstly, a review will be undertaken of former research into curriculum development, pedagogyand other discussions related to social perspectives in the field of Social Studies in order to ascertain the signifi-cance and appropriate method for an integration of these two curricula. Secondly, based on this review, a new cur-riculum will be proposed for the classroom study of the topic of“Food"in Integrated Study classes together with“Theories of agriculture and food systems"in Social Studies classes.With regard to curriculum integration, this is taken to mean the integration of children's learning experiences,which is aimed at enabling them to find meaning in their learning in Japanese schools; in other words, to improvethe condition of disconnection between different classes caused by the fragmentation of subject matter...