Bulletin of theory and practice in secondary education
Issue 66
Date of Issue:2020-03-31
current number
ISSN : 1349-7782
Publisher : Hiroshima University High School
Reading as a Window to See with Society
Kato Kengo
PP. 3 - 10
The Effect of Learning Guidance Focusing on Narrative: The Case of Kagami
Murataka Satoko
PP. 11 - 20
NIE Practices to Develop Historical Perspectives and Ideas: Focusing on Making Wall Newspapers to Overlook History
Tsturuta Teruki
PP. 21 - 28
Ideas of Dialogue Learning by “Dialectic + Diskursethik” and its Application to “Scientists and Military Research”: Reflection of Public Issue by “Dialectic + Diskursethik”
PP. 39 - 52
Teaching Strategies for Exploring Nature Using Scientific Perspectives and Thoughts: An Example of Learning to Examine the Relationship between Magma Properties and Volcanic Shapes
PP. 53 - 62
Towards the Introduction of Parasports in Elective Classes(2): Focus on Blind Football
Shigemoto Takafumi Hashimoto Naoko
PP. 63 - 68
The Development of Digital Materials for Teaching Optical Illusions(2): Survey on Ease of Understanding
PP. 69 - 80
The Effects of Story Retelling on Japanese High School Students' English Language Learning
PP. 81 - 90
Organization of Practice for Developing Oral Interactivity: Like Causing a Mentos Geyser
PP. 91 - 94
Harnessing the Power of Narratives in Teaching English
PP. 95 - 107