学習開発学研究 14 号
2022-03-30 発行

アクティブ・ラーニングは中等教育でどのように受け止められているか? : 高校生と中高教員を対象とした質問紙調査から見えたこと

How is “Active Leaning” accepted at Japanese high schools? : Findings from the questionnaire surveys for high-school students and teachers
鈴木 明夫
粟津 俊二
1 MB
In this study we conducted questionnaire surveys for fourteen-hundred thirty-seven senior high school students and one hundred high school teachers about how they accept the teaching and learning theory called ‘Active Learning.’ From the results of the questionnaire surveys, we found that although lots of students accepted it positively thirty percent of students accepted it negatively. The word ‘Active Learning’ does not prevail among the senior high school students, but we are not sure whether they have actually had the opportunities of ‘Active Leaning’ lessons at their schools. We also found that there were possibilities that they needed interpersonal skills to enjoy the ‘Active Leaning’ lessons because the students who accepted them negatively seemed to have difficulties to exchange opinions in a group, as they cannot find the significance to listen to the others, and as the ‘Active Leaning’ lessons have not existed before and thus not only teachers but also students have to get used to them. From these findings, we have concluded that when we offer the ‘Active Learning’ lessons to students, we have to consider how to deal with the students who have negative attitudes to ‘Active Leaning’ lessons.
Active Learning
Japanese high schools
Japanese senior high-school students
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