The concept of participation has become a significant component within development theory. It is also through participation that new roles for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are being created, shift-ing from traditional service-delivery functions to influencing policy formulation and decision makingprocess on behalf of a variety of constituencies. It is under this shift to influence policy formulation anddecision making that the objective of the present study is to assess the role of the National Council forEconomic and Social Planning (CONPES) as a venue for Nicaraguan CSOs to participate in the policyprocess. Created in 1999 by presidential degree, CONPES is comprised of members from a wide vari-ety of CSOs, business organizations, national labor unions, national trade and professional organiza-tions, and networks of national NGOs. It was envisaged as a consultative body to advise the Presidentof the Republic (PR) on the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of social and economic policies,programs and plans. In order to achieve its objective, the study begins with an analysis of the concept ofparticipation, civil society and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the policy process. Based on thestages of the policy process, an analysis is made of the advantages and challenges for CSOs to influencethe policy process within the context of CONPES.