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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Issue 70
( 2024-03-31 )
Issue 69
( 2023-03-31 )
Issue 68
( 2022-03-31 )
Issue 67
( 2021-03-31 )
Issue 66
( 2020-03-31 )
Issue 65
( 2019-03-31 )
Issue 64
( 2018-03-31 )
Issue 63
( 2017-03-31 )
Issue 62
( 2016-03-31 )
Issue 51
( 2005-03-31 )
Bulletin of theory and practice in secondary education
Issue 63
Date of Issue:2017-03-31
current number
Hiroshima University High School
Takemura Shinji
PP. -
読みのヴァージョンⅡ : 語りのダイナミズムへ
Version of Reading II: Point of View of Narrative Dynamism
Takemura Shinji
PP. 3 - 10
Creative Lessons in Tanka: Being Conscious of Listeners
Koda Naoyuki
PP. 11 - 20
世界史におけるアクティヴ・ラーニングの開発研究 : 学びの段階性と向上性の保障
World History Unit for Active Learning Development Studies: Security for a Gradability and Improvement of the Learning
Miyamoto Hideyuki
PP. 21 - 28
対立をこえるための公民科授業の構想 : 哲学の自然主義的転回をふまえた公民科授業への「感情」の導入
Citizenship Lessons to Solve Conflicts: Including “Emotions” in Citizenship Lessons Based on Naturalistic Perspectives of Philosophy
Abe Tetsuhisa
PP. 29 - 37
A Study on the Teaching of Parabolas in High School Mathematics
Inoue Yoshifumi
PP. 39 - 46
A Study on Teaching Material about a Lever Crank Mechanism in Junior High School Mathematics
Moriwaki Masayasu
PP. 47 - 51
Development of a Science Curriculum on the “Configuration and Size of the Earth” for Learners to Deepen Their Learning in Senior High Schools
Sugita Taiichi
PP. 53 - 60
中学1年生による小学校英語活動に対するとらえ方について : 書く活動の有無と開始学年による意識の違いについて
Awareness of Japanese 7th Graders Engaged in English Activities in Primary School: Differences in Students’ Awareness Depending on Experiences of Writing Activities or Length of Learning
Ishihara Yoshifumi
PP. 61 - 66
英語科におけるアクティブ・ラーニング型の授業を目指して(実践報告) : 高校2年コミュニケーション英語Ⅱにおける,互いに教えあい学びあう授業の試み
Adopting “Active Learning” (A Practical Report) in English Classes: Peer-tutoring for 11th Graders in “English Communication II”
Ishihara Yoshifumi
PP. 67 - 74
Improving the Writing Skills of Senior High School Students Through the Use of The Copying Booklet
Yamaoka Taiki
PP. 75 - 87
Development of Teaching Materials for Understanding the Value of Traditional Dishes: Soba (Buckwheat)
Ichinose Takae
PP. 89 - 98
VPDCA サイクルを活用し,積極的生徒指導の視点に立った生徒会活動の支援のあり方
Utilizing the VPDCA Cycle: A Way to Support Student Council Activities Based on Active Student Guidance
Yoshida Hiroyasu
PP. 99 - 111
A Systematic Approach to Identify the Features of Waka Poems
Mine Naomi
PP. 126 - 112