学習開発学研究 4 号
2011-03-31 発行

対人理解を促進する道徳教育の方法 : セルマンの社会的視点取得理論に着目して

Methods of Moral Education that aim to foster Recognition of Interpersonal Relationships : Focused on Selman's Theory of Social Viewpoint Acquisition
森川 敦子
江玉 睦美
700 KB
The purpose of this paper is to clarify a method of moral education to which it promotes acquiring a disinterested third-person viewpoint, in order to solve conflicts in interpersonal relations. Morality lessons using a "role-acquisition type" method and an "self-solution type" method were performed, and the effects were verified. This paper describes the results of "interpersonal understanding subjects 1 and 2."

For "Interpersonal understanding 1" questions as to what type of standards are selected when choosing a new friend. The main effect of the type was significant and the score for "self-solution type" was quite high. For "Personal understanding subject 2," questions were aimed at the reasons for choosing a friend. The main effect of the type was significant and the score for "self-solution type" was quite high. It is clear from these that an "self-solution type" method is effective.
moral education
interpersonal understanding
social viewpoint acquisition
Copyright (c) 2011 広島大学大学院教育学研究科学習開発学講座