国際協力研究誌 6 巻 1 号
2000-03 発行

自動車部品産業における経験曲線効果に関する実証分析 【原著論文】

The estimation of experience curves in the auto parts industry in Japan
目代 武史
1.94 MB
This article examines the effects of cumulating experience on cost behavior in the auto parts industry in Japan.Based on the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) database, experience curves are estimated foreach of 46 items of auto parts during 1960-97. The results of the analysis are as follows: the prices of 28 items fallby 4-1.990891e+00ach time cumulative volume doubles; the ones of 2 items rise by 5-0x1.fc06cb6a47bp+0s cumulative volume dou-bles; and the rest of items are either indifferent to production volume or statistically insignificant. The evidencesupports the existence of experience curve effects in the auto parts industry in Japan. This article also discussesstrategic implications of experience curve effects in the auto parts industry. The findings suggest that expandingstrategy should be employed in conjunction with complementary capabilities such as product development skills,sophisticated logistics functions, and capacities to manage inter-firm relationship in order to expand a market shareand to increase production volume.