広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属特別支援教育実践センター研究紀要 Issue 16
published_at 2018-03-21

一難聴生徒に対する英単語読みの指導(1) : 指導のための規則と単語の選定

Teaching of Reading English Words for One Hard of Hearing Junior-high School Student (1): Selection of Rules and Words for Teaching
Inoue Yuka
423 KB
The new national guidelines for teaching was announced and classes in foreign languages (English) will soon be started in higher grades even at the elementary schools. In the elementary schools, it is supposed to be connected to learning “reading and writing” English using textbooks from junior high school level with starting from “speaking and listening”. On the other hand, difficulty in learning English, which is a language system different from Japanese, through “listening and speaking” activities has been pointed out variously for students with hearing disorder. How to teach English for acquiring certainly is the continuing task in the education for them. The purpose of this paper is to report the teaching process of reading rules of English words for one student of 3rd grade who is enrolled in the special class of hard of hearing in the public junior high school and has difficulty learning English. As the student have not done much reading aloud when learning English until that time, then we considered that the teaching rules of reading English words by presenting the method of dividing the word in syllables visually, and transferring those syllables into Japanese was suitable for that student. In this paper, we summarize the spelling rules of words used in the English textbooks, and show the process of selecting rules and words to use for teaching.
hard of hearing student
learning English
English spelling rules
case report
junior-high school