国際協力研究誌 8 巻 1 号
2001-10 発行

数学教育分野における国際協力の考察 : ケニア国中等理数科教育強化プロジェクトを事例として 【調査報告】

Consideration of international cooperation in the field of mathematics education : The case of the strengthening mathematics and science at secondary education (SMAASE) project, Kenya
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The role of basic education is refocused from different angle at Jomtien Conference (1990) after 30 years haveelapsed since international conferences on the educational planning were convened for universal primary educationaround 1960. In this conference, it is regarded as a part, and especially a fundamental part, of human rights ratherthan as a tool to attain economic development. Thus international cooperation in the field of education is gearedtowards improvement of its quality as well as quantitative attainment of the universal basic education. In this direc-tion Japanese government has committed herself during UNCTAD general conference to the education in Africa,and the SMASSE (Strengthening Mathematics and Science at Secondary Education) project, between Kenyan gov-ernment and Japanese government is one development of such commitment in the field of mathematics and scienceeducation at the secondary level. This report has intended to present what the project considered and implementedduring the early stage. And through this presentation, the authors have presented two implications towards theoriza-tion of international cooperation in the field of mathematics education. They are namely consideration of socio-cul-tural aspect in mathematics curriculum and professional development of teachers through lesson research.