中等教育研究紀要 66 号
2020-03-31 発行

歴史的な見方・考え方を育成するNIE実践 : 歴史を大観するための壁新聞づくりを中心として

NIE Practices to Develop Historical Perspectives and Ideas: Focusing on Making Wall Newspapers to Overlook History
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The new curriculum guidelines require the acquisition of knowledge related to concepts, including characteristics and theories of social phenomena, through multifaceted and diverse considerations, logical explanations, and discussions based on various materials as learning activities. In this unit, the students engaged in a self-directed and interactive study in which they used newspaper materials and collaborated between groups to create wall newspapers that surveyed the Heisei era using various perspectives and methods. The aim was classroom practice in which they were able to learn about historical perspectives and ways of thinking.