学習開発学研究 3 号
2010-03-31 発行

教育実習生の実習前後における学習の継続意志の変容 : 実習前後の教師効力感の変容・実習の自己評価に着目して

Changes in sustainable volition for learning expressed by student teachers before and after practice teaching : Their teacher efficacy and self evaluation of their practice teaching
三島 知剛
安立 大輔
522 KB
The major purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in student teachers' sustainable volition for learning before and after practice teaching, especially in relation to the changes in their teacher efficacy and the self-evaluation of their own practice teaching. In terms of the content of their university course, the study focused on the following two areas in order to examine the student teachers' sustainable volition for learning: (1) theoretical content, such as psychology; and (2) more practical content, such as instructional skills. One hundred and thirty four student teachers completed a questionnaire in the study. Major findings are as follows: (1) student teachers who increased their teacher efficacy for instructional strategies and classroom management after practice teaching increased their sustainable volition for theoretical learning, such as instructional methods for school subjects and the study of pedagogy; student teachers who decreased their teacher efficacy in these areas similarly decreased their sustainable volition for theoretical learning; (2) student teachers who showed more negative self-evaluation in relation to lesson planning and preparation decreased their sustainable volition for practical learning, such as instructional skills.
practice teaching
student teachers
sustainable volition for learning
teacher efficacy
self-evaluation about student teaching
Copyright (c) 2010 広島大学大学院教育学研究科学習開発学講座